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I feel like it has been 3 years since I was on here. Guess what? I made my last appearance barely a year ago. That just blows my mind. My life has been absolute chaos since I last stopped by. Everything is settling down again and I realized how much I miss you guys. I hope everyone is staying safe and healthy. 




Edit : Just checked my stocks. My SMUG increase was 3,260%  good day 🙂


Welcome back! ❤️
I find that every time I come back from a break, one of my stocks is ready to sell. Always a warm welcome. ^_^ 


Well hello there @babayaga67! Very glad that life has given you a hot minute to stop and breathe, and come say hi to us!

Right back atcha with hoping you and your family are safe and well.


I may not recognize from back in the day (I was likely on hiatus when you first joined), but welcome back to TDN and TDNForums Babyyaga67! The name's Dr. Meepit, but you can call me D-Pad Doc, Neomysterion or any of my other old aliases from the years of yore.

Also, likewise on your wishes on everyone staying safe, healthy and the like.

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