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  1. Past hour
  2. No, unfortunately, I didn’t forget, I was still waiting on the other entry up until the end of Monday night and never got it from the last user, and then when I went to go put them up dress to impress has been giving me issues and I couldn’t open up the webpages of the person that sent me their entry for the event, I was going to check again tonight and see if the page would load for me. Dress to impress was also having issues all weekend as well. I couldn’t even do my own customization for my own pets because things not loading. Wish it wouldn’t have issues so often , though, I do understand that this is a free thing that these people are putting out for us lol
  3. Your art is amazing! My personal favorite is the Tyrannian Hissi.
  4. Today
  5. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. acres 6. nova 7. spy 8. bbq 9. fortune 11. ant 12. eyrieki 13. eeeee Down: 1. rock 2. one 4. snowflake 5. anshu 8. benny 10. tag 12. eye What colour is a plushie Harris's nose? Answer: Red Prize: 450 NP
  6. @Musical_Shoyru I think you forgot to open the polling back up.
  7. Yesterday
  8. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. acara 5. ruki 7. ant 10. active 12. negg 14. roo Down: 1. rock 2. armin 4. art 6. bite 8. nova 9. tag 11. two 13. gormos 15. one What information do you NOT need when you write in to support about your account? Answer: Password Prize: 463 NP
  9. The ray is fired at Toysaur... ... and he changes into a Red Gnorbu!!
  10. https://www.neopets.com/petlookup.phtml?pet=Esillae i painted Esillae Strawberry
  11. I am in LOOVE with the outfits as well! Incredible design and color choice! Looking forward to adding those to my collection!
  12. Cute Strawberry Peophin! Love the leafy mane The Fyora dress is incredible!! I adore the colors, and each piece looks amazing on its own!! And the Iridescent one is amazing too! Each part looks fresh and delightful! Happy Fyora Day everyone!!
  13. Last week
  14. OHMYGOODNESS! Those two faerie outfits are absolutely adorable!
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