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Posts posted by Duma

  1. Yeah, I don't think many rivers could swallow such an extra amount of water. Even if it rains endlessly for a whole week here, there won't be so much mm's of water. The "floods" here are nothing compared to it.

    I hope you and your families are all okay.

  2. I was wondering which dailies everybody did and why?


    These are the ones I do and why:


    • Free Jelly: Free food. Always nice to eat or to sell (or discard lately for the rubbish avatar)
    • Free omelette: same reason as the jelly, but I don't discard these, since they sell for at least 10NP
    • Bank interest: Free NP. Makes sense.
    • Altador Prizes: I still hope some new prizes will come one day, for now, discard for rubbish avatar.
    • Apple Bobbing: had some nice prizes already, so I keep on bobbing.
    • Shop till: well, yeah doesn't really need explanation.
    • Weltrude's ToyChest: gives out free NP or some cute items (Pinixy Keyring is my favorite!)
    • The wheel of Mediocrity: why? Good question. I guess it still gives some NP, I gain more then I loose.
    • The wheel of Excitement: AVATAR!
    • Wheel of Slime: free NP
    • Tiki Tack Tombola: Hoping for good prizes
    • The Shop of Offers: Free NP
    • Deserted Tomb: AVATAR!
    • The Wheel of Knowledge: AVATAR!
    • Fruit Machine: free stuff.
    • Wise old king: free books sometimes. Its fast, I just click: Never Trust and that's it. (how depressing...)
    • Turmaculus: well, when he's a sleep, but I try everyday so its a daily.
    • Coltzan's Shrine: free stuff, hoping for BD stats to help my training.
    • Buried Treasure: AVATAR!
    • The Discarded Magical Blue Grundo Plushie of Prosperity: already have the avatar, but I don't want a plushie to be lonely. (gives free toys/np/items)
    • Qasalan Expellibox: I hope to get free NC one day
    • Healing Springs: I don't know why really, since you can go every 30 minutes, it's just on my dailies list.
    • Mysterious Symol Hole: I hope to get some items out off it, then see what I do with them.
    • The Laboratory: my BD pet needs to become a robot Kacheek, but It's also a nice way to get all the avatar pets, eventually.
    • Edna's Quest: AVATAR... as soon as I have it I will NEVER do it again!
    • Faerie caverns: I hope to get the Patamoose one day.
    • Anchor Management: free stuff
    • Forgotten Shore: Free stuff that could be expensive! Had a draik egg before.
    • Daily Puzzle: NP and sometimes an item
    • Mysterious Negg Cave: the items aren't worth it, but I like the sudoku like puzzle.
    • Mystery Island Training School: is also daily since my training takes 24hours/session.
    • Battledome: I do some battles daily. Free codestones for my training.


    When I have more NP I might add The Wheel of Extravagance until I have the avatar.


    So, how about you guys (and girls), are there other dailies you do? If so, why? Do you have different reasons? Share, share, share!

  3. Something has happened! toothfaerie.gif For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you 214 Neopoints!!!


    2 page views after i get this:


    Something has happened! toothfaerie.gif For a lost tooth, the tooth faerie gives you 40 Neopoints!!!


    With an aged account I don't know if I am supposed to get fake teeth now or not... But I think she is just hitting them out and acting nice/covering it up with nice-ness with the NP reward.

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