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Posts posted by ~Ğǿǿmy~

  1. Wish I had found this thread/joined TDNForums before the season ended, because I'm a huge BB fan and would have loved to discuss it with you guys! Everyone hates on Andy but I think he played one of the best games of BB I've ever seen. He managed to get to the end being on pretty friendly terms with everyone in the house. He backstabbed almost all of them, yet they still voted for him to win. That's an amazing social game if I've ever seen one. Also, poor GM didn't stand a chance against him in the questions at the end--Andy is just so well-spoken. Now to wait for the next season...

    I agree with you he played smart at the end, but i think most people hated him, including me because of him basically backstabbing everyone, like Jessie, Helen, Elissa, and everyone else who was good..

  2. How have I missed this thread this whole time?! Currently staying up watching the feeds to find out who's HOH. I'm sure I'll regret this in the morning.

    Im so mad at how blatantly obvious they're rigging this for Amanda.. :/ like how does she surprisingly wins POV when her butt is on the line, but can not win anything even when she is carried to the final round.. RIGGED imo

  3. What does everyone here think of the new Mega evolutions? Does it not remind you of Digimon? But at LEAST Pokemon took the mega route YEARs after Digimon had. It's time for a change, and the new Mega forms look AMAZING. pokemon_x_y_scan-2.jpg

    I think the designs are amazing. I really like Lucario and Blaziken's new form and Ampharos gives a little chuckle because it has hair now! LOL



    What they end up being like is going to depend entire on what a Mega form actually is. As all we currently have is a handful of those that will get it and some art, and a few very general details about it (it'll be a temporary, in-battle effect, and a the Pokemon must be holding a certain item or type of item [currently unclear]). As such, I'm reserving judgement until we have a solid idea of what it is beyond "in-battle, stat-raising effect"

    I think they also stated that not all pokemon will get it. Soo idk?



    But we do have three more pokemon!




    Here is there information:


    First, the rabbit Pokémon Horubii is to be called Bunnelby . Its new special ability, Cheek Pouches, has the name of Cheek Pouch. If a Pokémon with this Ability eats a Berry during battle, it will not only reap the benefit from the Berry, but the Pokémon will also be able to regain HP.

    Dedenne, the Electric/Fairy-type Pokémon will be known as Dedenne . Its Nuzzle, which looks cute as the user nuzzles up to a target with its cheeks fully charged, but it’s quite dangerous! Nuzzle will do damage while paralyzing the opponent.
    Finally, the pre-evolution of Gogoat, Meekuru will be known as Skiddo. It is rideable in the field
    What do you guys think about these three? We knew about Skiddo way back during the first or second trailer, Dedenne looks like a mixture of Himtaro and Raichu and Bunnelby looks like the 6th gen bunneary in my opinion.
  4. Yes, I thought that was funny too. If she was trying to stick around, that was a very bad move. Her fate was probably already sealed, but even so, it made them both look bad.


    I was surprised and I wasn't. I expected Jessie to be sent home, but after Amanda said she just didn't trust Judd, it wasn't that surprising that she'd want to vote him out, and that everyone else would go along with it. More than one of them thinks he's the MVP and that he's lying about it.

    And the funny thing is when Judd was evicted everyone was crying and saying that it was the hardest vote ever... But the all evicted him..


    I dont understand why... LOL

  5. Wow, I'm really sad to see how Amanda's been acting. I liked her so much at the beginning. Her diary room snippets are so great. But she really is being mean right now, and she's not good at fighting. She just talks over people and doesn't listen at all. (Granted, a lot of people on the show do that...) It makes me sad. Plus I hate seeing McCrae and her fight. They were so cute before. :(

    Ugh i know the way she acted towards Candice was so rude and unnecessary.. But did anyone else find the Candice/GM fight hilarious on the live show? It made me laugh so hard. But what a shocker tonight! I would have never seen Judd being eliminated during this Live Eviction!


    LOL i just love Ursula. She was my favorite rival ever (And still is) , and yeah , The squid has a

    few.....similarities with her.


    BTW i also love the .... gorilla panda thing. It knows Hammer Arm. I love Hammer Arm. My Emboar knows Hammer Arm !

    I also love Ursula. Pangoro looks pretty cool. It would be cool if there were another different evolution. Like maybe just a solid fighting type. IDK i was just think it too long lool.

  7. Ugh Big Brother seriously?



    Way to not tell us about the MVP thing where we nom instead of the MVP before the day before the poll closes. So many people thought they were giving MVP before thursday night so Elissa got nominated. Many people complained so idk. Atleats Elissa won POV.





    OH well. Anyway who like the Have/HaveNot competition? I thought it was hilarious. lol :]

  8. What do you think of the new MVP twist for this week? I'm not too surprised. I think the BB producers got bored with the same person winning MVP every week, so they decided to switch it up.


    Also, I think Amanda is hilarious. She's a little abrasive in the house, so I probably wouldn't like her in person much, but her diary room snippets are so funny. I loved when, on the voting show, she said, "Oh hey Julie!" like she didn't expect her to be there. :)

    I love Amanda so much. her Diary Room's are the best ever almost as good as Britney's from BB12+14.



    They clearly want Aaryn out, and I can't blame them. The idea that America would nominate anyone besides Aaryn is laughable. Blatant rigging to try and get her out, but they gotta do what they gotta do. Having someone that offensive in the house is bad for business for them.


    I haven't gotten caught up on all the episodes yet but Amanda has grown on me. She kinda creeped me out week one, she did some stuff with McCrae that just rubbed me the wrong way, but I've gradually grown to like her more and more. Her DR sessions are great, and her calling Aaryn out during the BedGate fight was absolute gold.

    I would want to spoil something with the first paragraph but i wont cause the newest week is surprise.

  9. They weren't leaked if they're from CoroCoro... It's an official source.... Now, the new tree Pokemon,t hat's being leaked by people who've seen the Japanese trailer. No official release of it yet.


    I think Honedge is a neat concept. We get pokemon based on items, and "possessed" items a lot, but never one that's purely tsukumogami- just an item, that has been possessed, nothing more or less, no additions.

    Ikr. I love the idea behind Honedge, But i feel it would look way cooler when its sheath is still on and not taken off.


    Could the new tree pokemon be an evolution of Sudowoodo i wonder?


    I don't like honedge. It's a plain sword -_-.

    But i like these ones. They were leaked from corocoro :


    Sooo coool ! Especially the squid <3


    IKR! I love the Squid pokemon too! But tthen the evolution looks alot like Ursula.

  10. Right now I like McCrae, and Amanda, but that's about it.


    Of the rest of the houseguests, I can't stand Elissa, Helen, Aaryn, and GinaMarie.

    Daww my two favorite houseguests Elissa and Helen :( Why dont you like them? I completely understand Aaryn and GinaMarie however.



    I just can't stand the ones who are sexist and/or racist (i.e. the five I mentioned in the other post.) Everyone else I can deal with over them.

    100% agree. I hate Jeremy, Aaryn, the crybaby GInaMarie, Kaitlin, and Spencer.

  11. Wow is the only word for the aftermath from Nick's eviction. I was hoping the David eviction would give us a huge blowout, but because Aaryn won HoH right away to make up for it it didn't happen.. which just gave us one more week for tensions to settle. I'm sure this won't cover everything but



    - holylol @ Gina's meltdown. Crying like a dying walrus for the entire night about how she and Nick were soooo close to hitting it off (right..), blowing her nose in his shorts, crying alone on his eviction cushion, drowning her sorrows in Cool Whip and ice cream and eating so much of those two things that she puked.. she has absolutely redefined trashy for BB. I mean, wow.

    - Judd calling Kaitlin and Aaryn trash <33

    - Aaryn hit a new low. Holy god. She did an impression of a ghetto black girl to Candice's face after flipping over Candice's mattress for literally no reason. Such a racist brat, and I wish I could use a stronger word than 'brat' here. A lot of stronger words. And then Gina got into Candice's face and made racial remarks.. Howard had to carry Candice out of the room to prevent her from exploding on them (though on her way out, she shouted to Gina "NICK'S NOT HERE!!!" :laughingsmiley: ) and then there was a really tense, emotional scene of the two of them praying and crying. She got called away from him to the Diary Room by BB, and then he just stayed in there alone for I don't even know how long. It was scary honestly. But then Helen gave Candice an awesome pep talk <333

    - And of course Aaryn and Kaitlin screamed words I can't repeat here in Jessie's face. Naughty words for promiscuous girls. Aaryn/Kaitlin/Gina are so gross ugh I have no words for it that I can use here :skull:

    - Amanda totally layed into Aaryn, though, and it was awesome. She told Aaryn that Julie asked the question about forgetting the cameras because Aaryn was being portrayed as racist and that everyone was being questioned in the Diary Room about it, so of course Aaryn just denied it and said that people judge her for being Southern and it's so easy to make the Southern girl look racist :sad02:


    Don't know how they'll fit all of that into the episode. I wish it could be, like, three hours long because it was such a crazy night. Aaryn, Kaitlin, and Gina need to get out now, alongside Spencer and Jeremy who I still don't forgive for all they've said in earlier weeks.


    As far as Helen's nominations and veto...



    I was so happy to see Aaryn/Kaitlin/Spencer as the nominations, but people were upset that Elissa put up Spencer instead of Howard - production REALLY wants Howard to stay in the game, and after the blowouts on the night of the Nick eviction I don't blame them. Kaitlin is for sure using the veto, and right now it's anyone's guess as to who will get put up and be evicted between Howard and Jeremy.. I'm reaaally hoping that it's Jeremy because if Howard goes before these bigots and Helen's HoH week is wasted I will be SO upset. As soon as I saw her win it on the live show I was ecstatic because I thought for sure it meant one of Aaryn/Kaitlin/Gina/Jeremy would go home.. but now that might not happen. Personally I think Jeremy will go, partly for wishful thinking and partly because I think the DR is reaaaaally gonna pressure her into not putting up Howard on the renom.



    Normally I hate the rigging but with how horrible the HouseGuests who would have the game slanted against them are this season I'm all for it. Get all five of the bigots out at any cost.


    Update for veto:


    Jeremy is done for. Helen was trashing him to the cameras earlier and talking about how Howard has to go next week (saying she didn't want Elissa to win HoH because Elissa wouldn't target Howard, saying it could be a good idea for people to throw HoH to Amanda since she'd take out Howard) which obviously necessitates him still being around next week. So unless Kaitlin randomly decides to not veto herself, Jeremy will finally be done for this week. Good riddance.


    I'm so happy that Jeremy is being eliminated this week! He annoys me so much on the show and the feeds. Calling himself Cherokee and the best player ever... Ugh he annoys me too much.

  12. I like both of the ladies, but neither of the guys. XD Elderlygirl looks fab, and the dress is lovely, but the Elderlyboy looks weird to me. :( I'm not a huge fan of the male outfit, but the female one looks lovely! Especially the wig!

    Exactly! The men;s elderlyman is quite creepy/ugly. Nty.


    I wish the made it Wraith and Stealth that would be cool.

  13. Can't wait for the show tonight. It is going to be AMAZINGGGGGGG

    omg i know! Drama is going down



    The Moving Company basically imploded since Wednesdays show with Jeremy forcing them around and Nick is going to be eliminated!




    So excited to see one of the nice people win HoH (Candice, Judd, Helen, Elissa, Andy, Howard)!!

  14. Aaryn is so gross, ugh. But at the same time, I hate that she seems to be the only one 99% of fans jump on. I mean she deserves to be jumped on - I just feel like GM, Jeremy, and Spencer get off totally free when I think the guys are arguably even worse. But of course it's splitting hairs to say who is worse because they are all so gross and horrible and need to just get out. I really want to have a night of four evictions. Where Helen and Elissa are the only ones to vote and only after watching the "BB15 Bigotry Supercut" video on YouTube. They could call it a "Fast Fourward" week.


    Come on, Grodner! Make it happen.

    Eww Grodner. She rigs too many seasons. Oh and Nick may be evicted tonight!



    I really don't like Elissa very much. The only reason I like her is by association, since Helen seems fairly cool. I can't stand the way she talks; it's worse than Rachel, who I also didn't like.

    I was annoyed that she won MVP again. I really hope she doesn't win it at least one week while she's in the house; she would probably get confused and make a scene, which would be fun to watch. Plus it would be nice to know that she didn't win every time she was in the house, since if she gets voted out, I would just wonder if she would have kept winning it. I would be content with her leaving, though, to see who else might get MVP.



    Like you all, I don't like Aaryn or Jeremy either. They are rather rude and selfish, plus Aaryn is mean and Jeremy is big-headed. I suppose that's why they were selected for the show, though...

    To be quite honest, she only wins MVP every week is because she is Rachel's sister.

  15. Past Goals:

    • ​​​​​​Get a bay Lupe
    • Get into the Magma pool.
    • Get into the bronze rank shields on the Altador Cup.
    • Make more than 1m NP.

    Current Goals:

    • ​Repaint my second jubjub (who is speckled at the moment.)
    • Get a Draik/Draik Morphing Potion
    • Get my Magma Jubjub to Level 10.

    Future Goals:

    • Get to All star in next Altador Cup.
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