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Posts posted by ~Ğǿǿmy~

  1. 1: Was this your first year playing? If not, how many years have you played?

    Umm no. I played in 5 cups! (III,IV,V,VI,VII)

    2: What place did your team finish on?

    Tied for second place! i am eager to find out!

    3: What rank did you finish on?

    Rank 10!

    4: Are you satisfied with your rank?

    Yup! That was my goal rank.

    5: What is your favorite and least favorite game? Are they the same as at the beginning of the cup?

    Well my favorite is YYB, I used to like SS but now its way too long so SS is least favorite game.

    6: How many games Of Slushie Slinger did you play? What was your highest score?

    11 XD 605... (i think)

    7: Did you ever make any stupid blunders while playing SS?

    Of Couse! How else am i supposed to entertain my self in that game?

    8: How many games of MSN and SoSd did you play? What were your highest scores in those games?

    Umm 60 and 470 i think... 6900, 1200 respectively :D


    Yooyuball stats!

    9: How many games did you play of YYB?

    452 :D ( I havent updated my counter in awhile

    10: How many goals did you score?

    approx. 4,300

    11: How many goals/saves did each of your team members score?

    I dont have the page atm :(

    12: Did you get any draws or losses? If so, how many?

    All 452 wins :)

    13: What was the most amount of goals you got in 1 game? Least amount?

    14 was the most, 8 was the least

    14: What was the most frustrating ball for you?


    15: Most frustrating player on your team?

    Yoris Obbles -_- Too small to be a Goal Keeper.

    16: Most frustrating opponent?

    Mystery Island. They always steal the Yooyu.

    17: Did you ever decide to switch the way you played? e.g: Did you ever switch from mouse to keyboard, or from playing on the left to the right?

    Nope. I kept it the same.

    18: Did you encounter any glitches? What were they?

    Nope! ^_^

    19: Did any of you notice the funny comments the commentators would make at the end of the game?

    Yeah "No i dont know when the prize shop will open. Run along now."

    20: Darigan yooyus are jerks. That is all.


    21: Do you think I'm asking too many questions?


    22: Are you willing to answer more? :P



    Random section!

    23: Did you do something to distract you while playing, like listening to music or movies?

    LOL yes. Listen to music. eat food. Play outside. :D

    24: Did you set playing goals for yourself everyday, or did you just go with the flow?

    20 games of YYB, 10 games of MSN, 100 games of SOSD. (SOSD didnt workout so well XD)

    24.5: If you set goals, did you reach them?

    Yup! My goal ranks were Rank 9-13 andi got rank 10!!

    25: Did you ever run out of momentum and wanna quit playing? If so, did you?

    Yeah.. I got bored so i didnt play anymore and did other stuff.

    26: How did you refresh yourself when you felt discouraged?

    Sleeping :P and walking my dog:D

    27: If your team lost, how did you and your teammates feel? Hopeless and ready to quit, or hopeful and optimistic that you would do better?

    Hopeful and Optimistic and a little Hopless.

    28: Did you ever feel as if you were pressured too much by your team? Example: The team 'leaders; telling you to play x amount or not play at all, etc.

    Naw. I was setting my goals.

    29: Will you join the same team next year? Why or why not?


    30 last question. I promise!: Do you like questionnaires?


  2. Tiki Tack Tombola

    You put your hand into the Tombola and draw the following ticket...



    Oh dear, that's not a winning ticket :( ... but you win a Booby Prize!!!

    Never mind, why not try again tomorrow?


    Your Prize - Dried Apricots



    Yay more food i don't need. :mellow:

  3. Like AC II-VI the standings would be placed by losses. This would be the currents standings!! ^_^


    Total wins (YYB+SS+MSN+SOSD)


    Places are placed by losses not wins


    If teams tie with losses then the team with more teams get placed 1 higher than the other team.


    1st kreludor_45.png Kreludor 84-7-5

    2nd meridell_45.png Meridell 77-9-10

    3rd mysteryisland_45.pngMystery Island 74-10-12

    4th darigancitadel_45.png Darigan Citadel 64-13-19

    5th krawkisland_45.png Krawk Island 53-17-26

    6th lostdesert_45.png Lost Desert 45-22-29

    7throoisland_45.png Roo Island 41-17-38

    8th kikolake_45.png Kiko Lake 46-8-42

    9th maraqua_45.png Maraqua 43-11-42

    10th tyrannia_45.png Tyrannia 42-9-45

    11th brightvale_45.png Brightvale 36-12-46

    12th virtupets_45.png Virtupets 34-13-49

    13th shenkuu_45.png Shenkuu 25-21-50

    14th terrormountain_45.png Terror Mountain 22-21-53

    15th hauntedwoods_45.png Haunted Woods 22-18-56

    16th moltara_45.png Moltara 24-9-63

    17th altador_45.png Altador 11-7-78

    18th faerieland_45.png Faerieland 6-1-85


    Good Luck Teams! Final Results posted tomorrow!! :)


    Soo comment bellow about your team did this year!! ^_^

  4. Like AC II-VI the standings would be placed by losses. This would be the currents standings!! ^_^


    Total wins (YYB+SS+MSN+SOSD)


    Places are placed by losses not wins


    If teams tie with losses then the team with more teams get placed 1 higher than the other team.


    1st kreludor_45.png Kreludor 80-7-5

    2nd meridell_45.png Meridell 73-9-10

    3rd mysteryisland_45.pngMystery Island 71-10-11

    4th darigancitadel_45.png Darigan Citadel 62-13-17

    5th krawkisland_45.png Krawk Island 51-17-24

    6th lostdesert_45.png Lost Desert 42-22-28

    7throoisland_45.png Roo Island 40-17-35

    8th kikolake_45.png Kiko Lake 46-7-39

    9th tyrannia_45.png Tyrannia 42-9-41

    10th maraqua_45.png Maraqua 39-11-42

    11th brightvale_45.png Brightvale 35-12-43

    12th virtupets_45.png Virtupets 31-13-48

    13th shenkuu_45.png Shenkuu 22-20-50

    14th terrormountain_45.png Terror Mountain 22-19-51

    15th hauntedwoods_45.png Haunted Woods 20-16-56

    16th moltara_45.png Moltara 23-9-60

    17th altador_45.png Altador 11-7-74

    18th faerieland_45.png Faerieland 6-1-81


    1 day left! Play hard!! :)


    Soo comment bellow about your teams progress this year!! ^_^

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