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Posts posted by Duma

  1. Deserted tomb, the one that needs a FFQ, Wheel of excitement, Wheel of knowledge, a few game avatars but I should practice those more I guess. just been proving to myself that I can beat my own highscores in the most terrible games. So why not at these games?


    Most of the ones I just don't seem to get are luck based/random event based avatars.

  2. I collect avatars. When I have a new stamp I will put it in my album, but I'm not actively searching/collecting them.

    I also collect unpainted petpets for my gallery.

    And I kinda "collect" toys, so I will never discard or sell a toy. And I want many different plushies too to play with my pets, I love plushies...

  3. I do like the idea but I think Platinum looks too much like silver, I would prefer diamond ;)

    I don't think it will be implemented though, since they changed the trophy system already because of too many complaints of people not being able to come online everyday, but doing all the challenges when they were able to come online. If your internet isn't working for a day, you can still get gold now (The extra day of release prize is mostly buyable) that would be impossible in your system and create complaints.

    (It's never going to be something everyone likes)

  4. http://www.thedailyneopets.com/articles/snowager/




    The Snowager is awake for the majority of the day, and you will not have the option to approach it. However, it falls asleep between 6-7am, 2-3pm, and 10-11pm (all times Neopian Standard Time).



    It's just luck to get the avatar with being blasted. I still need it myself. There is no time with more chance to get the avatar. You just visit him while a sleep and get blasted and get lucky.

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