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  1. Like
    Navy got a reaction from rowtiderow in Gender Identity!   
    I dislike the idea that genders exist in the first place.
    You want to wear frilly things but were born with a dingdong? Go for it!
    You have a hoo-ha but want to play sports, catch lizards, and play video games? You go Glenn Coco!
    You want to die of heat stroke wear a fur suit because you feel like a dog? It's you're life.
    My motto in life is, if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone (including yourself), then go for it and forget what everyone has to say about it.
  2. Like
    Navy got a reaction from runlittlefoot in WARNING, spooky treasure maps are not worth it! :o   
    Only thing I actively buy for the purpose of making NP off of is the Neocola machine, I always end up with a transmogrification potion that gives me some sort of profit.
  3. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Lady Lyuba in Yay for coming out to my dad!   
    Congrats! It's often hard to come out to your parents, it was difficult to me even though I knew they we're all for gay rights.
  4. Like
    Navy got a reaction from nightfall8705 in Yay for coming out to my dad!   
    Congrats! It's often hard to come out to your parents, it was difficult to me even though I knew they we're all for gay rights.
  5. Like
    Navy got a reaction from AJ11 in Gender Identity!   
    I dislike the idea that genders exist in the first place.
    You want to wear frilly things but were born with a dingdong? Go for it!
    You have a hoo-ha but want to play sports, catch lizards, and play video games? You go Glenn Coco!
    You want to die of heat stroke wear a fur suit because you feel like a dog? It's you're life.
    My motto in life is, if it makes you happy and doesn't hurt anyone (including yourself), then go for it and forget what everyone has to say about it.
  6. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Ranaki in Sad News About My Kitten   
    He's a great dog around people but he hates cats and mAle dogs. They have numerous files against them but there are no animal control services that will Take him. I'm seriously thinking of bringing him to the vet to be put now
  7. Like
    Navy reacted to nightfall8705 in Sad News About My Kitten   
    That poor baby. I'm sorry Navy. It's not your fault, hun. Things happen for a reason. I know you'll miss that sweet kitten, but he's in a better place now. I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better... losing a pet is a very hard thing to go through, but I'm sure that that kitten of yours thought the world of you. You gave the best gift to him just by loving him, so please don't feel guilty. If you need us to talk to, we're all here for you.
  8. Like
    Navy reacted to DesertRose in Sad News About My Kitten   
    I am so sorry, Navy! He looks like a real sweetheart. i know I'm new here, but....*hugs*
  9. Like
    Navy reacted to Duskitty in Sad News About My Kitten   
    Oh no, I'm so sorry D: *hugs*
    None of this was your fault, it was a freak accident that you couldn't have prevented. I'm sorry, that must have been traumatic.
    You took good care of him, and he was happy and loved, at least for a short time. *hugs*
  10. Like
    Navy reacted to Naamah D. in Sad News About My Kitten   
    Did the dog's owners witness it happen? Is the dog vicious by nature? I'm so sorry Navy. The reason I ask these questions because I would think that you could take the owner's to court for allowing the dog to harm your kitten. I'm not trying to judge the owner's dog and I don't know the full story and apologized if I placed false judgments,
    Once again, I'm sorry.
  11. Like
    Navy reacted to Navy in Sad News About My Kitten   
    This morning we were moving an old mattress out of the house, he slipped right by me and before I could even notice it the neighbor's dog who was loose had him by the head and was shaking him, breaking his neck.
    I loved him so much, and I feel so guilty.
  12. Like
    Navy reacted to Shelley in Sad News About My Kitten   
    Aw Navy, I'm so sorry for your loss. :( It's a really hard thing to lose an animal. But just know that this was not your fault, just a freak accident out of your control. Although his life was short, you were able to give him a life full of love and care. you shouldn't feel guilty
  13. Like
    Navy reacted in Sad News About My Kitten   
    This is so tragic and sad! I'm so sorry Hanna! :( There's no way you could have known your neighbor's dog would be loose, and your kitten was going to sneak out. Please, don't feel guilty! I hope you are okay and you feel better soon!
  14. Like
    Navy reacted to Breaziecat in Sad News About My Kitten   
    That's so sad; but it's not your fault at all.
  15. Like
    Navy reacted to lakecat in Sad News About My Kitten   
    I'm so sorry Navy. But don't blame yourself. Everyone who has ever had a pet (especially cats) knows that they can't be watched constantly. They all get into situations sooner or later and sometimes they lose those nine lives all at once. Probably your next cat (when you're ready for one) will live to be 20. Give yourself some time to grieve before choosing another. If it helps any, I believe all cats go to heaven. 0:)
  16. Like
    Navy reacted to blowupthesun in Sad News About My Kitten   
    I'm so sorry. That must have been so horrifying/heartbreaking and I can't imagine seeing something like that. I lost a 19 year old cat best friend around 2 years ago, and I still miss him all the time :(
    I hope you're doing ok, and this really was NOT your fault, so don't feel guilty and just remind yourself that he was lucky to have someone who loved and cared for him so much.
  17. Like
    Navy reacted to Lady Lyuba in Why doesn't anybody notice my art?   
    Sure, in real life, when people see my art, they are amazed, because it's more common to come across people who can't draw there. But online, good artists are a dime a dozen, so much so that I just pale in comparison to them. No matter how hard I work, no matter how long it takes me, I get no attention for my work. Nobody notices, nobody comments, nobody even gives me criticism or help. Do I not have talent? Am I a terrible artist? Why is it that nobody, I repeat, nobody, cares at all when I post my art on Tumblr or deviantART, why I get no recognition for it, and people don't follow or watch me for my art? It makes me feel like I have no talent, and it discourages me and makes me feel hopeless. All I want is some recognition and nobody gives me it. Why doesn't anybody care?
  18. Like
    Navy reacted to fullonparanoid in Your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?   
    I am totally down with 'controlled' legalization (like the way alcohol is controlled).
    It always amuses me when someone goes off about how "but it is a GATEWAY DRUG!!!" and due to that, legalizing it will turn millions into crack addicts. /facepalm
    The reality is...if alcohol were illegal...IT would be a 'gateway drug'. If cigarettes were illegal...THEY would be a 'gateway drug'. Heck, if sugary treats were illegal ...THEY would be 'gateway drugs'.
    This is because in order to obtain an illegal substance, one must rub elbows with the 'underbelly' of 'proper' society. Once you are dealing in an illegal substance...NO MATTER THE SUBSTANCE...you will encounter other illegal substances.
    For example...if you buy your weed from a drug dealer...eventually he will either HAVE or know where to get SOMETHING ELSE (usually 'harder') to sell ya.
    However, if you are buying your "Marlboro Greens" from the 7-11 up the street...the dude behind the counter is not gonna offer you a gram of blow to go with it.
    There is no logical reason, AT ALL, to keep it illegal. It is the stupid Prohibition law of our times (and it has lasted WAY too long).
    Just sayin'...
  19. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Shelley in Your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?   
    It's sad how a lot of people don't believe in mental illness, or think it's not as tough to deal with as it is.
    I struggle with manic depression and severe anxiety, and it's pretty debilitating.
  20. Like
    Navy reacted to minniemeggie in Your thoughts on legalizing marijuana?   
    My opinions on this matter are very biased. I was brought up by hippies, my mom and dad weren't even married or in love, they were best-friends who hadn't found 'the one' but wanted children, so they had three kids together. Some people think my home life was dysfunctional but my parents never fought, had separate bedrooms, and we generally had a fantastic childhood. I was unschooled until I asked to go to a traditional high-school to experience what it was like, when I took my tests to place in my high-school at 15 I could have been a senior but I chose to stay with my age group. Most of my life was spent traveling in a RV. We had a home in San Francisco but being unschooled my parents felt it was important for us to get a hands on learning experience in the world, we traveled the U.S. several times, we spent three years traveling in Europe, two years in South America and 7 months in Australia. We made money in two very unconventional ways, we made soap and my father sold marijuana we would grow.
    I grew up with marijuana, I was taught to treat all of mother nature with a cautious respect, you abuse and disrespect earth and she will bite you back. Now before I continue with what I have to say next some people (unfamiliar with marijuana or natural medicine) would consider this next part to be child abuse or endangerment and before you say anything negative about my parents reactions and solutions please check them at the door and keep those opinions to yourself.
    When I turned 8 years old it was discovered that I had severe scoliosis, so bad that I had nerve damage all along my spine that would only get worse as I grew. Nerve damage can have a number of effects the most common being numbing or pain. I had the latter. By the time I was 11 and when I stopped growing due to my scoliosis (4'10 and what!?") I was in so much chronic pain that existing was so painful I would vomit and pass out from pain multiple times a day. My parents tried every natural remedy they felt safe with and gave up after a short while and took me to a doctor. This was the one and only time I ever heard my parents argue. At the tender age of 11 I was getting prescribed narcotics for my pain. My parents fought at the doctors office over whether or not my prescription for morphine was safe. It is commonly given to child cancer patients with severe pain. Obviously the dosage was small but here were parents being forced to decide whether or not relieving my pain was worth pumping me full of chemicals and opioids.
    That night my mom made me ganja tea for the first time, and for the first time since I could remember it wasn't miserable to exist, sure the pain wasn't eliminated but it was subsided, I was no longer continually nauseous and could spend a day being active and having fun without passing out from pain or being bedridden.
    Marijuana isn't always the answer and although I no longer eat/drink/or smoke marijuana it was the stepping stone to help me learn to live and function with my body, I have seen it help many and I have seen it lead many down a dark path. A path I believe would have a lot more lights if it was legal and readily available.
    Those that have fallen into dangerous drugs usually start with marijuana and friends I used to know who have gone down that road have one thing in common, the same dealers that sold them marijuana led them to the harder drugs.
    My husband smokes still and although it isn't aloud in the house or around the children I will never hide his use because marijuana shouldn't be looked at as evil, it should be treated with respect and not abused or made into a villain.
  21. Like
    Navy got a reaction from astro in Let's talk about GAY MARRIAGE!   
    I've never really understood why this is up for debate, marriage is a human right, and the funny thing about rights is, they're not optional.
  22. Like
    Navy reacted to Wildbreeze in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Ah! I forgot to check up on this post until now. He is such a cute furball! You're amazing for giving this guy a second chance. :)
    As for people thinking he was ugly... It's sometimes hard to see the potential cute kitten under the scraggly dirty fur. I have a friend that rescued a kitty off the freeway a year ago.
    This was his before:
    and after:
  23. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Clumsy rockyroad1 in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  24. Like
    Navy got a reaction from livvy in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Meet Ringo, I was on my way to my glass blowing class when I notice something in the road. I thought it was a bird and there was a car coming on the otherside when I noticed it was a kitten. I slammed on the brakes and go out of the car to stop the car coming on the other side and he ran to me meowing. I immediately made a beeline to the vet. He was tested for feline leukemia, the test came up negative. He has ear mites and a ton of fleas along a bad upper respitory infection. He's only five weeks old, I'm on my way home at the moment where I'm going to clean him up and give him his meds. He will be okay but he has to be quarantined in a carrier for 2 weeks in my room.

    Someone most likely dumped him in the woods after he got sick and he's been on his own for at least 2 days. $150 vet bill but worth every cent.

    He's not the prettiest and cutest kitten right now but that's because of his RI, he'll be up to speed in a few weeks.

    Just felt like sharing my eventful day.
  25. Like
    Navy got a reaction from Wildbreeze in I found a 5 week old sick kitten   
    Yeah, most kittens do.
    My father's friend came over yesterday, and he hadn't seen him since the day we got him and thought he was a different kitten. He's not an ugly cat like some of my friends initially said, he just was sick and had dirt and snot all over him. Now that he's better he looks and acts just like any other kitten. Thinking back on what might have happened to him if we didn't find him is saddening. I try to think that someone else would have saw him and picked him up like I did. I worry about his mother and siblings, I wonder if they're okay.
    On a happier note, I ordered some stuff from newegg and decided to see if he would enjoy playing in the box.
    He plays and sleeps in the box, the only time he comes out is to poop and eat.

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