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Posts posted by ~Ğǿǿmy~

  1. This would be the currents standings!! ^_^


    Total wins (YYB+SS+MSN+SOSD)


    Places are placed by losses not wins


    If teams tie with losses then the team with more teams get placed 1 higher than the other team.


    1st kreludor_45.png Kreludor 62-7-3

    2nd mysteryisland_45.pngMystery Island 56-7-9

    3rd meridell_45.png Meridell 54-8-10

    4th darigancitadel_45.png Darigan Citadel 46-13-13

    5th krawkisland_45.png Krawk Island 44-14-14

    6th lostdesert_45.png Lost Desert 35-18-19

    7th kikolake_45.png Kiko Lake 42-6-24

    8th tyrannia_45.png Tyrannia 38-8-26

    9th brightvale_45.png Brightvale 29-12-31

    10throoisland_45.png Roo Island 26-14-32

    11th maraqua_45.png Maraqua 30-9-33

    12th virtupets_45.png Virtupets 24-9-39

    13th shenkuu_45.png Shenkuu 15-17-40

    14th terrormountain_45.png Terror Mountain 13-15-44

    15th moltara_45.png Moltara 21-6-45

    16th hauntedwoods_45.png Haunted Woods 11-12-49

    17th altador_45.png Altador 8-7-57

    18th faerieland_45.png Faerieland 2-2-68



    Sooo comment below how you think your team is doing!! :)

  2. If you want to bid here is the link:



    Can't wait to get some money (hopefully) :3




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  3. This would be the currents standings!! ^_^


    Sorry i didnt post my daily predictions and current standings i was VERY busy this weekend.


    Total wins (YYB+SS+MSN+SOSD)


    Places placed with losses not wins

    If teams tie with losses then the team with more teams get placed 1 higher than the other team.


    1st kreludor_45.png Kreludor 59-6-3

    2nd mysteryisland_45.pngMystery Island 52-7-9

    3rd meridell_45.png Meridell 51-7-10

    4th darigancitadel_45.png Darigan Citadel 43-12-13

    5th krawkisland_45.png Krawk Island 41-14-13

    6th lostdesert_45.png Lost Desert 32-18-18

    7th kikolake_45.png Kiko Lake 41-6-21

    8th tyrannia_45.png Tyrannia 36-7-25

    9th brightvale_45.png Brightvale 27-12-29

    10throoisland_45.png Roo Island 26-13-29

    11th maraqua_45.png Maraqua 27-8-33

    12th virtupets_45.png Virtupets 22-9-37

    13th shenkuu_45.png Shenkuu 15-16-37

    14th terrormountain_45.png Terror Mountain 13-14-41

    15th moltara_45.png Moltara 20-6-42

    16th hauntedwoods_45.png Haunted Woods 11-11-46

    17th altador_45.png Altador 7-6-55

    18th faerieland_45.png Faerieland 2-2-64



    Enjoy!! Post your team down below and comment on how you think your team is doing!! ^_^


    (The color of the W is the team who wins!!)


    The order is Yooyuball, Slushie Slinger, Make Some Noise, Shoot Out Score Down


    meridell_50.gif vs. mysteryisland_50.gif


    W D D W


    One of the most intresting battles to date! These to teams are neck and neck for second place. Yet with the two MSN leaders clashing together it is an obvious draw. Yet the Knights have been through thick and thin with Yooyuball so they will take YYB and SOSD.


    faerieland_50.gifvs. kikolake_50.gif


    W W W W


    The Faeries arent slacking off. Yet they arent getting the results that they want. They Kikos are. This is a easy match for the Kikos even if their fan base is smaller than Faerieland since Kiko Lake has more experienced players than Faerieland.


    krawkisland_50.gif vs. terrormountain_50.gif

    W W W W


    Krawk Island isnt that happy with this bracket. They feel that they were pput in there to mess up there record. So they want revenge. The will go full out on the Chillers. Yet the Chillers arent the ones to get swept since they are SOSD leaders. They will take SOSD.


    In the Minitheus Bracket:


    lostdesert_50.gif VS. virtupets_50.gif


    W W DW


    Ahh the battle between victors. One of the most interesting battles yet! Virtupets will suffer more from the Victors Curse than Lost Desert so the Deserts will take YYB and SS while the Virtupets will force a draw in MSN and take SOSD.


    tyrannia_50.gif VS.moltara_50.gif


    W W W W


    Haven't we seen this match before? Well it seem like History will repeat it self. Tyrannia leaving their hiccup of a start behind will take YYB, SS and MSN by storm while the Magmas take SOSD. Overall this match is well placed since Moltara is good at some places while Tyrannia at others.



    brightvale_50.gif vs. altador_50.gif


    W W W W


    "YOU GO OUT THERE AND WIN IT!!" King Hagan shouts at his TV angirly. Brightvale has the obvious advantage over the cup's host, Altador. Altador will take SS though since they have improve greatly since the Alabriss Bracket (Round 1)


    In the Vaelous Bracket:




    kreludor_50.gifvs. maraqua_50.gif


    W W W W


    Haven't we seen this one also? o_O Again History will repeat it self only Kreludor will go harder on SOSD yada yada yada. :3


    darigancitadel_50.gifvs. hauntedwoods_50.gif


    W W D W


    The Chillers versing the Citadels. This is a very spooky battle. Yet Darigan Citadel has a clear advatage over the faltering Haunted Woods. Yet Haunted Woods won't go down without a fight. The Chillers will force a draw against the reigning Darigan Citadel.


    shenkuu_50.gifvs. rooisland_50.gif


    W D D W


    So much re-runs ;~; Haven't we seen this one like 20 times? Again history will repeat itself. Durrp. :3


    I hope you enjoyed it! This is based off many predictions as well as my own!!


    The water plant drove me nuts, too. Congratulations on finishing, enjoy the trophy and the new daily! :)

    Thanks soo much!!

    ooooh, i hated it :0


    i had sooo much luck with the water plant, took me about 10 minutes max ;)


    but really, congratulations on getting the nice trophy :)


    Ikr! I had sooo much luck on the water part too!!

    i fished it about a week ago and the water part drove me insane


    I had soo much luck on that.. Just follow the guide on it though!

    Congratulations! The Altador Plot is really difficult. I'm at my wit's end- the water plant part is slowly driving me insane.


    I was SUPER lucky on that part! One switch and it was fixed!! o_O

    Awesome! :D I never would have solved it without TDN's help either. :3

    That's one awesome looking trophy you have on your lookup now. :D



  6. This would be the currents standings!! ^_^


    Sorry i didnt post my daily predictions and current standings i was VERY busy this weekend.


    Total wins (YYB+SS+MSN+SOSD)


    Places placed with losses not wins

    If teams tie with losses then the team with more teams get placed 1 higher than the other team.


    1st kreludor_45.png Kreludor 55-6-3

    2nd mysteryisland_45.pngMystery Island 50-7-7

    3rd meridell_45.png Meridell 49-7-8

    4th darigancitadel_45.png Darigan Citadel 40-12-12

    5th krawkisland_45.png Krawk Island 39-12-13

    6th lostdesert_45.png Lost Desert 29-17-18

    7th kikolake_45.png Kiko Lake 38-6-20

    8th tyrannia_45.png Tyrannia 34-6-24

    9th brightvale_45.png Brightvale 24-12-28

    9throoisland_45.png Roo Island 24-12-28

    11th maraqua_45.png Maraqua 27-8-29

    12th virtupets_45.png Virtupets 22-8-34

    13th shenkuu_45.png Shenkuu 14-15-35

    14th moltara_45.png Moltara 19-5-40

    15thterrormountain_45.png Terror Mountain 13-12-39

    16th hauntedwoods_45.png Haunted Woods 10-11-43

    17th altador_45.png Altador 6-6-52

    18th faerieland_45.png Faerieland 1-2-61



    Enjoy!! Post your team down below and comment on how you think your team is doing!! ^_^

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