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Posts posted by wakka9ca

  1. Yes, for example, in bet 5176 (today), Tracey's booster paid off (yielding 70:10 and about 560k NP for me...it's a field day for me) while Hugo's went off the mark (good thing I chose Tracey today). In bet 5167, Hugo's bet yielded 88:10 as opposed to 12:10 for Tracey. It really depends on the day.

  2. Tracey's bet is good too. I record the winnings of both betters and they vary without major differences. The major winnings come from really odd bets and is purely luck. The consistent winnings come from a clever statistical method to determine the best bets (or simply through experience). I highly suggest to stick to one of them. If you feel confident enough you can choose to alternate between the two at your convenience.

  3. I simply play 3 games to get my NP. But then again, I do that on regular days too. I got burned out already for AC (as expected I couldn't last more than 2 weeks). My team isn't winning despite all the enthusiasm and I got tired of the same games over and over again. So no more grinding until the end of the month (yay!). Instead, I'm focusing on progressing on some of my Steam games...


    Honestly, props to the people that are still in this. I don't understand how anyone can suffer through thousands rounds of the same game over and over again within a short period of time. Not sure if I should be disturbed or sad.

  4. I've never tried it before. I've been hearing a lot more about it recently than I used to, and some people have been winning amazing amounts from it, but I've never been much of a gambler and I'd be too afraid of losing my NP. At least until I do more research on how it works.

    I don't think I ever lost NP with Food club on a monthly scale... ever....


    To say Food Club is profitable is an understatement. It's second to only Habitarium in terms of pure NP profit/time. Employment agency would come after. Nowdays, Battledome Beta also closely comes after.

  5. A person can enjoy a game without being a pro or doing good at it. There is nothing wrong if you do not fare well with games. You can collect games as a hobby as well without ever playing them (yes I'm looking at you, my Steam stash... :shiftyeyes_anim: ).


    Not all games are competitive. Depending on your personality, you might enjoy different types of games more than others. For example, I only play 100% single player games with minimum interaction with other players.


    Also, like Emily said, it doesn't matter who you are there are no barriers to playing and enjoying video games. You should try to ignore the external stereotypes put on you. I think it's more important to cultivate your inner self than conforming to certain labels. Then again, this is only me personal opinion.

  6. Hugo's bet is quite amazing actually. I only disagree with his bets once in a while when I think it's a bit risky or when he decides to deviate from his "system" that he came up with recently.


    Alternatively, you can try Tracey's bet too. Experienced better.


    I am entirely able to bet myself but it's less time-consuming to copy :)

  7. Honestly, don't do this for the NP, it's not worth it. You can easily make 250k a day by running habitarium, betting on Food Club, playing a few high yeild games and doing jobs in employment agency. That takes about 1-2 hours of your time per day maximum. So the rate for it is more like 100k per hour of actual playing, which is 5 times higher than AC.


    You do this for the stuffs NP cannot buy, such as the trophy. If you want NP there are more efficient ways. If you want the items just buy them with NP you get from more efficient way. If you want to enjoy the Cup games or want the trophy, play AC like mad :)

  8. Simple AI pattern analysis, any decent team could have a proof of concept in 30 days, and a working system in 90.

    Legit players do not bounce their IP address through a proxy, nor make 25 million per month in RS, or turn in 3000 1-0 wins in yball.


    Like I said before, they are not necessarily sending raw scores. Some are true auto-player that will play the game for you, making it impossible to detect if one is cheating. Very hard to catch those...

  9. Well this is no longer a 'bye-day' apparently, since scores are being counted to your stats again. Which is quite unfair, since in my timezone it's pretty much bedtime now...

    And I thought I had a break from AC today. I wish I were in your timezone :)


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  10. Yes there are some tricks for playing YYB.


    For example the first 3 goals should not take you more than 2 seconds, each shaving 8 sec off leaving you at 2:30


    Then, you need to be more careful (but still easy to shake them off) for up to 7 goals.


    At goal 7, you need to go aggressive. I tend to alternate aggressive "dribbling" of the YY to dash straight again. With the timing right you can score within 1.5 seconds (and make yourself look good).


    When you get Fire YY you simply shoot at max from your starting position (fall back be careful of speedy forwards) a bit off center and you should score.


    Every goal shed off 8 seconds. On average, you should be making about 10 goals per game (or more if you are good). With about 10-12 goals scored by both you and AI, that's about 80-96 seconds off. Thus, a game of YYB should not go over 2 minutes, assuming you get rid of Darigan YY in time and skipping all the interscenes.

  11. So then what is more useful in the new Battledome? Uber items or high stats?


    There is a batance point between both depending on your stats. That is, if you want to really go picky with Damage vs. NP efficiency ratio.


    i think my worth is slightly more than 50M. Millions is really nothing these days. You can make 150k a day just by leaving Habitarium on 24/7. The effort is really minimal.

  12. You are not alone, I switched to training just level a month ago and working my way up very gradually, am level 154 ...but its so boring because you dont have the excitement of the power boosts when training strength and defence


    The price of codestones changing still makes it the best option, I think ,though and I can hardly wait to reach the magic 250 so I can start using reds at long last.


    I think red codestones are bound to keep creeping up in price as a lot of people are doing this now, and I am keeping any I win now.

    Im also using Faerie Quest Cookies to try to save on Codestones


    Yeah, make sure to keep the reds you get. I have a stash of 350 reds in my SDB now all obtained from BD beta. Thus, for me it`s safe to start training levels because I have enough backups.

  13. Yes, it's a good time to power-train to level 250. Gradually stockpile red codestones. You just reached the 300 boost, which is good.

    Although I forecast red codestones going up in price as more pets reach level 250.

    Yeah I think we had this discussion earlier in this thread before.


    It's really a great unkown because BD is still in BETA. Since this is TNT, I expect the BETA phase to be around for at least another 6 months...

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