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Posts posted by Duma

  1. Where I work, they don't "allow" tattoos for the people that come in contact with the customers. But almost everyone of those people has at least one tattoo. A lot of them climbed up in the company and are working with customers now, while they weren't when they started. The only time they covered up their tattoo is when they were applying for the job or the first few months when the "big boss" was visiting. The "big boss" is actually the only one that says its not allowed. Everyone else doesn't mind, neither do the customers.

    The Survey part of the company isn't allowed either since they also come in contact with customers, but most of them have tattoos and it's a branch were its actually strange if you don't have tattoos since they have to control cargo ships. The people working there are all tough men and they actually prefer a "normal" tattooed guy then a decent "office" guy.


    I can tell you, their tattoos are anything but small in our company and they won't wear long sleeves to cover them up. Some of them don't even do so when the big boss is around. They just don't care. (and can't be fired for something like that as long as they do their jobs)

  2. Siniri, are you sure the numbers of all words are right? I kinda feel like something doesn't make sense. I really can't see the word and cant make out what letters are needed...



  3. You believe him but not me? I was stuck in an oil filled bath in a room with a barricaded door. He is wearing a bulletproof suit? Kinda suspicious right?

    Police: Arrest him too, we'll figure it out later.

  4. No, I think that is just fine. The age of the account doesn't really matter as far as I know. Maybe its a bit weird that it is older, but it shouldn't be a problem.


    I did change my main once too, but after a year or so I decided to just stick with my old account as my main. So I switched back and will never change main again now. If I make new ones, they will just stay sides even if they have better names. (But my main name isn't too bad, I just dislike the numbers)

  5. Can that person receive gifts from other people? If he/she can it might be a glitch and I would sent in a ticket. If that person just can't receive gifts from anyone the problem is probably not on your end...

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