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Posts posted by wakka9ca

  1. First make sure you are actually at the appropriate level for DoN before you attempt it. This is DoN S1 LEVEL 8 for Henchman. This is because DoN does not work anymore. For example, since BETA I am stuck at the Brain Tree. No matter how many times I will beat the Henchman I will not trigger the avatar nor the trophy because I am still at the Brain Tree Level.


    In other words make sure you are actually at the right level for the DoN before it went down (last year). I am pretty sure you cannot just randomly beat an opponent of higher level out of order without going through all the lower levels. However, since DoN is completely dead (to my knowledge) there is no way to trigger it if you don't have the prerequisite. I could be wrong though so someone correct me if I am.

  2. He/She probably means Wand of the Dark Faerie. Given out after completing Jhudora's Quest level 50.

    If you want to replace your HCC, go with I-Staff, as it blocks dark.(I think) It's cheaper than WotDF.

    Wand of the Dark Faerie is more expensive, but has higher attack, higher heal (25% instead of 20% in I-Staff), and reflects light (75%).


    Well yeah I wanted to point that out in case he/she was getting confusing between Wand of the Dark Faerie and Jhudora's Wand, which are NOT the same thing.

  3. Thanks everyone for the advice! - I have someone who is trying to sell my Jhudora's Wand as well. I might try and buy that... then use the remainder to buy stat-boosters.



    If I have the chance to buy Jhudora's Wand or Illusen's Staff... which one should I get?


    Beware Jhodora's Wand is not the same as Illusen's Staff. One is a multi-purpose reflector (for light) the other is a multi-healer. Not sure which is more useful....

  4. Ok if you are more into 2P then it becomes a bit more tricky. I personally do not have much experience in high tier 2P battles.


    Sword of Ari can be replaced by Pirate Captain Cutlass in order to deal some light icons to go through SOF but overall, PCC performs much worse against the other shields... so stick with Ari.


    If you really want to cover everything, try to use weapons that are not necessarily high number of icons but deal in weird element combinations. You can build an arsenal of more than 8 HT-tier equipments and then swap between them in order to confuse/trick any 2P that might want to have a rematch with you.

  5. I currently use the RFFR and it seems to run OK. You just have to be very cautious and careful about when to use it.


    Remember that many of these items are rather moderately ETS (easy to sell) so you are not necessarily losing too much of investment when you decide to upgrade even further. If you have trouble trading some of the expensive upgrades you can always try TDN forums.


    With that budget, I would suggest RFFR + Ghostkerbomb


    Hubrid Nox Memorial Shield is also something you should be looking forward to.


    GKB is the best bomb you can find. There is no upgrade to it (ok... fine, it becomes kinda obsolete IF you have an attack pea... and big IF)

  6. I don't think there are many upgrade options left for you. I would actually really suggest you train your pet as hard as possible because at this point, it's more effective to train your pet than getting new weapons, unless you are trying to participate in a league.


    I would aim for Illusen's Staff as a multihealer since you seem to be resourceful enough to gather at least 250M NP worth of wealth so far.

  7. In most cases that I've seen, people will make back when they spent on the cookie - and more.


    At the end of the day you are paying to get more NC... which are not redeemable as real money. So at the end of the day, it's just a NC discount....If this recycle was for free it would have been another story...


    Of course, worried about those NP items...

  8. I think I am more skeptical about the fact that you need to pay NC.... to get rid of NC... Seems like something Honest Pete could have thought of... :sad01_anim:


    If I put it a different way: you can pay to get rid of junks to get more junks :)


    Of course, there is that NP items controversy once again.

  9. Well, the denial and persecution of homosexual relationship is not necessarily restricted to religions. There are many political regimes that are as secular as it can be but show the same level of openness as some of the most religious fundamentalist. What your are describing is the persecution of a minority. Like you agreed on, religion is only one part of the problem. Even without religion, homosexual relationship are still badly perceived in many societies due to misconceptions, prejudices, ignorance or simply bigotry. It's very hard to get rid of.


    Even in Christianity, the Bible does not *explicitly* imply that homosexual relationship is sinful. There are instances which it seems like it condemns homesexuality but in fact can be interpreted as condemning abuse and unhealthy relationships. I don't think there is a passage that explicitly prohibit homosexual relationship other than the ones condemning relationship outside of marriage (which simply means there is a loophole in the Bible in a sense that it does not take into account many of the sociocultural changes that happened in the last century). Thus, it's the interpretation of religion that is problematic. Clashes between different sects are simply due to different interpretation of the same sacred texts, where the original meanings were often lost in translation. People obsessed with the absolute "truth" have a hard time accepting the fact that there might be alternate "truths".

  10. @Mireia and Xandria:


    Devout anti-theism is just as bad as the things they hate the most: the imposition of a belief - that of anti-theism.


    What you described so far in terms of negative effect of religion can also be seen in socio-cultural aspects outside of religion, notably despotism, excessive capitalism and most of the extreme forms of activism in the world. These are not effects uniquely restricted to religions, but more of human social tendencies as a whole.


    Religion is not the root of all the problems. Some of them yes but not all of them. An entirely secular state does not mean those same problems are not going emerge.

  11. The third option is misleading since it says "don't know", implying ignorance. As such, there should be a fourth option:

    "Religion is neither good nor bad, it depends on how it is interpreted and what poltical/social/cultural driving force is behind its interpretation"


    Of course, I assume we are talking about the Abrahamic religions in general, which are interestingly monotheistic religions. Monotheistic religions usually put the emphasis on a centralized authority (ultimately God).


    There are too many differences among different "religions" (and cults) to reduce it to a question of "good or bad". Too much simplification is involved.

  12. Thanks for the encouragement for the obelisk war. I am too fed up with it after suffering the same 6-flare-lens-in-a-row bug you encountered. Unfortunately, my amount of dedication is idling for 80% of year doing nothing but collecting bank interest. I check in December every year to collect advent calendar but that's about it. Due to being too busy I missed 90% of the plots in the past 11 years (only did a bit of Meridell War, a bit of Lost Desert and then Faerie's Ruin). Only picked back recently because I'm relatively less busy...


    Let's see how long I can last this time before going into hibernation mode again. I hope to at least participate in this year's ACVIII.


    EDIT: oh right, most of my wealth comes from farming Habitarium for a long time. Almost forgot to mention that important point. I purchased my HT weapons using NP farmed through Habitarium. Initially, I was pretty surprised on how easy it was to get a few millions per month just through Habitarium.


    Anyway, now back on topic about codestones :)

  13. It does take years of effort to both train your pet and get good equipments. I can see years of dedication in your account :)


    Right now, I am aiming for HT-grade freezer and healer, which will total 20mil+... It will probably take me about 25 weeks to become comfortable enough with my bank account to spend that money. I hope the price will not inflate by then (fingers crossed).


    Overall, in the grand scheme of things, we can agree that it's still too early to determine what exactly will be the price of the red codestone in long term. The BD is still in BETA, which means that those nifty faerie abilities might get changed in the future. So I guess the conclusion for the more prudent will be... to wait. Wait until everything stabilize and the BD comes out of Beta (if it will ever come out of it but this is TNT...). I also wish the training system would be cheaper than it currently is. Wished they had the Academy for higher levels using dubbloons instead :S.

  14. When I moved from regular to red codestones, it was close to a wash whether reds or regulars were cheaper (at the max training school level vs. 1 red). If you're at level 100 and ramp up as fast as possible to 250, it'll take months. And you're banking that not everyone at your training level (and above) is doing the same thing. By the time you get there, the majority of those training could be in reds -- and there are a lot fewer reds released every day than regulars. And as people move to the higher and higher red training levels, the demand for reds will only continue to increase. Increased demand = increased price. Meanwhile, the demand for regulars will decrease, decreasing their price. By the time you get there, it may not pay off any more, and you could either level back down (wasting all that time and NP, but saving on all your other trainings), or be stuck paying more for all 3 stats. at least you'd be able to train very often -- if you could afford it.


    If I were level 200+, I would probably jump into reds early. If I were below 200, I'd be pretty leery of the inflation flipping on me before i could get to reds, and then get stuck paying more (in either reds or more regulars). Then again, I know how many years of consistent training it took to get my stats to where they were.


    Reds are falling pretty nicely again, I think as people sell more to make up for having to buy regulars. Zeds can be found for under 15k occasionally, and I've gotten some of the others at under 5k.


    It's not actually accurate to say that the demand for regular codestones will decrease, since there will always be new pets that want to train. The price might stabilize but there is no particular reason the demand will decrease.


    At 6-7 codestones, even with the average price of 6k per codestone it will cost about 40k (that's being very conservative in terms of estimate). Even if the cost of red codestones go to 50k, the shorter training time for reds at lv250 would make up for the increased price. The ceiling of the red price should be close to the total price of the normal codestone (expect to be slightly higher). For example, I am willing (and ready) to pay up to 50k for a red codestone in the future. In the worst situation, even if the cost might end up higher, the training could be faster.


    In any case, training is simply a matter of how much resource and time you can afford to spend. It's clearly a gamble but far from being an unreasonable one. Personally, I would prefer not to use the training school at all and bank all on faerie quest from fortune cookies.


    Alternatively, you can hoard all the red codestone right now. I am not a big fan of such market manipulation tactics though, although many users have the potential resources to pull that out.

  15. Besides, if everyone ramped up to the red stone level, the regular codestones would be probably be next to worthless. Look at how TNT messed up (IMHO) with the new faeries. Most types are pretty much below 1k, While the Light Faeries are maybe 8x the cost of the cheapest other types, or an even higher multiple at times. granted it's nice tehy came down from 60k+. But there's really no price balance in place for them, and most of the types of new faeries aren't of much use. it restricts rather than grows. You know?



    There has to be an order to things, otherwise there would be only chaos. Besides, if you just battle, or play keyquest and train with codestones you win, saving your red codestones until you get to that training range, then by the time you are finally AT level 250, you should have a mess of Red Stones saved up and not have to buy ANY codestones for a good long time while you're training. On top of that, because other people are below level 250 and need regular codestones, you can SELL the regular ones you get from random events and the battledome. So that not only are you SAVING NP by not having to buy Red Stones, but you ALSO will be making NP by selling the regular ones.

    Thanks for the reply. I think we should have a good discussion/debate on this...


    First, the order of training should shifts depends on the market price of the codestones. Just like everyone used to train HP higher than 2xLV until they reach close to the next bracket of training in order to save codestones, I don't think it's not wrong or impatient to train for levels only past LV100. It's not really a time issue but more a NP issue.


    Talking about patience, I totally understand what you mean. Soon receiving the 11 years badge, I certainly don't mind training for 2-3 more years, assuming NP is still alive by then. Here I am just making a point right now that you save more NP training with red codestone past a certain point. Even before the deflation of red codestone prices, this was true. Even if the red codestone price goes up again, you can sell regular codestone to buy red codestone, etc. Then again, I might be biased because I personally do not mind the old red codestone price because I have a very high income of NP. Maybe that's why I have a tendency to suggest gambling on the current market.

  16. I'm pretty in awe of the SuAP just because of how much it's worth.. I too would be very interested to know how much it used to be worth before it retired.

    Well a 6-7 years ago it was already at like 500 million NP.


    It (semi)-retired pretty fast actually, since there is only a fixed number of them created. In other words, there is no such thing as a "before retired" price. It was pretty much always in the hundreds of millions even before it sky rocketed to 1-2 billions. Anyone know the exact amount of them still left? Less than 25?


    Now if someone who has it discard it, it might still reappear in the cove. Not 100% sure they still enable that "restocking" feature. Wish they released the ones that are stuck in frozen accounts.

  17. It is 1 billion NP because as long as its current owners do not discard it, it will NEVER restock in the cove. In other words there is a limited number of this item in circulation and many of its owners are no longer active (i.e. quit neopet). I do not know how many of these are made but it might be lower than 100 in Neopia.


    To make matter worse, it is the strongest BD weapon in terms of raw power if you don't count Lord Darigan's sword.


    So 1B NP is not really expensive for an item of such caliber.

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