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Something has happened!

babyray.gif Oh no! Boochi fires his ray gun and turns Aiereaninto a Baby Ogrin!!!


ack! This happened AGAIN! I just repainted my Ogrin shadow at the start of the Altador Cup (he got Boochi'd about a year ago) and this happened today. :(



A Berry Buzz Ice Cream suddenly falls from the sky and lands in your lap. The Space Faerie must be in a good mood!


This is my 3rd SHH from the Space Faerie today! :D


EDIT: Make that 4!






Congratulations, num1ortonfan, you just found 2,231 Neopoints!


"Something has happened!


A dragon flies past overhead, he is headed to the Mystery Island"


WOW! I actually got a RE on my MAIN! :O Even if it is a useless RE I am still impressed!


Why must ghosts exist on neopia....*sigh*

Something has happened! evil_ghost.gif A Ghost cackles insanely and steals 40 Neopoints from you...

Posted (edited)

Something has happened! codestone10.gif You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


I used to get these frequently.






Congratulations, unquelled, you just found 1,744 Neopoints!

Edited by rainshower

First time at the lab ray and I get this :]





A Quiguki Volleyball suddenly falls from the sky and lands in your lap. The Space Faerie must be in a good mood!



A Lemon JubJub Fruit Leather suddenly falls from the sky and lands in your lap. The Space Faerie must be in a good mood!





A Spicy Tomato Soup suddenly falls from the sky and lands in your lap. The Space Faerie must be in a good mood!


Something has happened! moncer.gif The Monocerous roars 'Once I ate 16 Jub Jubs in a week!'



You find a mystical codestone on the floor!


Got this while doing my dailies.


Something has happened! bronzescamander.gif A slimy scamander slithers over this page and hisses at you! Something has happened! evil_ghost.gif A Ghost comes out of the ground and says 'BOO'

both these from cheat!.nothing much.


Something has happened! moncer.gif The Monocerous roars 'Once I ate 16 Jub Jubs in a week!'


Not the most exciting RE, but at least it's an RE. I hadn't had one in two days. C=


Something has happened! premium_lucky_charm.gif Wow! Aren't you lucky?! Your Neopoint reward has been doubled from 300 NP to 600 NP! What in the world could have caused that to happen?

Something has happened! joinothers.gif Adee the Chia says 'Did you know you can send neopets to friends?? Fill in a simple form here'

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