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Posts posted by ~Ğǿǿmy~

  1. My ticket! May not be as a good as Azeruth but still :3




    This Altador Cup was Horrendous! I have yet to seen person that says they like it. I have been playing the Altador Cup since AC III. From AC III through AC VI was fabulous! I love the double round robin. Yet you guys decided to change it so it would be awkward to say "Oh yeah last year we messed up so we are going back to DRR."


    The first mistake you guys made. The Bracket System. Now this was just messed up. The Brackets barely moved at all! ANd some times the brackets didnt move at all! Once the bracket was placed it just stayed there. Like a rock. It did nothing interesting. Also many teams never versed each other! I being a Meridell Knight has never versed Maraqua and Darigan Citadel. Also when you changed up the brackets, teams just traveled with each other! With Moltara and Faerieland they were together for 3 rounds! Those random brackets made no sense.


    Second Problem: Teams in the Brackets. Roo Island versed and swept Haunted Woods but magically Haunted Woods stayed above Roo Island. And then Haunted Woods got what place? 9TH PLACE?!? They did TERRIBLE this year! The final bracket helped them but that bracket was screwed up so they dont deserved 9th place! Also Kiko Lake had a solid start but faltered at the end of the cup!! Krawk Island deserved 6th not Kiko Lake. I like Kiko Lake I even supported them but still they dont deserve 6th.


    And we go to my final problem. The tie breaker. This was the most poorly exacuted part of the AC. Meridell took YYB and MSN yet got third play while Mystery Island only won 2 side games? It seems like you dont care much about YYB. even though you say and i quote: "The main event Yooyuball" Not much of a mail event if it is worth less than 2 side games huh?


    Again i say that this is the worst cup i have ever participated in so what ever you can to fix it will make me and the rest of the Altador Cup player happy.


    Thank you for taking the time to read this, Pepe

  2. Last year they had a feedback feature, this year they apparently don't, so you can send in a ticket under the "Comments and Feedback" type and select "Altador Cup" and tada. Ticket for feedback.

    Alright! Ill be posting my Ticket later. I know why they didnt want to do a Feedback part of the AC. Cause even TNT knew this was the worst AC ever.

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