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Posts posted by ~Ğǿǿmy~

  1. So i have forgot to send in my example for the Content Team so Xepha sent me an email 3 days ago and i completed it... Yet i haven't recieved a message back. How long do you think it will take for her to respond?


    Here was my sample:


    Juicy Secrets and New Brackets


    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).




    Welcome one and all to a new type of reporting! "Squirrelz Chat!" Where we talk about all the juicy and exciting secrets that you wouldn't want to miss so stay tuned till the very last word.


    We are reaching the end of Altador Cup VII and it seems to be a very exciting one with many surprises, changes and improvements! Today the Committee wanted to shake things up again for the final leg of the race by spicing up the brackets! Some teams stayed in the same brackets while others have been changed to new ones.


    Now we go down to Peter who is in the club house.


    Hey and Thank you "AA" for the exquisite start. Now i am backstage bringing you all the juicy secrets what is going behind the scenes in Altador Cup VII. We have very intresting news as Foltaggio starts a squabble with team captain "Trapper" Remis. The squabble was about the loss in Yooyuball when "Trapper" did not pass to Foltaggio when he was right next to the goal. The squabble was settled down by the courageous Lyvon Cibaire and Winberto Seliz. This squabble made the Suns get swept in the side games and in Yooyuball as well.


    The Minions on the other hand had put up a wonderful fight against the Suns sweeping the Suns. Yet there was also drama in the club house with the Minions as Kep Bonnefie's petpet has run into Layton Vickles food stash and started to destroy it. Layton got angry yet didnt fight with Kep to keep it mellow and cool. Crazy little Snowbunny.



    The Alabriss Bracket was full of surprising matches. The first battle was Meridell against Terror Mountain. Both teams were not happy versing each other again in 2 days. But the rematch struck the Chillers more than the Knights. So the Knights took advantage and swept the Chillers. The Knights rose above the occasion and made the crowd go crazy winning in Make Some Noise, the Knights also sent out Slushies faster than the Chillers. Although it was one amazing match! Both teams congratulated each other so there was no hard feelings.


    The next interesting match was Virtupets and Faerieland. This was a very even match. The Faeries couldn't penetrate the cup winning defense and offense of Virtupets. Keetra Deile is the MVP of this match, making half of the goals made by Virtupets. Faerieland's MVP included Valtonous Rea not letting the Aliens make it past 7. Yet the Aliens mixed up the Shushies so the Faeries forced a tie in Slushie Slinger. Yet the Faeries couldn't rouse up the crowd as good as the Aliens so the Aliens take 2 out of 4. Yet the Faeries wouldnt let the Aliens get a sweep. the Faeries shot better than the Aliens so they win 1 out of 4.


    But there was some Drama!! Ciona Broan was watching TV in the club house drinking her favorite Slushie "Berry Berry Blast!" (Blue one in SS) When Delma Harrence comes up from behind scaring Ciona making her drop her Slushie. "NOOO! How dare you Delma!!" Ciona yelled. There was no fist fight but there were some strong words that we will not share with you.


    The last exciting match was Haunted Woods and Moltara. The Magmas took the lead in the first round 5-1. But the Zombies wouldn't let that pass. "Brains" Mortigan got enraged and made 5 goals over the Magmas. We have "Brains" here now.

    So "Brains" how do you feel about the results in Yooyuball?

    "Brains": I fel-t grea--t out there-e-e. They-y go-t-t-t wha-a-t they des-s-erved.

    Do you regret anything?

    "Brains": N-nope. Ma-a-aking-g 5 goals-s is my person-a-a-a-al best-t-t-t.

    Thank you for your time.

    "Brains": Any-y-ytim-m-me!


    Also the Zombies sent out Slushies faster than the Magmas giving them the win. Also the Magma was weared out from Yooyuball so they couldn't rouse up the crowd as well as the Zombies. In Shootout Showdown the Zombies were just getting started but by the time of the last even the Magmas were fatigued they couldn't score 5 goals. The Zombies celebrated their side game sweep with a Neocola and relaxing for the rest of the day.


    The Minitheus bracket was nonetheless interesting. The fist heated match was the Shenkuu Ninjas Vs. The Mystery Island Islanders. The Ninjas couldn't pull it together in Yooyuball as Volgoth got more than half the goals of the Islanders. Xana had got before games jitters and missed a few goals that Volgoth shot in. We couldn't get Xana here at the moment but we got her after the game. Here is her response.

    So Xana how do you feel about your performance today?

    Xana: I got jitters before the game and made me worry about today's competition. Right as I saw Volgoth with the Yooyu, I just collapsed under the pressure. Hopefully i can improve for tomorrow.

    Thank you for your time. Enjoy the rest of the day.

    Xana: You too!

    The Islanders sent out Slushies faster even though Volgoth took a break and drank a Strawberry Swirly (Red Slushie in SS). The Islanders also took their best game, Make Some Noise. But the most surprise part is with the Ninjas taking Shootout Showdown. as Xana makes the winning shot. Maybe Xana should become a forward.

    The next intresting match was Kiko Lake and Lost Desert. The Sands had a very good day against the Kikos today! The Sands newbie Rhee Solters was the stand out in Yooyuball. She defended and shot 4 goals against the Kikos. The final score of Yooyuball was 12-7 with Lost Desert winning. But the Kikos wouldn't let the Sands sweep them. The Kikos sent Slushies out fast because Leera decided to also take a break and enjoy a Exciting Apple Swirl (Green Slushie in SS) while Rhee decided to drink a Strawberry Swirly. But since Lost Desert to let Kiko Lake take Slushie Slinger while they relaxed and got refueled let them rouse up the crowd and score faster and better than the Kikos.

    The last intresting match in the Minitheus bracket was Brightvale and Roo Island. The Scholars learned a new formation from studying all the Altador Cup 's past winners. They have found out the secret of winning Yooyuball. As Brightvale implanted this strategy Fenny Vail and "Squeaky" Tressif couldn't comprehend so they were confused. The final score was 11-3 as Brightvale becoming victorious. As Roo Island lost in Yooyuball they wouldn't let Brightvale beat them again. So the Roos played their hearts out in the side games and they became victorious for a side game sweep.

    As we fly over to the Vaelous bracket we notice two major sweeps. One that was talked about before and the other which is Kreludor and Tyrannia. The Fossils could not take down the Moons in any of the events. Which meant total chaos for the Fossils as they couldn't even get a single goal against Jurin T.. As Kreludor gets over 10 goals in Yooyuball. In Slushie Slinger the Moons worked together and sent out Slushies while each of the Fossil took on one of the slides. Then the Moons used there powers from Kreuldor to put on a magical show for the crowd which got a standing ovation. And finally in Shootout Showdown the Moons finished in less than 10 seconds while the Fossils finished in 15 seconds. Here with us we have Derlyn Fonnet captain of Team Kreludor.

    Soo Derlyn how do you feel about your teams performance overall this cup?

    Derlyn: I am very proud of everyone on my team. We have never lost in Yooyuball before. And we only have 3 losses. I am super happy. Maybe we can take the cup home. :)

    What do you think the reaction of the people in Kreludor if you guys take home the cup?

    Derlyn: Well this is an amazing question actually. Well first of all the people would be ecstatic. We would have a three day party celebrating our win and we will show case our cup to everyone! :)

    Thank you so much for your time Derlyn. Congratz on your sweep today.

    Deryln: Thank you.

    The Final match of the day was Maraqua and Krawk Island. Both these teams are equal. Maraqua has forced two draws in Yooyuball and Shootdown Showdown. As the two teams take one side game. Krawk Island sent out Slushies faster and made the customers more happy than Maraqua while the Maraquans roused up the crowd with a spectacular water show! I wish we could only show you how amazing.

    There are only 5 days left. Play hard teams and most of all have fun!! :) Well thats all the coverage for today! I'm Peter in Altador signing off!

  2. Like AC II-VI the standings would be placed by losses. This would be the currents standings!! ^_^


    Total wins (YYB+SS+MSN+SOSD)


    Places are placed by losses not wins


    If teams tie with losses then the team with more teams get placed 1 higher than the other team.


    1st kreludor_45.png Kreludor 76-7-5

    2nd meridell_45.png Meridell 70-8-10

    3rd mysteryisland_45.pngMystery Island 69-9-10

    4th darigancitadel_45.png Darigan Citadel 62-13-13

    5th krawkisland_45.png Krawk Island 48-16-24

    6th lostdesert_45.png Lost Desert 41-21-26

    7throoisland_45.png Roo Island 38-15-35

    8th kikolake_45.png Kiko Lake 44-7-37

    9th tyrannia_45.png Tyrannia 42-8-38

    10th maraqua_45.png Maraqua 36-11-41

    11th brightvale_45.png Brightvale 33-12-43

    12th virtupets_45.png Virtupets 29-12-47

    13th shenkuu_45.png Shenkuu 22-18-48

    14th terrormountain_45.png Terror Mountain 21-18-49

    15th hauntedwoods_45.png Haunted Woods 20-15-53

    16th moltara_45.png Moltara 22-8-58

    17th altador_45.png Altador 10-7-71

    18th faerieland_45.png Faerieland 4-5-79


    2 days left! Play hard!! :)


    Soo comment bellow about your teams progress this year!! ^_^

  3. This whole year only one team has had 0 reason to complain and that's Kreludor, and that's because they are winning and have been winning the whole time.


    Everyone else, even Mystery Island, have had reason to complain and find fault with this new system. Mystery Island beat Meridell but stayed 2nd in their bracket, we (KI) were swept by DC and KD and drew even with MQ while MQ has a better record, we are 3rd and MQ is 4th.


    There has been controversy in pretty much every bracket this year thus far. If TNT adds a feedback feature at the end of the year again I'm sure they'll hear a lot about how poor this year was.


    Yep! Everyone might even send hate mail because of this poor Altador Cup this year. They messed up the brackets which Kreludor can complain about.

  4. He's so cute!!! ^^ Lol he looks so happy


    Hopefully he'll learn to like his new harness :P

    aw your dog is so cute :) my dog still pulls on the chain even though she's 2

    Thank you guys!! :) Dogs can pull even when their one XD

    Your dog is adorable! I just love animals in general. I've been wanting to get a dog myself, but with my work/school schedule I would not be able to give the dog the time and attention it would need/deserve.. I did rescue a cat recently (another animal I adore). He's just two and his name was Carlos but I didn't think that suited him at all so I renamed him Oliver. Here's a picture if anyone is interested :)



    Daww what a cute kitten!

    Awww your dog is so cute! and oliver the cat is adorable.


    Here are my dogs


    me and my chiwawa posing lol



    and i took this the other day of my chiwawa and jack russell, they are so close they even cuddle together like this where the little one sits on top of the other to keep warm :D

    DAWW! Them on the couch together :') Soo cute!

    All your dogs and cats are cute! I'll post mine too, yes?


    ^ That's me and my dog, Meisha. She's a shih tzu/maltese. c:



    That's my dog, Rafiki. He is one of Meisha's puppies. :D He is what she is plush chiuahaha.

    Sadly, Rafiki is at my mom's so I don't see him too much. :c

    Daww!! I love your dogs two!! :) Soo cute!

  5. Like AC II-VI the standings would be placed by losses. This would be the currents standings!! ^_^


    Total wins (YYB+SS+MSN+SOSD)


    Places are placed by losses not wins


    If teams tie with losses then the team with more teams get placed 1 higher than the other team.


    1st kreludor_45.png Kreludor 73-7-4

    2nd mysteryisland_45.pngMystery Island 66-8-10

    2nd meridell_45.png Meridell 66-8-10

    4th darigancitadel_45.png Darigan Citadel 58-13-13

    5th krawkisland_45.png Krawk Island 45-16-23

    6th lostdesert_45.png Lost Desert 39-20-25

    7th kikolake_45.png Kiko Lake 44-6-34

    8th rooisland_45.png Roo Island 35-15-34

    9th tyrannia_45.png Tyrannia 41-8-35

    10th maraqua_45.png Maraqua 36-11-37

    11th brightvale_45.png Brightvale 32-12-40

    12th virtupets_45.png Virtupets 29-12-43

    13th shenkuu_45.png Shenkuu 21-17-46

    14th terrormountain_45.png Terror Mountain 18-17-49

    15th hauntedwoods_45.png Haunted Woods 17-15-52

    16th moltara_45.png Moltara 21-8-55

    17th altador_45.png Altador 9-7-68

    18th faerieland_45.png Faerieland 4-4-76


    3 days left! Play hard!! :)


    Soo comment bellow about your teams progress this year!! ^_^

  6. Like AC II-VI the standings would be placed by losses. This would be the currents standings!! ^_^


    Total wins (YYB+SS+MSN+SOSD)


    Places are placed by losses not wins


    If teams tie with losses then the team with more teams get placed 1 higher than the other team.


    1st kreludor_45.png Kreludor 70-7-3

    2nd mysteryisland_45.pngMystery Island 62-8-10

    2nd meridell_45.png Meridell 62-8-10

    4th darigancitadel_45.png Darigan Citadel 54-13-13

    5th krawkisland_45.png Krawk Island 45-16-19

    6th lostdesert_45.png Lost Desert 38-19-23

    7th kikolake_45.png Kiko Lake 43-6-31

    8th rooisland_45.png Roo Island 33-14-33

    9th tyrannia_45.png Tyrannia 38-8-34

    10th maraqua_45.png Maraqua 35-11-34

    11th brightvale_45.png Brightvale 32-12-36

    12th virtupets_45.png Virtupets 27-11-42

    13th shenkuu_45.png Shenkuu 18-17-45

    14th terrormountain_45.png Terror Mountain 15-16-49

    15th hauntedwoods_45.png Haunted Woods 16-14-50

    16th moltara_45.png Moltara 21-7-52

    17th altador_45.png Altador 8-7-65

    18th faerieland_45.png Faerieland 4-4-72


    Soo comment bellow about your teams progress this year!! ^_^

  7. In other sports teams play in divisions (similar to our brackets) but have schedules where they could face teams outside of their divisions, right now my Atlanta Braves have been playing the New York Yankees but the Yankees are in the American League East Division while the Braves are the National League East Division. They play all around the divisions and whoever has the best overall record wins.


    In his case we could be in our current bracket of Krawk Island, Kreludor, Darigan Citadel, Maraqua, Altador, and Tyrannia but we could be facing Brightvale, Lost Desert, and Haunted Woods while other teams in our bracket play other teams as well. Occasional inter-division matches like KI/KD but also cross-division matches. That way it's not just playing the same teams in the division.

    Yup thats what i basically wanted to say! :D

  8. I have a good idea about these brackets!


    What if they do it like Baseball, Basketball, Hockey, or Football.


    Like 3 brackets but teams can verse other teams not in their bracket. But the scoring would stay the same. The win would be decided like the round robin style, The team with the less loss win an takes home the cup.


    What do you think? ^_^

  9. Like AC II-VI the standings would be placed by losses. This would be the currents standings!! ^_^


    Total wins (YYB+SS+MSN+SOSD)


    Places are placed by losses not wins


    If teams tie with losses then the team with more teams get placed 1 higher than the other team.


    1st kreludor_45.png Kreludor 66-7-3

    2nd mysteryisland_45.pngMystery Island 59-7-10

    3rd meridell_45.png Meridell 58-8-10

    4th darigancitadel_45.png Darigan Citadel 50-13-13

    5th krawkisland_45.png Krawk Island 45-16-15

    6th lostdesert_45.png Lost Desert 38-18-20

    7th kikolake_45.png Kiko Lake 43-6-27

    8th tyrannia_45.png Tyrannia 38-8-30

    9th rooisland_45.png Roo Island 29-14-33

    10th maraqua_45.png Maraqua 31-11-34

    11th brightvale_45.png Brightvale 30-12-34

    12th virtupets_45.png Virtupets 26-10-40

    13th shenkuu_45.png Shenkuu 16-17-43

    14th moltara_45.png Moltara 21-7-48

    15th terrormountain_45.png Terror Mountain 13-15-48

    16th hauntedwoods_45.png Haunted Woods 14-13-49

    17th altador_45.png Altador 8-7-61

    18th faerieland_45.png Faerieland 3-3-70



    Sooo comment below how you think your team is doing!! :)

  10. Aw, your dog is adorable! My dog is only a year and a half old, but he's big like your dog. :P I use a harness for my dog, too, because he goes crazy when he sees other dogs he wants to play with on walks!

    IKR! My dog goes INSANE when seeing anything that moves even grass XD



    Oh my, your dog is adorable. Is he a golden retriever? (I've always loved those)

    Nope he is a mix!! ^_^ He is a yellow lab mixed with German Shepard.


    My lab pulls a lot too, but our little cocker spaniel-basset hound disciplines her not to. So funny because he's so much smaller xD.


    I don't get how everyone around here can walk around with their dogs unleashed though. It's like everyone has perfectly trained dogs. Mine would go crazy. My lab would go around trying to play with everyone and my other dog would probably run away after a small animal.

    IKR! Maybe its an invisible leash!! XD

  11. What an adorable doggie! He looks really great!

    Bwaaaah puppyyyy!!!! I love dogs so much xD


    *hugs and squeezes your dog*

    Awww, such a cutie! :D He looks so happy there. :D

    Thank you guys!! ^_^



    He's such a handsome boy.

    Harness look so snazzy, don't they?


    I have one for my bearded dragon.


    LOL!! ^_^ They work SOO well!



    Your puppy is sooooo cute! Happy Birthday Handsome!


    I have a 5 year old Jack Russell and we can't have a collar or anything like that on her. She'll end up choking herself from all the pulling. We use the harness on her and it works wonders and a plus with having a small dog if they're not behaving you can easily grab them by the centre piece that runs from the neck band to the chest band and pick them up like a six pack lol.


    For a small dog you would think they wouldn't be able to pull so much...WRONG!

    Mouse pulls like a full sized dog constantly. By the time you're done your walk your arm feels like it's going to fall off.

    Jack Russells are full of energy!! ^_^

    My dog was doing that to but then we got him a harness! :D Small Dogs all have ALOT of energy.

  12. Awe! Happy Birthday! He seems pretty excited about his new harness - he's smiling pretty big in the picture :D


    Hehe well he HATES it... He used to have all the power to go where he wants but now he cant pull :laughingsmiley:

  13. xnvt4z.jpg There is my dog!! ^_^ (ignore my hand in the picture XD) He is 8 (turned 8 June 15th) Soo we bought him a new harnace, a thing that goes through his front 2 legs and makes him stop pushing on a walk. Soo i was walking him around the neighborhood and he barely pulled a bit! He used to pull like crazy if he saw a squirrel or bunny but now we just pull on his leash and he stops pulling! :D
  14. My problems is with the algo picking the 2 teams versing eachother, the stupid brackets and the Darigan Yooyu,



    My first problem is a problem because this is our 3rd time versing Terror Mountain and we versed them twice in a row. We also versed Kiko lake 4 times.


    My next problem is the brackets. These are just messed up. Everyone know why.


    The Darigan Yooyu is my final problem. They are appearing too often.

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