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Posts posted by Duma

  1. Wildbreeze, its a mixture of whole grains like oat and wheat. In the one I had these grains were baked and there are with some swelled cereals in it like rice. Normal muesli isn't baked and often has nuts and raisins in it, but the one I had didn't. It's really healthy.


    I just had some bami. (Chinese noodles)

  2. For the two games you have these links:

    http://www.neopets.com/games/game.phtml?game_id=1363 - Score 100 points to get 1000NP
    http://www.neopets.com/games/game.phtml?game_id=1362 - Score 1000 points to get 1000 NP

    Then you have a daily trivia.
    The first two answers you are able to find out by clicking on the trivia first (to see the question) close it, click on meet the characters, Find the info you need then go back to the trivia. You get 1000NP.

    Yesterday/first answer was Swallow Falls. Today the answer is Manny for "who became the cameraman?"


    Next is the "Foodimal hunt"


    You can find hints on where to find them by clicking on them in the picture. (The hamburger spider, top right, The leek dinosaurs (that apparently are onions) on the left and the vegetable on the left above the dino but below the monkey and bone. I hope this makes sense.)


    Wild Scallion



    I also found these links on the boards, but not sure if it's just to go back after finding the foodimals, some people are saying these links are the ones that work fine to find them:




    There should be 11 Foodimals, but I have only been able to find 3. Maybe we'll get to find more every week?



    Oh, and don't use an ad-blocker or you won't see them.

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