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I just went through my old neofriends deleting those who are most likely inactive (haven't been seen for a long, long, long time). I now have virtually no neofriends. And a few that I do have, I'm unsure if they're active due to stealth mode or I don't have the heart to delete - my brother's old account for example. *plays the worlds smallest violin*

16 minutes ago, swissle said:

That is depressing 😞  and I am sorry to hear it.  But I am very active and I will send you a nf request! 

Thanks! I have accepted. Due to lockdown I have re-discovered neopets and am quite enjoying my old haunts! But yes, nearly all my old neofriends have long since abandoned the site... hardly surprising really, as I'd have been knocking around with them a decade and a half ago!


I've been playing Neopets for (basically) every day for 14 years. And I'm always happy to make new neofriends. 🙂 By the way,  I think I should clear my friend list as well...

16 hours ago, Angeló said:

I sent you a NF request 🙂

Feel free to NM me any time xo

Thanks! Accepted!

14 hours ago, enitul said:

I've been playing Neopets for (basically) every day for 14 years. And I'm always happy to make new neofriends. 🙂 By the way,  I think I should clear my friend list as well...

You've been more dedicated than me. My last site trophy goes back to the Altador Cup of 2015 and it wasn't a high level trophy even at that!! I've poped in and out, usually feeling guilty about neglecting my poor pets, but it's only been since lockdown that I've really re-discovered how much I enjoy the site. There are quite a few new things to look forward to as well... I have just twigged about Charity Corner for example and have already started storing junk for next year! Possibly not the spirit in which this was intended but hey!

14 hours ago, ClockNotWork said:

I had the same thing happen to me when I came back after ten years. Such is life, but I would gladly add you as a friend.

Thanks! Accepted!!

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