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Posts posted by wakka9ca

  1. I am not sure it depends on how you interpret the editorials. I always find TNT's handling of games rules often quite ambiguous and unsatisfactory. Instead of fixing the bugs and clarifying the rules in their games, they release arbitrary rules through editorials (some of them which honestly don't make much sense). For example, it seems quite widespread to right-click on your browser before aiming for the coconut shy in order to make your mouse appear. Technically, by the strict definition of the editorial, it should be considered cheating because it *might* not be "intended to be played that way". The question would be: did TNT intented the mouse to not display? Another example where it is actually considered cheating would be skipping turns in KeyQuest to avoid power-downs.


    Sometimes it's ambiguous... since only TNT knows what is the "intended" way to play the game is. (Personally not a big fan of the TNT editorials to be honest).


    Obvious cheating is completely different: tampering with game, using auto-players/bots, hacking into their servers, etc.

  2. oh Thank you for the tips, I'm still like :/ 2 days old account so it's really hard to get everything working again. ZZZ I tried advertising the neoboards but nothing seems to work. Is the Auction a reliable source? Because I tested it with an Angelpuss and lost 2k profit LOL

    Nowadays, an uncolored Angelpuss goes for about less than 200NP... I do remember a time where they were worth a few thousands though....


    Edit: More money making tips:


    1 - Play Habitarium like mad (150k NP per day at highest level)

    2 - Train your pet

    3 - Fight in the battledome to earn codestones and rare items (average 3-4 codestones per day)

    4 - Complete 5 faerie employment agency jobs (20k-30k per day)


    Unfortunately, with a new account you cannot profit from Food club. Otherwise, that's another easy source of income.


    Forget about restocking unless you really like to sit there refreshing a page...

  3. I don't know how in the world people get so much.

    There should be a new version of the "how to make 200k NP per day" guide. And no, you don't have to play a lot of flash games to reach that amount. It's mostly Habitarium (up to 150k/day) + Food club (at least 50% ROI on average) + Faerie employment agency (20-30k/day).

  4. I have been locket out of Habitarium once every 1-1.5 month or so, even after taking all the precautions... July has been quite ugly since I got locked out twice within 2 weeks. Clearly, sending tickets is no longer an option with that frequency.


    The merge method only worked once or twice for me and I had to patiently try it for a few hours. However, the reset fix always work. After exhausting the other methods (ticket, merge, etc.), I now simply don't even bother with them. I just go directly with the reset if the merge does not work within half an hour. The positive side of reset is that you keep all your items, including eggs. So you can keep a good supply of eggs to boost your level ups and population if a reset happens. However, do not keep too many items in your bag at the risk of triggering the impossible-to-fix inventory lockout.


    Some words of caution (from experiencing so many lockouts and resets):

    -make sure to select the same playing field as before the reset. Otherwise, your game will be completely messed up.

    -Do not level up too fast after reset (i.e. with eggs). Make sure you progress through the tutorial messages properly, building what you are supposed to build one at a time. Otherwise, your game will be messed up.

    -Please also note that keep resetting your habitarium might compromise your account. However, so far, I haven't gotten frozen for resetting the Habitarium but it does not necessarily mean it is 100% safe to do so. I really got fed up with lockouts so I don't care anymore.

  5. The price up is bad for the Red stone users who need 5-6 of them, but not necesarily for the users with only 1-2 of them. 1-2 red codestone is still on average cheaper than 8 regular codestones.


    Oh well, I don't really care because I stockpiled an obsene amount of red codestones for my personal training. Not gonna sell them back. Only for personal use.

  6. My advice for everyone is to NEVER zap a pet you want to keep the species, gender, color... etc. The reason is pretty obvious: don't take any chances and be patient with BD training.


    If I played this game for 11+ years, I would not mind waiting another 2-3 years to train my pet properly.


    You can always change your pet back using morphing potions + brushes. Consider that an option if you really want it back on that particular pet.

  7. I hope those choosing the Sway will take a lesson from last time and put the work in. We don't want a secret "ASG" to make some other faction win just for spite (that's what happened last week). I hope to do at least 400 battles against each boss on mighty.

    Well griefers are very common in online games. They also sometimes have a twisted and unyielding ideology about "how" to play a game.

  8. I bought two SFF for 2mil each. I don't think they will deflate any lower than 2mil. They can only rise from that price point.

    I would not be 100% sure on that because TNT tends to release more and more powerful BD weapons every year...


    Stamps are a more stable investment because they are not re-released or cannot be supplanted by a new release...

  9. I like the Faerie's Ruin theme because it has the nicest color scheme.


    However, I love the anime design for Treasure Keepers characters. Unfortunately, I don't have Treasure Keepers theme so I'm sticking to the Ruin theme.

  10. I would safely bet on the Seekers simply because they never won. I would assume if Seekers were a choice again, it will probably win for the first time. That being said I am not happy that my original faction the Seekers are not getting enough love.

  11. Having one of your Neopets play with it will have them turn into a Pirate Krawk. If you don't want that to happen, you should sell it. They're about 400,000 - 450,000 on the trading post.


    They are not very rare and are given out a lot from that Daily.

    Yeah, I have even seen them abandoned in the Money Tree :D


    But I suggest you keep it because you might want a Pirate Krawk in the future. It's a limited edition pet.

  12. Well you can either get some severely inflated items sold very fast for NP or sit on it for a while to the get more long-term stable investment.


    I am not 100% sure the Finger will inflate that much. After all these years, non-retired BD items kept deflating except a semi-temporary inflation when the War occured. To me, the best and most stable BD weapons are always the HT ones with a fixed price. :)


    (Also, Eventide PB is deflating? It was not even that expensive in the first place so it's gonna be hilarious if the Finger gets more expensive than the PB)

  13. Well, my pet is already Eventide. So I don't feel bad for only having 3500 points. I am honestly not impressed by the finger and the wig. The finger is 15 icons but I am already into the Hidden Tower weapon set (18 icons)... The wig... doesn't fit with any of my pets.


    Good job to anyone who can afford those with AC points. I suppose I can buy them using NP but really don't need them...


    Some people don't care about helping their team much, all they want is being the top player of the event and have LOADS of prize points. Topgamer_6 admitted to have done 1 goal SOSD every day of the cup.

    Which brings out the question of what exactly are they playing the AC for? It's not for NP because if you spending that much time much more wisely on Neopets, you can win much more than AC rewards.

  15. Today, I made nearly identical bets to Hugo, except I replaced a safety on Franchisco in Lagoon (which would have paid 56:1) with one on Orvinn in Harpoon Harry's (which would have paid 104:1) once I realized that my overall chances of having a winning bet only changed by 1.2% (63.5% vs. 62.3%), because Federismo had a 78% chance of winning in Lagoon to Buck's mere 62% chance in Harpoon Harry's (meaning there was more chance for an upset in Harpoon Harry's). I'll gladly sacrifice 1.2% chance of getting any winning bet for a chance to get nearly double the money, especially when we're talking winning well over 800k (net) if that 104:1 comes in. I chose Orvinn over Stuff-A-Roo because Orvinn opened at 11:1 vs. Stuff's 13:1, so I figured he was slightly less of a long shot (especially since that 13:1 could be 25:1 or even worse) -- plus since Orvinn was now paying 13:1, that increased the expected value of the bet (to over 19k, vs. less than 14k for Fran -- meaning the Orvinn bet would pay off substantially more in the long run).


    I always look at each arena rather than going to the "collect winnings" page, to slowly discover the results. I breathed a sigh of relief when I saw that Federismo had indeed won in Lagoon. As I clicked on Harpoon Harry's, the last arena, I knew I had ~62% chance of 48:10 (with no upset), ~25% chance of 40:10 (with an Edmund upset), ~9% chance of 104:10 (with an Orvinn upset), leaving me with ~4 to 8% chance of nothing (if the one pirate I didn't bet on won). I'd bet those odds any day of the week! Of course when I clicked over, I saw that Stuff-A-Roo had indeed won, leaving me with nada. *sigh*


    And that's the thrill of Food Club for you, boys and girls.


    Yes, I found today was a very very interesting day in Food Club.

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