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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/19/23 in all areas

  1. Honestly? I've been through quite a bit of failed relationships and has beens. What I found out after I met my now-wife is that it's better to just be yourself. Enjoy the other person's company and find someone you enjoy talking to that brings out the sort of you that you always wanted to be, even if it's not the who you are right now. I believe that a lot of relationships fail because at the fundamental level, they can't see each other as friends. And having a partner is supposed to be rooted in something similar, for me anyway. There's also a clear line between someone who accidentally hurts you and someone who abuses you. Sometimes it can be hard to differentiate the two. The key thing is to care for yourself more. The more you love yourself the more you can love your partner. Last thing I would say though, is just take your time. Enjoy whatever it is you have right now and move forward with a comfortable pace. It's not a race. Hope that gives you something useful. Cheers and goodluck!
    2 points
  2. hrtbrk

    Happy Lutari Day!

    Purple | Camouflage Toy
    1 point
  3. I actually like them! I don't think I would personally use them, never been a huge Krawk fan, but I was just thinking how I like a lot of the customizations that have been coming out recently. Really fond of the Gelert, Shoyru & Uni ones for sure! I just like how some of the new custom items make it kind of look like a whole new pet.
    1 point
  4. Also, if your pet is WEARING the item it will not show up - which is pretty frustrating as well.
    1 point
  5. The one about finding love when you're not actively looking for it. If you are in the mindset of "wanting a relationship" then you are more likely to ignore red flags and incompatibilities in the name of "making it work." I met my fiance on tinder, both of us were just looking to rebound after bad relationships and it turns out he's my soul mate. I was able to see him for who he really was (my perfect partner) because I was actually looking at him instead of constantly watching "the relationship." I hope that makes sense and helps! Previously I had only dated men I had been friends with before, but I wasn't getting the princess treatment I wanted (because I was "one of the guys") so finding someone I hadn't met was actually better for me. edit to add: "If you don't love yourself, how in the hell you gonna love somebody else?" - RuPaul Charles
    1 point
  6. I actually really do like the Origami Color! It's not too overly detailed, but the scale design on its head looks really nice! The colors look just like an alligator or a crocodile's, which is a nice touch! The clothes on the other hand... They're just alright. I feel like this is another case where each individual piece looks like it'd fit really well with certain colors and other clothing, but all together it's a tad much. The nails and teeth and even the head spikes together on one would be a good idea, but the ones on the body may be a bit too much clutter- For me at least! I'd like to see someone prove that wrong and use this in a different way, it has potential. Despite a few odd things, it's a great Krawk Day!
    1 point
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