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I'm wasting all my luck on neopets instead of real life where I need it it seems 😂

So for now should I just keep it and see what enemies are in the plot (though I'm guessing that it'll be dark)?

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5 hours ago, GillyTook said:

I'm wasting all my luck on neopets instead of real life where I need it it seems 😂

So for now should I just keep it and see what enemies are in the plot (though I'm guessing that it'll be dark)?

LOL It would seem so! I just got the lame 100k as my weekly quest prize (again), I'm gonna skip it to hopefully change it for something better.

Well, that's entirely up to you. If the enemies for the plot have Dark icons, you're already protected 100% from those icons when you use The Mystical Tablet. So you'd only need Kings Lens to Reflect 50% Earth or 50% Light. Both of Which have cheaper means to block or reflect. One of those Roxtons Trusty Bowie Knife items for example, is around 600-700k. That blocks 75% Earth. While an Expert Lens would Reflect 50% of Light, a Parasol of Unfortunate Demise (about 900np) would Block 100% of Light and a few icons of Earth and Water.

Honestly, since it's rare I could see keeping it for that reason, or for a gallery item. But, otherwise, you might be better off selling it. You could recoup some of the np you spent on your Varia is the Bomb. Last price I saw for a Kings Lens on the TP is 2.2 mil, which must be since it became a weekly prize. So it would put some NP back in your coffers at least.

But the decision is up to you. About the only thing I can see the Kings Lens helping you with off-hand would be a few high-end items. Such as Skarls Sword, or Seasonal Attack Pea for example. Those are examples of where it would reflect 50% of MORE than 1 icon type because those weapons have multiple icon types. It would reflect chunks of other bulk-icon type weapons. Including 50% of the earth parts of any of the pea family weapons, 3 of the anagram swords from the Hidden Tower, and a couple of the other HT and Smuggler's Cove weapons. Without having to change equipment. So really, it's up to you as to what you feel would be more useful. The item, or the NP.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Well it finally happened!  Col Mack is at a high enough level that she is on 12 hour training sessions.  If I'm lucky, I can get the 250 bonus on at least one of those stats before any plot-based fighting starts.  

This is the equipment currently.  Are there any good all around shields that are buyable/not obscenely expensive that I could use to replace both of those?  Other than that, seems okay, right?  At least for someone like me who doesn't have tons of experience, and is still training my girl up regularly.  

equip me Seymour.JPG

level up.JPG

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1 hour ago, GillyTook said:

Well it finally happened!  Col Mack is at a high enough level that she is on 12 hour training sessions.  If I'm lucky, I can get the 250 bonus on at least one of those stats before any plot-based fighting starts.  

This is the equipment currently.  Are there any good all around shields that are buyable/not obscenely expensive that I could use to replace both of those?  Other than that, seems okay, right?  At least for someone like me who doesn't have tons of experience, and is still training my girl up regularly.  

equip me Seymour.JPG

level up.JPG

Wow, you're really moving along!!

Ok, I see you're using a Parasol of Unfortunate Demise. If you count your Feel better Soup as Air Defense, but only on the 1 turn per battle you can use it, then you're just lacking Fire defense.

I would STILL suggest getting a Downsize! from either Defence Magic or from a Player Shop. As once per battle it blocks 50% of ALL damage on the turn it's used.

However, Other items to consider so you have some Air and Fire defense would be....

Shield of Faerieland
Blocks 5 fire, 5 physical and ALL Air.
Was Cheap after the Fragments event, now seems to be up around 9-10mil, still cheaper than buying it from the Hidden Tower, which is 12 mil.


Faerie Tabbard
Blocks 5 fire, 5 physical, 3 air, 3 earth, ALL water.
7.5 mil in the Hidden Tower. Didn't see any on the TP or in auctions.


Golden Scorchstone
Blocks 3 Air, 5 Fire
This is "cheap" or would be if it wasn't an r98. Runs about 137,400np+ on the Super Wiz right now. It has a rating of 1 on JellyNeo's Battlepedia. But, it does block some air and some fire at the same time. So that's up to you and whatever your budget is. You can try to buy one from the Defence Magic shop too, where they restock.

I'd say, get a Downsize! And use it. If you need Light/water/earth protection, then Swap it out for the Parasol of Unfortunate Demise at that time. There are a couple other items I could suggest, such as the Frozen Cyodrake Shield or Thyoras Tear, but those will cost you much more than they are worth due to war-inflation. Though Frozen Cyodrake Shield would be pretty Ideal for Air and Fire defense if it weren't so exceptionally rare and costly.

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On 6/8/2024 at 7:58 AM, GillyTook said:

What should I put the Downsize! in place of?  

I'm still a bit of a coward who sticks to enemies I can kill in one round, so it hasn't been an issue YET, but I'm sure it'll eventually be a thing I need to worry about. 

I'm sorry for the late reply. Put downsize! in place of the Parasol of Unfortunate Demise for now. And put the Parasol in your SDB until you feel you need it.

It's perfectly fine to stick with enemies you can handle easily for now. We're merely prepping you for when the battle portion(s) of the plot come around so you can do your best when the time comes for you to fight opponents that might be tougher than you.

Though, it can be kind of fun actually. Challenging tougher opponents. I don't know if the Defenders of Neopia series 1 or 2 are still not working or if they fixed them yet, but if they were working, I would suggest you challenge yourself by clearing those challenges. Since some of them do get quite tricky. but if they are not working, there's really only yourself to motivate you into trying tougher opponents on harder difficulties. Some opponents drop some better specific items at harder difficulties.

Anyway, it can also be a good way to learn about the BD and different item combos. That's how I learned about the BD, experience. Since I was, and frankly still stink at earning NP via restocking. I'm always looking at cheaper items to help give me a slight edge that might be JUST enough to win. lol I even tried using a Double Dryer and a Bubble Blaster to see how using those together would work during one of the war plots. Turns out, the Double Dryer reflects 50% of air, but then it broke, the Bubble Blaster then reflected 25% of the remaining air icons, but that too, eventually broke. lol But, it DID allow me one or two more victories before the wave I was fighting got too strong for my peophin to win anymore. I wanna say I think that was during the War of Maraqua plot..... Or maybe Hannah and the Ice Caves.... been so long I really can't recall for sure. lol I don't even remember the components to make the Bubble Blaster, just that it's something you can make at the Cooking Pot. lol

Anyway, I've gotta go to bed. Don't worry about tackling tougher opponents. That'll come with time and participating in plots if you don't want to do it without a plot to motivate you. 😉 I like the strategy involved in battling, so it's a good brain-exercise in my view of it. If you feel like tackling something stronger, TDN has all the current profiles of the Active Challengers here so you can research them. If you are wondering about some equipment to take on a specific stronger opponent, feel free to post and I'll try to help you figure something out. 😉 Also listed are the challengers of previous wars and plots. It can be fun seeing what old challengers had to work with, back when those were titans, when compared to more recent challengers, those titans of yore would be chumps with their outdated weaponry. lol


Have a good one. 🙂

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I wish they would allow us to play the old plots without the fights like they do the Altador plot.  Oh well.

Right now, I'm getting a lot of codestones from the koi warrior on hard, so I don't really see a a need to chance yet.  I don't know of anything else that'd give me the np to sell for enough to make up for that.  

Does defenders (assuming it's been fixed) scale to your pet's level, or does it just stop when you hit a wall for what your pet can take out?  Edit:  Looks like it has not been fixed.  Boo.

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2 hours ago, GillyTook said:

I wish they would allow us to play the old plots without the fights like they do the Altador plot.  Oh well.

Right now, I'm getting a lot of codestones from the koi warrior on hard, so I don't really see a a need to chance yet.  I don't know of anything else that'd give me the np to sell for enough to make up for that.  

Does defenders (assuming it's been fixed) scale to your pet's level, or does it just stop when you hit a wall for what your pet can take out?  Edit:  Looks like it has not been fixed.  Boo.

Like a battledome simulator for past battles, oh that would be AWESOME! :D

Yeah, and you need the codestones for your training, so there's not any major reason to change. I agree with the logic in that.

A shame Defenders hasn't been fixed. It's not scaled, but I think with the new BD, you could probably face the opponent on any difficulty and still complete each challenge. I purposely completed Defenders series 1 and 2 in the old battledome before they changed over, just in case. 😉 So I couldn't confirm that for certain from experience. I think DoN has been down since they brought in the new battledome, though I could be mistaken on that.

Hmmm.... You could probably do some of the harder DoN series 1 battles. Looking at some of my victory screenshots from back then, my peophin was about in the same shape as your Ixi is, stat-wise when it took on some of the tougher DoN Series 1 opponents. I'll put them behind a spoiler thing so as not to take up a ton of room, these were apparently from 2012.


Your weapons are much stronger than mine were back then, but also, these opponents have the same weapons as they had back then, just updated Faerie abilities. I'm not sure what their HP and boosts are relative to their difficulty settings are, Easy, Normal, Mighty, but If their HP is comparable to what you see their max HP is in these screenshots you should be able to beat them at whatever that difficulty setting is. 😉
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I want to do the whole plots, not just the battles!  That'd be fun.  I have had my account for decades, but had a long hiatus and missed all but the Wraith Resurgence.  

I hadn't even considered the battledome before recently (the last plot sort of got me into it, and lately I've really thought it seemed fun) so sadly wouldn't have bothered before they changed to the new 'dome.  Ah well.  Maybe I can hope they'll fix it one day.  

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13 hours ago, GillyTook said:

I want to do the whole plots, not just the battles!  That'd be fun.  I have had my account for decades, but had a long hiatus and missed all but the Wraith Resurgence.  

I hadn't even considered the battledome before recently (the last plot sort of got me into it, and lately I've really thought it seemed fun) so sadly wouldn't have bothered before they changed to the new 'dome.  Ah well.  Maybe I can hope they'll fix it one day.  

Sure. That's fine! I definitely understand that. 😉  Ah I see. lol I checked your lookup, and it seems that you started playing about 6 months before I did. lol Guess we're both a couple of veteran players then. That's cool that you got into battling at all. I mean, some players never do. Even WITH the plots. I find fun in challenging the harder opponents. I remember when a friend I've since lost contact with got me to sign up for the site. When I started playing, I found myself finding it hard to earn NP, but battling I could do... or so I thought. lol
My early battles were horrible, I still remember having to forfeit my first battle, to Punchbag Bob. lol My peophin was so low in level and I THOUGHT there HAD to be SOME sort of unarmed attack I could use. I was half-right. I needed to be a few levels higher for him to learn the first of the old species ability-attacks that were removed when the replaced the old battledome. Peophin Trample, I believe it was called. A very weak attack. But, I didn't know any better. lol Every species had some of these attacks, I think the last one was learned around level 15 or so. Species all had some natural resistances and weaknesses too. Peophins had a weakness to fire, which I THINK might still be in effect with the Wheel of Excitement. If it lands on the Laval Ghoul and he breathes Fire on my Peophin, my peophin loses more than half of his HP. Which would only make sense if the weakness to fire from the BD was applied, which doesn't make sense OUTSIDE of the BD, especially since those were supposed to have been removed as well, so... I dunno. lol

The BD certainly has it's own unique battle system, that's not entirely a compliment, but not entirely a slam either. lol I'd say it's somewhere in the middle, like most of what TNT seems to come up with. lol Pros AND cons abound. lol

Anyway, sorry for rambling. I HOPE that they fix Defenders of Neopia. I've been wanting some new challengers for it for awhile, even before the new dome. Just one of many things they need to get to fixing though, so here's hoping they get to it someday soon! The challenges ARE fun and they give us something to shoot for! Plus the comics for each DoN challenge were pretty creative. Leading up to each challenge, and after you beat the villain, the comic updates and the final page post-challenge was pretty neat too! You felt good about accomplishing it.

At least whenever they get it fixed, you'll definitely be ready for the challenges that already existed. If they add some new ones, then who knows? lol But you should at least have some fun trying. 😉

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