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  1. Like
    Navy got a reaction from CookieGoo in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Good news everyone!
    His inner eyelids are no longer up and his breathing sounds really clear. He has also stopped coughing and sneezing!

  2. Like
    Navy got a reaction from hrtbrk in How to break my heart with 4 words (photo dump)   
    This is my little brother pride and joy, Stevie. He is currently in California while I deal with family issues in Florida, he couldn't come with me because he has to go to school in September and I have no idea how long I will be here for. His mother took him to Mexico three weeks ago and I haven't been able to talk to him for that entire period. I just was able to speak to him the first time and he says to me.
    "Kanna? (he can't pronounce my name) When you come home Kanna?"
    I tried to hide the fact that I was crying and I told him I'd be home before he knew it and he goes "Ok please come home soon to me casa so we can play, Armando buy me new ball, it gween"
    I muted my mic for a second to gather my composure and said "Oh? Do you like it?" and he says "I like it, but I want to play ka you"
    I told him that I loved him and that I'd talk to him soon and I hung up and bawled like a baby.
    Anyway here's a photo dump of my little man, I'm going to miss his fourth birthday next month and I'm pretty upset over it. I'm going to buy him a ton of stuff to try to make up for it.






    (that last one is his first time seeing a train)
  3. Like
    Navy got a reaction from leverhelven in How to break my heart with 4 words (photo dump)   
    This is my little brother pride and joy, Stevie. He is currently in California while I deal with family issues in Florida, he couldn't come with me because he has to go to school in September and I have no idea how long I will be here for. His mother took him to Mexico three weeks ago and I haven't been able to talk to him for that entire period. I just was able to speak to him the first time and he says to me.
    "Kanna? (he can't pronounce my name) When you come home Kanna?"
    I tried to hide the fact that I was crying and I told him I'd be home before he knew it and he goes "Ok please come home soon to me casa so we can play, Armando buy me new ball, it gween"
    I muted my mic for a second to gather my composure and said "Oh? Do you like it?" and he says "I like it, but I want to play ka you"
    I told him that I loved him and that I'd talk to him soon and I hung up and bawled like a baby.
    Anyway here's a photo dump of my little man, I'm going to miss his fourth birthday next month and I'm pretty upset over it. I'm going to buy him a ton of stuff to try to make up for it.






    (that last one is his first time seeing a train)
  4. Like
    Navy reacted to Grenthine in How to break my heart with 4 words (photo dump)   
    Oh, he is ADORABLE! And he sounds like such a sweetheart, too! <3
  5. Like
    Navy reacted to minniemeggie in How to break my heart with 4 words (photo dump)   
    adorable! I know what is like to be separated from family, my little sister an I were separated when I was 15 and she was 3. We weren't able to see each other for years and I missed a lot of her growing up. I hope you are reunited with your little brother soon, he seems like a total sweet heart!
  6. Like
    Navy got a reaction from nightfall8705 in When is Premium worth getting?   
    SSW makes it ten times easier to make profit through scouting the auctions
    imo SSW makes it worth it alone
  7. Like
    Navy reacted to hrtbrk in New Game: Pakiko! *Now Live!*   
    A new game named Pakiko has been found. Head to play game now!! Check out the trophies below!

  8. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Lydia Trebond in Wizards Bring New Hope to the Field   
    [Matt appears on camera with two cardboard cutouts. He neatly places them down in their respective seats and turns to the camera. One is of Brooke and one is of Austin. Matt turns and faces the cameras with a big malicious grin on his face.]

    [As he begins to start off his report, his voice is noticeably deeper, with a more venomous tone.]

    Hello, and welcome to today's report. As you can very well see, I have another cutout to add to my collection today. It was the only logical thing to do after what happened to Brooke yesterday. I had to find a replacement somehow. As for what happened to her yesterday? Let's just say she won't be assisting us with visuals anytime soon. That'll teach her to never pull a stunt of that proportion again. We're all still searching for Austin, but until then this'll have to do. My dark backstage reporter antics aside, let's move on to today's results - which were certainly interesting, as there were only three sweeps today in total, with one powerhouse team missing the opportunity to sweep! Let's take a look at the Alabriss Bracket first.

    Leaders of the Alabriss Bracket, The Haunted Woods and Tyrannia managed to sweep their opponents Roo Island and Meridell today, respectively. The Zombies and the Fossils had a relatively easy time mopping the floor with the Rooligans and Knights. As this is the last day in this bracket, it seems as if the positions that all six teams currently stand in are final.

    The Mermaids had a rough time keeping the Faeries at bay today, as they were determined to have some green on their record. Elon's spectacular plays allowed Maraqua to narrowly take the victory in Yooyuball, the final score resting at 5-4. Their penalty shots were also on point today, snagging that from the Faeries as well. However, the team known for their resilience and endurance came through today, as they rallied together and united as one, taking Slushie Slinger. This propelled their small and loyal fanbase to take the win in Make Some Noise. Faerieland fans were beyond ecstatic at their two victories today!

    Now for the results from the Minitheus Bracket.

    Breaking news has come in to the studio! Virtupets has LOST Slushie Slinger to Brightvale! You're hearing me correct, folks! the Wizards have been able to pull off a hat trick and deal Virtupets their first loss of the season. Of course with all their attention focused on Slushie Slinger, Virtupets was able to sweep Brightvale in the remaining games, but fans of the Wizards have paid no attention to that! I asked a fan how it felt to take a win against such a strong competitor as the Robots. "It feels amazing! Brightvale is a force to be reckoned with, don't mess with us! It shows that no matter how big the obstacle is, you can overcome it with sheer determination and willpower!" There's a great vibe emanating from Brightvale's tent at the moment - I might have to stop by to grab some of their winning slushies.

    It seems as though few of the teams in the Minitheus Bracket had a little taste of victory today, as Altador managed to take Slushie Slinger as well from the Pirates. It seems the underdog teams are aiming to take Slushie Slinger - the big powerhouse teams will have to focus on that if they want to continue their winning ways. While their victory might not be as grand of an accomplishment as Brightvale's, many supporters of Altador were happy at another win. "The Sun has broken through the clouds once again, and it doesn't plan to hide its radiance!" The Pirates were able to pull through like the Robots and sweep the Suns in their remaining games.

    Kiko Lake must've taken a play off of Maraqua's fieldbook today as the results between the two matches were identical. Of course the scores differed slightly, but the underdog Lost Desert was able to take Slushie Slinger and Make Some Noise from the Kikos. Kiko Lake retaliated and took Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown from the Mummies. The Kikos were on point today, never missing a single goal. Kiko Lake is sitting comfortably at second place in the Minitheus Bracket at the moment and 5th place overall, tied with Darigan Citadel. They are enjoying another great season, a common occurrence for them nowadays.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to Brightvale's tent to drink some of their combo-breaker slushies. I'll be sure to grab a few for you guys!

    [The smile from the beginning of the report appears on Matt's face once again.]

    And I'll be sure to drink one in honor of Brooke.

    [The camera feed turns to static. The newsfeed reappears and in front of the camera stands Hanna.]

    Mystery Island ought to dump some sea water onto the playing field because Moltara is on fire! Today marks the end of Round 3 and Moltara has finished with a perfect score, landing their spot in first place along with Virtupets and the Haunted Woods. Last week I interviewed Zo Junior from Team Haunted Woods where we discussed the secret to their almost flawless season thus far. This week I sat down in the locker room with Zax Bannet, Moltara's right defender, to get at his thoughts about the season.

    [The screen transitions to the reporter adjusting hair and mumbling to the cameraman.
    "Uughh! I can't get my hair to do that flippy-thing, so make sure you get my good side! You have to get my good side!" A locker door slamming in the background can be heard, while the corner of the screen shows Aldric Beign and Tulah Kisner chatting as they walk out the exit double doors.]

    Oh, we're rolling? Let's get straight to it, then.

    Thank you for taking the time to sit down and talk with me, Zax!

    It's no problem, really, but I only have time for a question or two; the rest of the team and I were going to go out to dinner to celebrate today's victory.

    Okay, I understand. I'll try to make this quick. In 2010, '11 and '13 you placed last, only coming up a little from placing 15th in 2012. You're about to start Round 4 in first place! What do you think is the source of this sudden change of pace?

    You have to keep in mind that we joined the Cup four years later than most of the other teams - we haven't had quite the experience as our competitors, but this year we've finally found our footing and we're ready to show the world what Team Moltara is capable of! Our loyal fans have stuck by us through the last few years and continued to root for us this year even with our not-so-phenomenal track record, and we're going to prove to them that we're not going to be the underdog anymore!

    [The double doors swing open again as Harlis Neyhbol stomps in, waving to Zax to let them know they're still waiting on him.]

    I'll take this as my cue to end this interview. Once again, thank you, Zax! We look forward to seeing what Moltara's results at the end of the next round.

    It was my pleasure. Now, if you'll excuse me, I have Molten Meatballs calling my name!

    [Zax stands, yelling out to Harlis, "Hey! Do you think we can order some extra Singed Dinner Rolls this time?" The two make their way out the door where their laughter and chatter, though unintelligible, can still be heard as they walk down the exit corridors.]

    Shenkuu and Terror Mountain bumped heads today, ending the round with a nearly identical win-loss ratio. Both teams have had it pretty rough lately and seem determined to fit in as many wins as possible. As disappointed as Shenkuu fans might be in their team's progress so far, they seem to be the best of the best when it comes to sportsmanship and knowing how to take a loss. When asked how her team's morale is holding out after all of the losses, Timu, Shenkuu's Centre Defender, said with no hesitation: "Win or lose, we're just happy to be here playing our favorite sport!"

    Maybe it's all the dark colours, but it seems like Darigan Citadel is a bit grumpy after taking a devastating blow from Kreludor. These space contenders have always ranked high since joining the Cup, but this year they seem to be sinking into a lower rank than usual. The same could be said about their shadowy competitors today who are left at the end of this round in 5th place. Kreludor versus Darigan Citadel will probably always be my favorite matchup; they're almost equally skilled and watching the ball bounce back and forth more quickly than your eyes can keep track of is a good way to keep yourself entertained for hours on end.

    Whether you're rooting for the underdogs, or siding with the most popular teams, the Altador Cup is one of the most anticipated events marked on the Neopian Calendar. This is where I sign off - Hanna, out.

    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).

  9. Like
    Navy reacted to Midtime in She Took the Broom Puns with Her   
    Hello and welcome everybody! Another exciting day of competition has ended and I think our headline writer will be pleased with the results. First off, I hand the report over to Hanna who will give us the results from the Alabriss Bracket.
    Thanks Matt! Four score and seven minutes ago the Medieval members of Meridell displayed their true potential against Maraqua today. Even though both teams have been severely lacking in the win department, Meridell seemed determined to make a name for themselves this year. Maraqua has lost a majority of their games, but their morale seems unaffected by this losing streak, and they continue to give it their all in every match. Fans claim that it's not their strategy or form that is causing the disappointing results, but that followers of the Haunted Woods have actually cursed their beloved team after tying with them last year.
    Maraqua fans aren't the only group with wild conspiracy theories, after talking with protesters outside of the stadium, some seem to think that the Haunted Woods' winning streak is not so much a result of the hard work and dedication we've witnessed before this year's cup, but more due to the hexes placed on every team they face. Before getting chased away by security guards, I managed to record what one had to say.
    Are these claims even remotely possible? Of course not! It does leave us wondering, however, how people manage to think up such crazy ideas.
    Luckily for most of the audience, the protester's screams were muffled by the cheers of the crowd as the Haunted Woods took yet another win against Faerieland.
    With a minute left to go in Slushie Slinger, and the score resting at four to one, Tyrannia was certain they'd take another sweep today. Letting their guard down wasn't the greatest decision, they'd soon come to find, as Roo Island slung in four more points before the clock hit zero; taking in one win for the day. As a Tyrannian myself, you'd think I'd be disappointed by the loss, but the look on their barbaric faces as the final whistle blowed was quite the sight to see. Overall, the team seems quite content resting in fourth place in the overall standings. It is no doubt that Tyrannia has improved greatly since drafting Mor Gollog as their goalkeeper. Now over to Matt for the remaining results.
    Thanks, Hanna! The Minitheus and Vaeolus Brackets returned to being sweep central today - I guess we can use those broom puns our lovely headline writer has conjured up for us today! If only we could find her. After she stormed out of the studio last night, we haven't been able to contact her. We're losing staff members left and right. I'm sure we'll come up with something interesting. We don't need her, right? Yes? Somebody please answer me so that I know I'm not going crazy! WHERE HAS MY CARDBOARD CUTOUT OF AUSTIN GONE? I'M LONELY AGAIN!
    Ahem. I'm sorry, just a tiny little outburst. Won't happen again. Let's just get to the results from the Minitheus Bracket.
    Our front runner for the podium has pulled off another sweep yet again! This time the Pirates were crushed under the Robots' might - their lack of substantial defence was a critical weakness. The Robots, happy with their performance today and their position both in the bracket and on the overall leaderboard, will be looking forward to today's game. The prospect of another sweep already has them motivated. However, it is worth noting that Virtupets' scores are significantly lower than what Moltara and the Haunted Woods, the other two front runners, have been putting up. They'll have to be conscious of that when they face each other.
    The Suns didn't have any chance to shine today, as the Kikos took complete control of today's match. The Kiko's superb Yooyu handling skills allowed them to take the wins in Yooyuball and Shootout Showdown, while those small but nimble hands allowed them to produce a higher quantity of slushies than the Altadorians. Kiko Lake supporters cheered their hearts out today, while Altador fans were few and far between, handing the win over to the Kikos. The fans of Altador must've been partying too much after their three-day Slushie Slinger streak. Altador will also have a tough time today against Krawk Island, but the Pirates themselves haven't been performing at the best of their ability this season, so it'll be interesting to see what'll happen.
    For our last matchup of the Minitheus Bracket we had Lost Desert and Brightvale face off today. Brightvale dominated the match right from the beginning, as they had possession of the Yooyu for most of the game. Their control of the Yooyu was impeccable as they put immense pressure on the Mummies. The Mummies eventually cracked, and the match ended at a score of 6-4. That's the way the cookies crumble. The Wizards also took Make Some Noise and Shootout Showdown from the Mummies. Lost Desert retaliated in the slushie tents, slinging slushies like nobody's business, and stealing the win in that game.
    Now, that wraps up the Minitheus Bracket. Next up the Vaeolus Bracket, which I'll hopefully get through quickly so I can find my Austin.
    Polar opposites Terror Mountain and Moltara clashed on the Yooyuball field today, and it was clear who the dominant team was today. The Chillers couldn't handle the intensity of the Magmas. If the two teams were in this situation last year, the outcome would've been immensely different. It seems as if the two teams have flipped positions completely! Nonetheless, the past is in the past, and we have to focus on the present, in which the Chillers have been swept by Moltara. Moltara still retains a nearly perfect record this season, and that is very unlikely to change unless they happen to come across the two other big teams, which is'nt going to happen any time soon, considering all three are in different brackets.
    The Ninjas and the Moons faced off against each other today. The Moons, who are currently third in the bracket, showed excellent Yooyu handling skills today, dominating the match against the Ninjas on and off the field. Both teams had fans cheering at their maximum today, but the Moons' fans cheered a few decibels higher than the Ninjas, netting them the win. Kreludor managed to take all of the remaining games, not allowing the Ninjas to sneak in and snag even one.
    The rematch between Mystery Island and Darigan Citadel occurred today, and the Natives were determined to finish what they started. After their draw in Make Some Noise and a loss in Shootout Showdown the day before, the Natives knew what they had to accomplish today, and they did just that. Mystery Island swept Darigan Citadel today in a series of games the Minions aren't likely to forget anytime soon. Hopefully this match will serve as a wake-up call for the Minions, as they face an even tougher opponent today. The Moons will be trying to mimic the Natives' success, hoping they can overtake Darigan Citadel, which is currently second in the Vaeolus Bracket.
    The match between the Minions and the Moons will be the one to watch today. With the stinging feeling of defeat still lingering in their minds and with the Moons coming off their sweep feeling refreshed, this'll be one for the books. From an analytic viewpoint, Kreludor looks poised to take this match, based on the scores they've been putting up recently. The Minions will have to work harder and surpass their consistent 5s if they want to defeat the Moons. That's it for today! Matt here signing-
    [The broadcast is cut off by a burst of static. A shadowy figure appears in the static, which slowly clears to reveal Brooke, dressed in black sneaky-type-clothing, and holding Austin's mustache in her clenched fist.]
    I confess! I am the one responsible for the disappearance of the cardboard cutout! I just couldn't take it anymore, Matt. The eyes kept watching me... judging me. I know I haven't been playing as hard for my team as I could be, but I've been busy! You think I don't know that, you uncanny and terrifying version of Austin? You think you're better than me?
    *ahem* Anyway. I went and shoved it in a broom cupboard. Can't remember which one, to be honest. I just didn't want it looking at me anymore. But I feel sort of bad about stealing it, so... if you want it back, you'll just have to figure out what I did with the key. Good luck with that.
    [Brooke grins mysteriously, then fades back into static. The static cuts to black, before cutting back to a view of Matt in the studio.]
    [Matt quickly jumps out of his seat, presumably rushing to find Brooke to obtain the hidden key. Shouting can be heard occasionally, and a faint but menacing "Got you now!" can be heard before the camera cuts to static...]

    Obligatory disclaimer: This news report was written to inform you all of the latest Altador Cup results in as entertaining a manner as possible. The rest of its content is largely fictional, composed from various fan comments and the whims of our imagination in an attempt to inspire a sense of realism through our reporting. While we do our best to keep things reasonably neutral, this report is in no way intended to be a completely bias-free listing of the day's results, nor does it claim to provide critical analysis of past and potential outcomes from qualified Altador Cup experts. Please note that the opinions formulated in this report are from a full team of different reporters, and in no way represent the views of only a single faction. If you're looking for 100% unbiased performance data, take a look at our standings page. If professional analysis tickles your fancy, you want our predictions pages (global/daily).
  10. Like
    Navy got a reaction from cordeliavane in Neopets puns :D   
    I actually laughed for a good thirty seconds at this one
  11. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Forum Customization Contest!   
    Zombie Flotsam is here to remind you guys to keep our oceans clean!
    foreground is animated
    I know it's not typically what you'd expect for an underwater theme
  12. Like
    Navy got a reaction from siniri in Forum Customization Contest!   
    Zombie Flotsam is here to remind you guys to keep our oceans clean!
    foreground is animated
    I know it's not typically what you'd expect for an underwater theme
  13. Like
    Navy got a reaction from lovedwallflower in Forum Customization Contest!   
    Zombie Flotsam is here to remind you guys to keep our oceans clean!
    foreground is animated
    I know it's not typically what you'd expect for an underwater theme
  14. Like
    Navy got a reaction from LillytheGrundo in Songs that make you cry   
    Johnny Cash - Hurt

    It makes it even sadder now that he has passed
  15. Like
    Navy got a reaction from georgeringo in Forum Customization Contest!   
    Zombie Flotsam is here to remind you guys to keep our oceans clean!
    foreground is animated
    I know it's not typically what you'd expect for an underwater theme
  16. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Wildbreeze in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Here's some update photos:

    I gave him another bath because he still had some flea (see: dead one on my hand)

    and here's him about 10 minutes ago

  17. Like
    Navy reacted to Novelista in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Groovy! *thumbs up*
    I realize, of course, that I'm not one to talk, considering a kitten was found inside the "operative parts" of my car and the coworker who adopted him took my suggestion and named him Stratus. :D
  18. Like
    Navy got a reaction from nousha in Songs that make you cry   
    Johnny Cash - Hurt

    It makes it even sadder now that he has passed
  19. Like
    Navy got a reaction from CookieGoo in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Here's some update photos:

    I gave him another bath because he still had some flea (see: dead one on my hand)

    and here's him about 10 minutes ago

  20. Like
    Navy reacted to Mouseykins in Horse Owners/Lovers?   
    I used to own two Tennessee Walkers. I had to put my gelding down due to an injury he sustained and my filly I sold to a wonderful home. I came to the decision to sell her after I had my daughter and just didn't have the time to care for my horse anymore. I felt that I was neglecting her and she didn't deserve that. She deserved a home where she could get all the attention she deserves. I miss them both dearly. My gelding had his life ended too soon unfortunately. I live in a small town and had them boarded about an hour from where I live, so not very practical to begin with.
    A friend of mine in town has a barn just outside of town and she takes me riding when I'm not busy. My daughter also comes with me for a while to play with the animals a bit before her Daddy takes her home. Later on we may get an acreage and a couple horses. But right now I'm happy not having the extra responsibility. I know my filly has a much better home then I could have provided for her at this time in my life.
  21. Like
    Navy got a reaction from kaybee92 in Horse Owners/Lovers?   
    My mom has always been obsessed with horses, so that means I have to like them. They're so beautiful and strong, there's a pasture not too far from where I live and the field is all swamp and you know the horses are going to get hoof rot and it makes me so sad. I cannot own horses because they're kind of expensive and hard to take care of but I was a member of 4H as a kid and I still love to go horseback riding or just feed them.
  22. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Ranaki in NT writers: how long do you take to write?   
    I've always wanted to try, but my major problem is that I can't think of a topic to write about that hasn't already been done before.
  23. Like
    Navy got a reaction from rowtiderow in Gender Identity!   
    I dislike the idea that genders exist in the first place.
    You want to wear frilly things but were born with a dingdong? Go for it!
    You have a hoo-ha but want to play sports, catch lizards, and play video games? You go Glenn Coco!
    You want to die of heat stroke wear a fur suit because you feel like a dog? It's you're life.
    My motto in life is, if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone (including yourself), then go for it and forget what everyone has to say about it.
  24. Like
    Navy got a reaction from AJ11 in Gender Identity!   
    I dislike the idea that genders exist in the first place.
    You want to wear frilly things but were born with a dingdong? Go for it!
    You have a hoo-ha but want to play sports, catch lizards, and play video games? You go Glenn Coco!
    You want to die of heat stroke wear a fur suit because you feel like a dog? It's you're life.
    My motto in life is, if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone (including yourself), then go for it and forget what everyone has to say about it.
  25. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Katsuokai in Gender Identity!   
    I dislike the idea that genders exist in the first place.
    You want to wear frilly things but were born with a dingdong? Go for it!
    You have a hoo-ha but want to play sports, catch lizards, and play video games? You go Glenn Coco!
    You want to die of heat stroke wear a fur suit because you feel like a dog? It's you're life.
    My motto in life is, if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone (including yourself), then go for it and forget what everyone has to say about it.
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