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  1. Today
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  3. Valentine Food
  4. Peedleedoo Whoa... did it actually work? Sure looks like it. Your Petpet has been transformed. Imagine that.
  5. Wait, forget what I had said -- I found the item again (I simply didn't know/remember the "Item Transfer Log" page existed). Now I've accepted it! Sorry for the confusion. And thank you for the gift!
  6. Tarla is in! Kreludan Crosswords.
  7. July 26th, 2024 Mystery Island (3) The City of Sakhmet (4) The Ruins of Maraqua (3)
  8. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. acres 5. thar 6. tag 8. red 10. art 11. bite 12. nova 14. fortune Down: 1. one 2. acara 4. skardsen 7. ant 9. bbq 10. advent 13. roo What does Peopatra sell in her shop? Answer: Petpets Prize: 500 NP and Peopatras Story
  9. July 25th, 2024 Darigan Citadel (3) The Neopian Bazaar (4) Neovia (3)
  10. Are stripes OK as long as one of the colors is my selection? How about if the NAME of the clothing item isn't "green" but the item is green coloured? How about when Silver really looks like white? Good enough, or not?
  11. Last week
  12. I have a good feeling about this round though. I'm sure Thieves will win.
  13. 1. 2. Legretta_Abyss's gained 2 movement points and 2 hit points!
  14. Faerie Crossword Answers - [Play] Daily Puzzle Answer - [Play] Across: 3. drenched 5. verb 9. one 10. clock 11. bite 12. art 14. alton Down: 1. rock 2. shed 4. eyrieki 6. acres 7. nova 8. gormos 11. bbq 13. tag In Snow Roller, how many points do you lose if you run over a pet? Answer: 20 Prize: 355 NP
  15. I personally feel like it is still inconsistent. I always choose who is on top and the last 2 times was a wash
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