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If you're new to the contest, or simply want a reminder of the rules, they can be found right here.

Current theme: Tea Party
Description: Show us a pet having a tea party. You're free to pick whatever colour/style you like for your entry. (As long as it doesn't involve the political kind of tea party.)
Entering period: Monday, July 15 - Sunday, July 21
Voting period: Monday July 22 - Sunday, July 28

I also just want to remind everyone that whenever the image DTI provides doesn't look as awesome as you'd like, it's always okay to send me a screenshot instead! (You can also ask me for help with the screenshot, if you don't know how to get one to me, or if the one you made didn't turn out the way you wanted it to.)

Let me know if you have any questions about this round, the Runway in general or screenshots, or if you have any suggestions for future themes! :smile:

2 hours ago, komlee225500 said:

Is this a new contest on neopets?

No this is not a contest on Neopets. This is a contest run by TDN. Nielo is in charge of our contest.

2 hours ago, komlee225500 said:

Is this a new contest on neopets?

Nope, this is a contest that's being held right here, on the TDN forums, and it's been going on for while (this being the thread to enter the 83rd round of this contest). You can check out some of the other rounds in this section of the forums (like last round (round 82), or the very first round).

Lol, @Mouseykins, you beat me to it by a few seconds!

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