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    Navy got a reaction from Wildbreeze in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    His URI came back, but we managed to get rid of it again with some stronger antibiotics.
    Update photo

    He's growing like a weed, when we got him he could fit in my palm, now he's about a third of the size of my 2 year old cat.
    The "collar" is a bracelet my mom found and we just put on him for a photo opt, don't worry, it's not staying on him.
    He wants to know who the handsome young devil in the photo I posted to TDNforums is.

  2. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Wildbreeze in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    He went back to the vet today for a checkup, besides a slightly runny nose he has no other signs of the infection and has about 6CCs of antibiotics to go until he's all done with his treatment. He's getting so big, when I first found him he could fit in the palm of my hand, now he's twice that size.
    His new official name is Parker, he knows it and everything.

  3. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Wildbreeze in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Here's some update photos:

    I gave him another bath because he still had some flea (see: dead one on my hand)

    and here's him about 10 minutes ago

  4. Like
    Navy got a reaction from CookieGoo in Forum Customization Contest!   
    This one was so fun, it was so hard to pick out the one I wanted to use because I was able to make so many awesome pets.
  5. Like
    Navy reacted to leverhelven in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    I feel my heart get warmer everytime I come to this thread and see how adorable he's becoming! He's absolutely precious - and lucky! You're a wonderful person :)
  6. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Wildbreeze in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Yeah, most kittens do.
    My father's friend came over yesterday, and he hadn't seen him since the day we got him and thought he was a different kitten. He's not an ugly cat like some of my friends initially said, he just was sick and had dirt and snot all over him. Now that he's better he looks and acts just like any other kitten. Thinking back on what might have happened to him if we didn't find him is saddening. I try to think that someone else would have saw him and picked him up like I did. I worry about his mother and siblings, I wonder if they're okay.
    On a happier note, I ordered some stuff from newegg and decided to see if he would enjoy playing in the box.
    He plays and sleeps in the box, the only time he comes out is to poop and eat.

  7. Like
    Navy got a reaction from leverhelven in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    His URI came back, but we managed to get rid of it again with some stronger antibiotics.
    Update photo

    He's growing like a weed, when we got him he could fit in my palm, now he's about a third of the size of my 2 year old cat.
    The "collar" is a bracelet my mom found and we just put on him for a photo opt, don't worry, it's not staying on him.
    He wants to know who the handsome young devil in the photo I posted to TDNforums is.

  8. Like
    Navy got a reaction from leverhelven in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Yeah, most kittens do.
    My father's friend came over yesterday, and he hadn't seen him since the day we got him and thought he was a different kitten. He's not an ugly cat like some of my friends initially said, he just was sick and had dirt and snot all over him. Now that he's better he looks and acts just like any other kitten. Thinking back on what might have happened to him if we didn't find him is saddening. I try to think that someone else would have saw him and picked him up like I did. I worry about his mother and siblings, I wonder if they're okay.
    On a happier note, I ordered some stuff from newegg and decided to see if he would enjoy playing in the box.
    He plays and sleeps in the box, the only time he comes out is to poop and eat.

  9. Like
    Navy reacted to Mouseykins in Mouseykins Captured! Part 2   
    This is Mouseykins, still on location in my Altador holding cell. My first message was successfully delivered by my newest friend, Mighty the Mootix. I shall continue to report on the events of my capture.

    After Mighty left, I slept and didn't wake up until the sun was starting to rise in the sky. The guards haven't brought any food to me yet and I was famished. I figured I'd call for the guards, "Hello! Can you hear me? I'd like to get something to eat. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday." I waited for a response but none came. Instead a guard came to my cell with a tray of food and slid it under the door without saying a word. As the guard walked off I picked up the tray and set it on the cot. Taking off the lid, I was hoping for something decent to eat. Instead I found a lump of Cinnamon Raisin Oatmeal, a slice of cold buttered toast and a glass of Apple Juice. The food looked very unappetizing and I was not impressed. I'll refuse even a good bowl of oatmeal. Left with no other choice, I ate what I was given. After eating and twiddling my thumbs with nothing better to do, I went back to sleep. Hopefully Mighty will be back soon.

    I'm not sure how long I slept for, but Mighty still hadn't returned. I was starting to get a little worried for him. Staring at the stone ceiling, I continued to wait for Mighty. Several hours later I heard the familiar squeak of Mighty's voice. He had returned a few minutes ago and noticed that I was asleep and woke me up right away. Mighty informed me that he was able to deliver my message to Jerry. He explained that it took him a little longer to return than expected because he had to wait for a response. I untied the letter from his back and began reading it.

    Dear Mouseykins,
    I have received your message and by the time you're reading this, it will have been published. You stated in your note that you were requesting help getting out of this predicament you caused. I'm sorry to say, but there is nothing I can do. Our hands are tied over here. We are constantly being watched by the guards and have even had them search the office. They left quite a mess too. I suspect they're keeping an eye on us to make sure we don't help you escape. I wish there was more I could do, but for now you're on your own.

    Mighty has told me that he will continue to serve as a messenger between us. Please keep communicating with me so I know you're alright. I have given Mighty strict instructions to only show himself to me. If you continue sending me story pieces I will have them published.

    Best of Luck,

    After reading Jerry's letter, I took a deep breath. I was a little disappointed that my colleagues are unable to help me right now. Maybe I shouldn't have frozen the guards last year with my Freeze Ray. But with their strict security not letting press in, they were kind of asking for it. I guess I'll see if Mighty can help me escape when the time comes. For now I guess I'll be waiting patiently for the perfect opportunity.

    Once again I have tied this report onto Mighty's back for delivery up to coverage headquarters. After he leaves I guess I'll get some rest and hopefully get a few bright ideas.

    This is Mouseykins for The Daily Neopets putting her pen down to dream up a foolproof plan.
  10. Like
    Navy got a reaction from missmadiemay in Customization Contest Voting #5! :)   
    my suggestion for the next round is nerdy
  11. Like
    Navy got a reaction from .Brianna. in Customization Contest Voting #5! :)   
    my suggestion for the next round is nerdy
  12. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Duskitty in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    His URI came back, but we managed to get rid of it again with some stronger antibiotics.
    Update photo

    He's growing like a weed, when we got him he could fit in my palm, now he's about a third of the size of my 2 year old cat.
    The "collar" is a bracelet my mom found and we just put on him for a photo opt, don't worry, it's not staying on him.
    He wants to know who the handsome young devil in the photo I posted to TDNforums is.

  13. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Spritzie in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    His URI came back, but we managed to get rid of it again with some stronger antibiotics.
    Update photo

    He's growing like a weed, when we got him he could fit in my palm, now he's about a third of the size of my 2 year old cat.
    The "collar" is a bracelet my mom found and we just put on him for a photo opt, don't worry, it's not staying on him.
    He wants to know who the handsome young devil in the photo I posted to TDNforums is.

  14. Like
    Navy got a reaction from astro in Let's talk about GAY MARRIAGE!   
    I've never really understood why this is up for debate, marriage is a human right, and the funny thing about rights is, they're not optional.
  15. Like
    Navy got a reaction from dayday0819 in Let's talk about GAY MARRIAGE!   
    I've never really understood why this is up for debate, marriage is a human right, and the funny thing about rights is, they're not optional.
  16. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Nubisbully in Your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?   
    I have pretty bad anxiety and have been on so many different medications for it. Most of these medication would harm my liver if I continue to take them for the rest of my life. Then I was introduced to the love of my life, Mary Jane. She held my hand and said "We gon' get through this" and she is my best friend
    Joking aside, I recognize that marijuana smoke contains tar and carbon monoxide, which is why I very rarely smoke. However I make treats containing THC on a bi-weekly basis and I have 2 a day. They do not contain enough THC to inhibit my work or driving.
    I think everyone should have a little bit of THC every now and again.
    My rules are
    -no smoking or being high around children or guests
    -do not get couch-melting high in case of an emergency
    -only do it in my own home
    I cannot stand when people smoke in public, it's a major pet peeve of mine
    I went to Santa Monica Pier with my little brother not too long and someone was smoking weed right next to us while we were building a sand castle. No one should be forced to smell your habit.
  17. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Duskitty in Your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?   
    Marijuana causes no longer term effects on organs. Smoking it does cause some damage to the lungs but they aren't sure how much. Young healthy people would not have severe lung damage from smoking it. Other drugs, yes, marijuana, no. Your mother is most likely trying to scare you away from illegal substances, which I don't really blame her.
  18. Like
    Navy reacted to Clumsy rockyroad1 in Plastics: Ban or not?   
    Recently, our country had an election. So there was an change of officials. In 1 city, the city government banned the use of all plastics effective immediately. The previous officials only banned non-biodegradable plastics.
    What is your stand on this matter? Should use of plastics be banned, limited, or allow to no restriction?
  19. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Batgirl in Feral kitties and TNR   
    It's gotten to the point where feral cats have become disease ridden pests. FeLV and FIV are running rampant in feral cat colonies, they live lives of hunger, disease, and injury. They have litter after litter and one female can have 29 litters in 10 years and one un-neutered male can produce thousands and thousand of kittens in his lifetime. Leaving these cats to suffer and die and reek havoc on the local natural wildlife is the real cruelty here.
    It's sad but you can't save all of them, in my time fostering cats I've realized it's better for them to be put down than neutered and released. Releasing them keeps them from breeding but it doesn't improve their lives. They're still starving, they're still exposed to disease and parasites like ticks and fleas. They'll still fight and become injured, they'll still be hit by cars and left to die on the side of the road.
  20. Like
    Navy reacted to Shelley in Feral kitties and TNR   
    Well "feral" cats aren't wild. All of the typical house cats have been bred to be domesticated so while they may lack the human interaction to make them suitable to behave properly in a home environment, they're still a product of our domestication. Wild cats on the other hand such as bobcats (which we've seen around), lynx, and mountain lions are indigenous wild species to the area and will certainly not hang around your homes on a daily basis eating cat food that you leave out for them. There's a huge difference between wild cats and what we call feral cats.
    One of my cats was a "feral" cat and he's the sweetest cat you'll ever meet. He spends most of his time outside as we tried to train him to be an indoor cat but that obviously failed.
    I HATE to say this because it breaks my heart, but sometimes putting cats down can be the best option for them. I worked at a vets office where they specifically had a donation fund to take in feral cats off the streets, test and treat them for disease and then adopt them out. I live in a small town so we weren't overwhelmed with cats. This method usually worked out but if a cat came in severely injured or with a contagious disease it was put down. I've cried over watching a feral kitten be put down it's terrible and obviously the last thing that anyone wants to witness.
    It's hard to stop the feral population from growing. I think TNR can be a helpful method as long as the cat isn't ill. But it's obviously not going to solve all our problems. The feral cat population is a problem that we humans created. It is sad to see any animal put down healthy or not, but this problem has gotten out of hand.
    as for the cost of spaying and neutering, I know the vets office I worked at (well I got my cats fixed for free) but once a month they have spay and neuter clinics. It would be like the first wednesday of every month. It would cost around $20 per cat and we would have cats in by the hundreds. Many other clinics have programs like this that apply to both feral and house cats. The only downside is that the anesthesia they use is cheaper and has more risks involved. However, I've trusted it with my cats and I've only ever seen one cat have a bad reaction to it and it wasn't fatal. So please, just any cat that you ever own, have them spayed and neutered. Barn cats and outdoor cats especially. If you can pay for cat food you can afford to get them fixed.
  21. Like
    Navy reacted to leverhelven in Feral kitties and TNR   
    You should tell your friend that the real cruelness is letting them have litter after litter of kitties that will grow up and live on the streets, with no proper care, no food, getting sick etc.
    TNR is the best thing to do, or you can ask her to take all street cats to her home and care for them. Yeah...
  22. Like
    Navy got a reaction from minniemeggie in Christmas in July - A gifting post!   
    I cannot neofriend you because you haven't got parental permission yet and I'm not sure if I can gift you without being your NF. However, I just bought NC and tomorrow when the cookies restock i'll buy you one.
    I cannot find a space pirate xweetok hat anywhere, so that's all I can think of for now
  23. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Totu487 in Christmas in July - A gifting post!   
    I cannot neofriend you because you haven't got parental permission yet and I'm not sure if I can gift you without being your NF. However, I just bought NC and tomorrow when the cookies restock i'll buy you one.
    I cannot find a space pirate xweetok hat anywhere, so that's all I can think of for now
  24. Like
    Navy got a reaction from rowtiderow in Gender Identity!   
    I dislike the idea that genders exist in the first place.
    You want to wear frilly things but were born with a dingdong? Go for it!
    You have a hoo-ha but want to play sports, catch lizards, and play video games? You go Glenn Coco!
    You want to die of heat stroke wear a fur suit because you feel like a dog? It's you're life.
    My motto in life is, if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone (including yourself), then go for it and forget what everyone has to say about it.
  25. Like
    Navy got a reaction from quisquose in The Cat Thread   
    I had no idea this thread existed! Thanks Novelista!
    Anyway, I've fostered cats since as long as I can remember, so I constantly have furry faces popping in and out of my life. I have a few that I have personally adopted and will never be rehomed.

    This is Spooky! She was a feral stray I worked on taming for months until I was finally able to get a hold of her and bring inside. Her nicknames include Spook, Catdog (she has a dog-like personality) and Chicken Leg (she escaped and got hit by a car about a year ago which required surgery, they shaved her entire lower half and her leg looked like the chicken thigh quarters you buy in the meat section, thus getting her name.

    This is Cinnamon, I call her Cinnabutt, though. I got her when I was buying chinese food, they had the door open and this cat came in begging for food, you could see ever bone in her body and they were chasing her out with a broom but she was so weak she couldn't even run. I picked her up and took her to the vet the next day. She hadn't eaten in so long that her body couldn't even handle food so they had to nourish her through an IV
    She will always be little because of her malnutrition when she was young.

    This is Boo, my sister calls him Bears, he is the son of my first cat ever, he is about to turn 13 next month.

    Some of you may know this little booger from this thread, I found him Saturday afternoon while on my way to my glass blowing class, he was in the middle of the road all alone about to be hit by oncoming cars. He is currently recovering from an upper respiratory infection, he is currently 5 weeks old.
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