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Posts posted by ~Ğǿǿmy~

  1. New Pokemon! I'm probably in the minority of people who really look forward to the Bird pokemon. I love birds in real life so I enjoy seeing the designs and what birds they are based on - this Robin critter is so cute!


    I am very pleased with these so far, I love the fact you can ride the goat. That is amazing. And the panda is incredibly cute. I'm so excited for these games!

    Same here! All the pokemon look great so far and can't wait for the games to come out!

  2. 1: Will this be your first AC? If not, how many ACs will this make for you?

    This will be my 6th Altador Cup i will be competing in. I have really tried hard in the last 4 however.
    2: Are you joining the same team as you did last year? If not, where will you go?

    Yes i am joining Meridell again, the same as last year!
    3: What are you most looking forward to this year?

    Either a new bracket system or a DRR (Double Round Robin)
    4: Who do you think has the best chance of winning?

    I think either Meridell or Mystery Island will take the cup this year.
    5: What rival team are you most looking forward to playing against?

    If by rival team you mean a stronger team, most likely Darigan Citadel and Mystery Island.
    6: Any AC goals? What are they?

    My AC goal is to get at least to Rank 10 so i no longer have a wooden shield.
    7: A change you're hoping they made to the event?

    I really want a fixed Bracket system.

    8: Something you're dreading?

    One thing i am dreading is if we will have the same format as last year.

  3. Well, I get that part of the reason the AC takes so long is that it runs in the summer, as it's incentive for players to log in during the summer slump. So I doubt that the AC will end too quickly. Maybe if each bracket lasts for only 3 days or so (like the skirmishes for the Obelisk) with a few days' breaks in between, then the slog will be less intolerable.


    IDK, I'm biased because I find Yooyuball extremely boring, especially after more than 30 minutes (but I hate missing out on site event trophies). At least with the Battledome stuff I could tune out and watch Netflix or Hulu while clicking. Yooyuball demands all your attention, especially with those ^!#$(#@* Darigan Yooyuballs. There's a huge difference between testing your skills versus just throwing you frustrating, luck-based game mechanics that serve no purpose but to annoy you to the nth degree.


    PS: Krawk Island forever! :P

    You know what you can do while playing Yooyuball, you can listen to music or your favorite card game opening. Thats what i usually do.




    The bracket system definitely needs some work, as we saw in the fiasco last year. We played a couple teams 5 times and didn't play others at all.


    I'm all for anything that makes the tournament shorter. It's fun for a week, but because of the amount of games you need to play, and there only being 4 games to choose from, it gets old and monotonous FAST. Not to mention a lot of people go on vacation this time of year or have other commitments so having it be a month long really sucks for some people. Personally, I would prefer an event this long and this tedious to take place in January/February.

    I agree with the date change, but also in January and February most of us will have school and we wont be able to play much. I think they do it in the summer because of the Summer Olympics. It would be cool if they added some different games and maybe some new teams.But that bracket system was super unfair especially for under par teams have to fight uber teams.

  4. Hm, I thought I commented on the whole "fairy type" thing before, but it seems all that I've said here is a general statement about there not being a new type.


    I think it's a dumb thing that parts of the fandom refuse to let go of. Introducing a new type would throw the existing type chart into havoc and likely unbalance things (Steel and Dark were added TO balance it, in an effort to nerf the overpowered psychic and provide more weaknesses and strengths to other types that were tipped a little too far in one direction or the other when they shouldn't be). On top of that, the basis of a "fairy" type specifically baffles me some. What would it have that isn't covered by Normal, or Flying, or Psychic? And people list Pokemon that would be changed to be fairy instead of their current types, such as Clafairy, Jigglypuff, and Chansey. All three are perfectly fine as normal types and top the lists simply because they're pink and fluffy. A lot of what I've seen selects the sweet, cute and/or feminine Pokemon to be fairy, completely nixing the fact that in most old lore, fairies are vain, vindictive brats who love nothing more than causing trouble. There are benevolent ones, sure, but as a race they tend to cause more issues than they solve. From what I've seen, those Pokemon (as a species at least, individuals notwithstanding) tend to be generally sweet and helpful and don't cause undo problems for passing trainers.


    I feel I should also point out that IF there was a new type, it would likely be reserved ENTIRELY for new Pokemon- even with Dark and Steel, only Magnemite and Magneton had their typing change, and that was an ADDITIONAL type, not a complete change from what they were (and it was obvious they were made of metal before so it just made total sense). No other Pokemon where changed to or had either Dark or Steel added to their typing.


    As for the fairy type's interaction with dragon- who in their right mind thinks dragon (big scaly fire-breathing thing), and then thinks fairy (usually small, uses elemental magic [nature-based stuff, fire, water]), and goes "Yes, faeries would TOTALLY stomp dragons!" To me, that just looks like an excuse for it to be added to the type chart. "SEE IT WOULD MAKE DRAGON WEAKER SEE." (Dragon, for the record, is meant to be really powerful and have few weaknesses because it's a DRAGON. Also Electric only has ONE weakness, Ground, and three resistances (Electric, Flying, Steel) to Dragon's 2 and 4 of each, and is far more common. Let's see someone go about nixing THAT instead)

    EXACTLY WHAT SAID! I go on another thread website and everyone is debating about there being a new type. Some call it Light, some call it Fairy. But why would they want to see a new type? And why do they expect such a drastic change in the pokemon games? It most likely going to be like Pokemon Black 2 + White 2 with 3D modules and a few new mechanics and features. Oh and dont forget the new pokemon! But its not going to be like totally different. And what you said, they type chart will be in such havoc and nobody will know what to do.




    EDIT: Hehe! Look at what i picked up at Target today: 2vsnept.jpg

    Thats right! I have both copies of the game pre ordered and i will be picking them up in october!

  5. TNT summed up into one sentence, bravo. :P



    I actually feel that there needs to be a limit to how long they drag things out, because often times things seem to take an eternity and by the time it's over everyone is tired of it and not remotely ready to be thrown into the next thing we all know TNT has waiting for us. I am in favor of whatever format makes the Altador Cup a reasonable length and won't leave us frustrated or twiddling our thumbs (they somehow managed to do both with the War).

    Lol nice. Yeah i agree with that too it can be a bit fustrating with a long Altador Cup.


    I'm afraid to speculate what it'll be exactly, I just know it'll be bad. ;)

    LOL. what if it is the original DRR? or the SRR?




    As long as it doesn't take a month again, I'm fine with whatever they throw at us. I have no idea how anyone can consistently log in enough wins every day for a month just to get to the higher level trophies. Apparently logging in ~1,000 goals last year was only good enough for Rank 4 out of 20-something. Seriously, who has that kind of time to go all the way for an entire month?

    How long do you want it to be?



    Surely, it won't be anything too sensible. Surely, we will all be sobbing in corners by the time the event is done. And I want more than anything for Kreludor to do better than any team has ever done the year after they won.

    Good Luck to Kreludor and all the teams in this years ACVIII

  6. Sorry for what is probably a dumb question, but what is the Winner's Curse?

    Thats not a dumb question at all. The Winner's Curse is a saying that the winner of a previous year of the Altador Cup does not place in the top 5 in the year after they win it.



    I think it's going to be basically the same as last year. I think they'll fix the brackets a bit, so each team actually goes up against the others, but it will be almost identical.


    I think that Kreludor will break through the Winner's Curse and still do well. <3



    Sorry for not seeing your post earlier! I hope they do improve the bracket systems. It was unfair with the brackets since they day the teams were placed in the bracket, it was frozen there


    Day 1 Final Day in Bracket:

    1. Meridell 1. Meridell

    2. Mystery Island 2. Mystery Island

    3. Maraqua 3. Maraqua

    4. Faerieland 4. Faerieland

    5. Moltora 5. Moltora

    or one team would go up once. Also, i hope they make the Altador Cup longer than it was last year. I really enjoy when the Altador Cup goes into late July or early August

  7. From Serebii, on the CoroCoro info. Sweet I called it. :D

    I know right! And thats not all, Nintendo of America has revealed the localized name for the four new pokemon!

    They are:



    Following its reveal in CoroCoro on Saturday, The Pokémon Company has now announced the US names of the latest Pokémon. First, Gogoat shall be known as Gogoat. Elikiteru will be known as Helioptile, Yayakoma will be known as Fletchling and Yancham will be known as Pancham. In addition to this, they have also confirmed a few other bits. First, the Karos Region shall be called Kalos and Miare City shall be called Lumiose City The move Parting Remark will be called Parting Shot and Parabola Charge will be Parabolic Charge

    It also confirms that at certain points you'll be able to get new outfits and accessories for your Trainer! It also confirmed diagonal movement. They also sent a new batch of directfeed screenshots, which have been added to our pre-release screenshot page. Click the image to go to the page.




    Also there is speculation that there will be a new type, the Fairy type, is weak to Poison and Steel, immune to Dragon, and super effective against Dragon, Dark, and Fighting-type..Not only Sylveon, but also other pokemon will be changed to fairy type. So Mawile will be Fairy/Steel. Also Clefairy will be a Fairy type.


    What do you think about the Fairy type? I feel that it is unnecessary and a terrible idea. Any thoughts?

  8. I like them, they're neat! Gogoat looks interesting, I can't wait to see how its overworld feature works.


    Also, I love that we're getting some customization. I've never minded static sprites, but in this age of gaming avatar customization is where it's at. Even just a little, with hair and skin, goes a long way. I wonder if we'll be able to get minor clothes changes later? That'd be neat, and it'd be easier to render them in a 3D environment than it would to sprite new clothes for all of the poses.

    I love Gogoat! Its what i wanted to see! A goat! And the custumization is great! I love them. I also like Elikiteru cause its just hilarious in its own way.




    These Pokemon look great!

    I especially like the panda (Yanchamu) and the lizard C: Both are considerations to add to my team in X/Y.


    By the way, now that there's 6 generations, there's a chance to make sort of an "ultimate team" with one Pokemon from each generation.

    Anyone thinking about doing this in x/y? If they make Pokemon from each generation available.


    EDIT: Also great that we're getting customization. Would've preferred for us to be able to change the hair in general, but this is cool too.

    I love the lizard too :]




    Terrible! Simply terrible , these pokemon look like some overdone manga fanart's. I think i'll quit watching/playing that season..... this isn't just pokemon anymore....sad

    Which ones do you not like?




    EDIT: Does anyone want to take a guess at when they will release Sylveon's type? :o

  9. Actually I think the symbol in it's little circle just matches it's ear


    However, the EAR being a wing shape does point to a bug or flying type.

    Yeah i see that too :3 i always thought it was bug or flying.


    Four new pokemon have been revealed by CoroCoro! Here is a picture:




    First, the Pokémon on the far right is called Gogoat (ゴーゴート literally Gohgohto) and is the Riding Pokémon. It's Grass-type, 1.7m and 91.0kg. You can actually ride this Pokémon in the field. It can learn Horn Leech

    The lizard is called Elikiteru (エリキテル) and is a Electric/Normal-type. It is the Generation Pokémon and is 0.5m and 6.0kg. It has a new move called Parabola Charge which heals the user while damaging opponents. It uses solar rays to generate electricity

    The bird is called Yayakoma (ヤヤコマ) and is the Japanese Robin Pokémon. It is Normal/Flying, 0.3m and 1.7kg

    The panda is called Yanchamu ( ヤンチャム) and is the Naughty Pokémon. It is Fighting-type, 0.6m and 8.0kg. It has a new move called Parting Remark.



    All pictures/info are from serebii.



    What do you think of these new pokemon?


    I actually like all of them!


    EDIT #1: More photos have arrived from Corocoro! Seen here: corocoro5132.jpg



    The game is set in the Karos Region which appears to be based on France. You can customise your trainer slightly with hair colour and skin shade. Main city is Miare City


    All pictures/info are from serebii.


    EDIT #3:

    Here is the cover of the new Corocoro issue.


    It shows the four new pokemon and the boxart of X and Y


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  10. A new trailer was released for the new movie: ExtremeSpeed Genesect and the Reawakening of Mewtwo, which is seen here:

    and does infact show Mewtwo "transforming" in its new form, which on the JP pokemon.com is called "Post-Awakened Form" What do you think about the name?


    ALSOOO..Sylveon was shown, in the trailer and at the end you get a glipse of this: nx9mh0.png Which has this symbol: wjcriu.png which looks alot like Burgh's Insect Badge shown here: 19nmrp.png but rotated alittle, so do you think Nintendo is telling us its a bug type? What do you guys think?

  11. In all honesty why can't it just be Mewthree instead of a new form of Mewtwo? I just told my brother and he said "Wait it is Mewthree?" and I told him that it was just a new form of Mewtwo.

    exactly i would of liked it much better if it was like voltorb how it was a messed clone of mewtwo or mew not a new form.

  12. ohmygod that pre drowzee thing

    i dont care if its fake i need one -drools-




    oh btw


    it has nothing to do with X and Y, I just found it amusing.

    LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL. random post for the win.




    Personally, I think it's a fully new Pokemon. I've heard theories involving it being:


    • A form change for Mewtwo
    • A pre/post evolution of Mewtwo
    • An evolution of Mew
    • Team Rocket trying to clone Mew/Mewtwo


    And each of those doesn't work for various reasons.


    The form change one, I can't see happening. You'll note that all form changes- not new evos or pre-evos, not regional differences, actual FORM changes- all came in the same generation that the Pokemon was released in, just a game later. Deoxys, Giratina, Kyurem, the God Trio, ect, ect. They've never given a new form to a past-gen Pokemon, and I think I know why:

    A Pokemon native to an area, especially one that is unique or otherwise incredibly rare, is going to be primarily studied in it's home habitat, and therefore it's home region. Even if someone from another region makes the discovery, it'll still be made in that region. As such, since we're working on the assumption that the games are somewhat linear in timeline, any discovery about said old legends will be made in Kanto, Jhoto, ect, which are all very far away from Unova and our next region. As such, we have no way of interacting with these new forms, and Game Freak isn't going to make them when they can make all sorts of cool new crap.

    (Wow did that make sense? I started rambling a bit whoops)


    As for the pre/post evo of Mew or Mewtwo, or some "missing link" between them: Legends don't evolve. Ever. End of story. It's a fundamental law of the games.


    As for it being Team Rocket, the games have never made an connection between the Rockets and Mew/Mewtwo. The anime has, yes, but in the games it's just a nameless scientist team in Cinnabar. The anime may try and go that way, but in the game's canon, it's not gonna happen.


    That leaves us with "it's entirely new, it just happens to look like Mewtwo".


    Exactly what i think. We will most likely know in four days when corocoro releases! or in 1-2 days for the leak of CoroCoro

  13. It might not have anything to do with Mewtwo, but if that's true, it has some rather extreme similarities. We'll find out eventually.


    Also, that Drowsee pre-evo is almost certainly fake. Just look at the game screenshot- it looks almost entirely flat, which wouldn't happen with a screenshot of a 3D game, and I've never seen a preview screenshot or sprite even that was full on from the front- there's always a slight angle to them, off to one side or the other. And on top of all that the shadow's not angled right or long enough. The art of it on the page is also shaded in a COMPLETELY different manner from the other art on the page AND the art we've seen so far for Sylveon, Froakie, ect (not to mention badly done- where the heck is their light source)

    Anime do you think this new pokemon is a form change or a new pokemon? ;3

  14. GUYS ! Guess what ? I've found this , which seems to be a pre Evolution of my beloved Drowzee


    I just hope it's real *drools*

    Sadly it is most likely a fake,

    Corocoro does not even print for a few days. Also CoroCoro does not release for another week so its most likely fake. :/





    In other news, No new pokemon from Pokemon Smash :/. Or do we?

    we have this pokemon shown here:


    Do you think it is a new pokemon? Or is it just another form of Mewtwo?

  15. awesome, i can't wait 8D

    the question mark brings up something i heard that said that they were going to make missingno an actual pokemon, but that's unlikely

    that would be very unlikely since it was a mistake made by nintendo, i wouldnt want to think that they would make it a pokemon..




    Why do people believe and spread that sort of thing.... making MissingNo real is actually an even more ridiculous rumor than a "light" or "sound" type. @_@ The box is just so they don't give away any spoiler details. I'd be prepared to bet that the round egg shape is just a placeholder as well.

    I agree, missingno seems quite ridiculous... but same with the new types. but how could they do a place holder with the pokemon? that would require alot of editing out. Its mostly just covering up the pokemon.




    April 5th, 2013 EDIT: Guys get ready! Tomorrow evening, which will be Sunday morning in Japan, we will get a new pokemon released! What do you guys think it will be? We will also get 2 other things. What do you think those will be? :]


    Cant wait till tomorrow!

  16. Well great news! (not from corocoro...) Pokemon Smash will be releasing a new pokemon in their show next week! here are two screen shots of the "pokemon":




    As you can see, its basically a circle with a ? atm... but soon, it will be a pokemon!its mostly going to be a flying pokemon since it shows very little one land.


    what type of pokemon do you think it will e?


    Also, a new trailer should air shortly!

  17. Nintendo hasn't come out with a new update for X and Y yet..;;

    Anyway I heard a theory that X and Y is based on chromosomes (and gender) so Sylveon's method of evolving would be it being a female with some other sort of evolution, and that there's a male counterpart (a fighting type, compared to Slyveon being a flying type) that evolves while being male with the same evolution.

    The only problem I have with this theory is that X and Y is probably based on the axis with it being 3D, and they wouldn't base the whole title on these two Pokemon. Thoughts?

    Very good idea. The only flaw with that though is that they have a eevee short coming out with the new movie in japan, and all they showed was Sylveon, no male conter part :/ It would be out of the ordinary though if they do not introduce a new eeveelution also.



    In other news... We will be receiving leaks most likely tomorrow from Corocoro! They have been leaking it today but nothing about X and Y but we will receive some!

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