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Posts posted by ~Ğǿǿmy~

  1. CoroCoro June has leaked! Here is what it contains!


    First off we get the ENTIRE evolution line of Vivillon! Here is a picture!


    corocoro6133th.jpg As you see, Vivillion is pictured next to Kofuurai, but we got its English name! It is know Spewpa! Next, the lowest and basic pokemon of the evolution is called Kofukimushi, And is still unknown what it will be called. This evolutionairy line will most likely be the Caterpie/Wurple of this generation, generally being the first pokemon you catch, let alone encounter.




    Next, we have Shishiko, the lion cub pokemon. It is a fire/normal type and it will most likely evolve atleast once. It learns the *new* move War Cry.



    Finally, we have Furabebe It is a pure Fairy type Pokemon and it is the smallest and lightest pokemon in existence. It is considered the One Flower Pokemon because it apparently finds just one flower that it bonds with for its whole life. Although this pokemon is not the flower it self, it protects it for entire life. This is one of the first Pure Fairy Types, with Sylveon being the first.


    But thats not all! We also got what type the first gym leader is and what her name is!



    The first gym will be BUG and the leader is called Viola which this gym will be located in Hakudan City. Next to her, there is lady named Pansy, who will appear in the anime on July 18th (in Japan) with a Gogoat and Helioptile. No other info is given about Pansy at the time.

    Pansy Viola



    Next, we have the starting city, Asame Town, Who has Sana, Tieruno, and Toroba who will all be starting their journey at the same time you are! You just move into the town (just like the Hoenn Games) BUT a rhyhorn lives in your yard! xD (random, but cool extra) Seen here:



    Tieruno/Toroba Tieruno/Toroba Sana




    Well, what do you think of all the info given to us by Corocoro this month? We have been FLOODED with new info from E3 and CoroCoro! Hopefully Pokemon Smash shows something new too! :D

  2. There is now a *NEW CONFIRMED* battle sequence! It is called a "Sky Battle" here is a picture of it: skybattle.jpg

    As you can see, there is a Haunter battling a new bird pokemon. Could this be the second/third evolution of Fletchling? :]



    What do you guys think about the new Sky Battle? :D


    I find it pretty cool actually! Its like what i have been imagining. :]





    In other news...



    On every other pokemon website, excluding the US page, under vivillon's section, there is a little note that states, zjawkg.png which translates to, When Spewpa evloves to Vivillon, it will grow some beautiful wings.

    And this is taken directly from the Spanish Pokemon Website, and since all Spanish pokemon are named exactly as the english names, we are expecting Vivillon to evolve ATLEAST once. No one knows what Spewpa looks like, but its good to know that we could be expecting a new pokemon soon!

    Its weird that the English site refuses to put that on there... Could they be hiding more from us that other sites already have?






    EDIT #2:

    We now have the names for the 2 new pokemon shown above!


    Skrelp, The Seahorse Pokemon, is a Poison- and Water-type Pokémon. pokemon-x-y-e3-new-pokemon-1.jpg






    Clauncher, the lobster/crab looking Pokemon, is a Water-type Pokémon




    EDIT #3:

    HORDE BATTLES ~ Another new battle system where a single pokemon verses 4 or more pokemon! Seen here: pokemon-x-y-e3-froakie-vs-houndour.jpg



    I Stand Corrected: Talonflame is the new evolution of Fletchling! Talonflame is seen here in the sky battle: pokemon-x-y-e3-new-pokemon-2.jpg


    Stealth Rocks will be removed in Gen VI.



    ALSO~ You can ride the pokemon rhyhorn and rail slide on banisters with roller blades



    EDIT #4:

    There will be only one save file, sadly :<

    Pokemon sounds are more advanced, such as growls, while Pikachu says PIKACHUU.

    Not only will Flying type pokemon will be able to join Sky Battles! Pokemon with the move Gravitate will be able to get to join Sky Battles!

    The Bike WILL be returning along with the roller blades!

    There won't be just be one rival. Many will appear but the idea of this game is friendship between trainers


    I will update you more as i watch the Official Pokemon Twitter Account live-tweeting the special Pokemon X & Y round table!



    10:00 PM EST/ 7:00 PM EST ~ And thats it for the roundtable! We,again, have been flooded with information! Enjoy it while it lasts!

  3. So there's an official Fairy type, which happens to include Sylveon.


    I really really really hate that they're making a new type.


    It's super effective against Dragon and it'll have Gardevoir, Marill, and Jigglypuff.

    At least Dragon has a weakness now.


    And there's two new Pokemon (presumably Fairy type) called Noivern and Vivilion. Noivern's some eagle-bat thing and Vivilion's a butterfly.


    Also, the scheduled release date is October 12.


    Aaaaaand that's it I guess.


    ...Dragon was all ready weak to Ice and Dragon. Sorry, the way you said it made it sound like they had no weaknesses, which isn't true. Though as the suckers are hard to take out even when using x4 effective attacks (Ice attacks against a Dragon/Flying, for instance), I doubt this'll do much more than give us a more accessible weakness.


    Not that I like it. But I'm going to trust Game Freak on this.


    Everything else about it seems spot on, though!




    ....petting Pokemon is ridiculously adorable.


    Also, the new Pokemon are up on the Pokemon website. Seems Noivern is Flying/Dragon and Vivillon is Bug/Flying. I'd bet Vivillon has some pre-evos.

    Agreed! The fairy type is ugh, but i will have to live with it, but the petting your pokemon thing is AMAZING. lol The new pokemon... WELLL... i find the bat thing too much like Swoobat but the the Butterfly is original!


    I think the might be releasing more on the special going on at 6:00 pm PST or for me, 9:00 pm EST. So lets hope there is more to it! ALSO, seeing Yveltal and Xerneas in action was pretty cool!


    EDIT: Even better! There will be 3 new pokemon to be added! (not including Noivern and Vivilion) As stated here, in serebii: Our friends at Pokebeach are at E3 and have discovered a trailer with three new Pokémon: A seahorse, a crustascean and a new bird. We'll get pictures soon


    EDIT #2: OH BOYYY~! HERE ARE THE PICTURES OF NEW POKEMON: pokemon-x-y-e3-new-pokemon-1.jpgpokemon-x-y-e3-new-pokemon-2.jpgpokemon-x-y-e3-new-pokemon-3.jpgpokemon-x-y-e3-new-pokemon-3b.jpg

  4. Do you think TNT knows about Stealth or SOTAC or even Neo[Removed]? Because it really seems they are trying to avoid Roo Island vs. Altador... They've been in the same bracket twice and they haven't even battled in both brackets\ yet. So i am wondering if TNT knows and is trying to avoid it as long as they can.. What do you guys think?

  5. I'm confused by yesterday's results. There's only been one match in Round 2 so far. HW nearly swept Meridell. However, in looking at the scores, Meridell is still ranked above them. It makes sense in the overall table, sure. And I could see if the bracket table were arranged by overall rather than this round. But looking at the actually points, HW is indeed only getting the points for second place while Meridell is getting the points for first place. Shouldn't your points for each round be based on your actual performance in that round, and not factoring in how you did in other rounds? I know your overall place should reflect it all, but if you have a good round, you shouldn't get penalized for previous rounds within that round's score. Otherwise we might as well not have any more matches and just decide the Cup already.


    This bracket system is so broken, it's not even funny. Good luck, HW. Don't lose heart. If you keep beating everyone else in your bracket, you'll pass Meridell. (Meridell, I'm not rooting against you -- it's just that you lost the match, and it's not reflecting in the scores, which isn't really fair. Not your fault.)

    Don't worry i completely understand! i know that your not rooting against us! But you said it, this bracket system is broken.

  6. On to the second round brackets... WHY IS SK WITH ALL THE STRONG TEAMS?!?!?! Why is RI and AL still together?? And why are all the small teams in the same bracket??


    I wanted to be in the bracket MD is in. :P We are always second to AL.


    Man, TNT knows that ( no offence i thought a lot before saying this ) Krawk Island has the best chance of repeating, so they pin us against the toughest teams such as Tyrannia with [Removed], Darigan Citadel our rivals, and i guarantee they are going to pin us against Altador and Roo island. You must think 'that's normal we all have to face them thanks to the new bracket system!' but no they pin us against Tyrannia in our first round, but we couldn't face them, but they got 1st instead of us without even facing us, now we will either justify that by facing them or they are just gonna use Tyrannia as something to Keep Krawk Island from 1st, and i strongly believe this.

    See now i find this totally unfair that Meridell and Kiko Lake are with all the small teams and this is going to be an easy bracket for Meridell/Kiko Lake :/ This is why the Bracket System is totally favored for some teams.

  7. Last year STEALTH had KL and MI while SOTAC went for Kreludor. Without [Removed] meridell wouldnt be doing well this year. Many users switched because they thought [Removed] was staying.

    Well no because [Removed] is on Tyrannia now.. So basically Meridell just has good players? idk lol



    Even if I knew Neo[Removed] was doing Altador as well I would not have joined them. It's just a boring team, boring place. I have no idea why I have my Neohome there. I can't change it!

    I remember when i joined my first AC it was AC III and i joined Altador... what a dumb move... LOL

  8. I wouldn't be quick to make assumptions on rankings just yet. Teams have only played their own bracket, and it's only fair to see how other teams fare in subsequent ones where they (hopefully) get to play different teams.


    The points are based on winning your own brackets, not being compared to other brackets. Being first in each bracket awards 13 points, second gets 9, etc. After perhaps the third round we'll get a bigger picture of how teams are actually situated. Why Meridell isn't ranked higher than Kreludor, I don't know. I plan on spending tonight combing through the numbers and get a better sense of what's going on.


    Also, I don't appreciate that teams are being generalized as being only "all stars or cheaters" because they have many, many more players that are contributing their share just as much.

    After adding up all of the teams "scores" Meridell has 108, Kreludor has 102, and Darigan Citadel has 109. So Meridell should be in 2nd based on scores and should be in 1st in the standings, but oh well.


    Wait, why are you complaining about All-star groups if the only reason Meridell reached podium last year was because of the cheating team [Removed]. I understand why people in KI are mad, but come on. You had the support of them last year.

    oh.. but wasnt one of the All Star teams on Meridell last year? I didnt know Neo [Removed] was on Meridell last year... whoops Dx

  9. I need to rant here for a second? Why is Meridell not in first place? We have the 4th best record this year in the AC! We are just below all the cheaters or the All Stars! How are we not in first? How is Darigan Citadel in 1st even though they have a worse record than us? Also why is Kreludor in 2ND? They have a worse record than Darigan Citadel!! They should be in 3rd! Not 2nd! BUT NOOOOOO TNT has this stupid bracket system and makes this so unfair. I feel that TNT got lazy and just made this bracket system so they dont have to do as much work, since the DRR or SRR (Double/Single Round Robin) took "too much work." Last year, the brackets never moved at all and when the solemnly did, they were very irrelevant. But this year there moving every single hour, so it seems they are doing work. Also, Meridell deserves first, and not 3rd. end rant

  10. They most likely do not use their own accounts for 'cheating' because it is too risky. They just make one team win for the fun of it, not the points. Plenty of Neo[Removed] people could support a different team with their main account.

    Also, only people who visit that site get logged, so this is not a completely accurate ranking.

    Oh wow... That makes alot more sense, But doesnt Neo[Removed] have its own forums? So wouldn't TNT be able to log into there and freeze all their members?

  11. Any idea why we're not in first? We beat Kreludor and tied Darigan (although won the important games) and have otherwise been pretty dominant. I don't understand the scoring system.

    Keep playing hard guys! Lets get to the top of this bracket!

    TNT (The Neopets Team) is crazy some times, because we are leading the entire standings, we are 4th overall in the AC so far so we SHOULD be first. However, TNT is crazy and puts us in third...

  12. Thanks that makes sense to me now. Feel pretty guilty as I havent played much today for boring reasons


    Am in awe of the post above me who has played 227 games !! wow such dedication .. well done to you !

    Its nothing to be quite honest :] I am going for All Star this year anyway, since it is only 46 games a day...


    And same here i had a lazy day, only played 5 games of YYB...

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