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Legends and Letters teaser video posted on Youtube now

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According to JN this is the same one that was shown at the ComicCon party, they're wondering if it being posted on Youtube now means it's close to release...


It looks very cool, got to say! Slightly disgruntled because I don't have a Smartphone and likely never will have, so I'll never get to play this, but I'm very happy that things look to be progressing with it, nonetheless.


Eh. We will see. I really never had much interest in Ghoul Catchers.  I found it extremely hard unless you make purchases to boost the game and i did not find it interesting enough to want to spend the money. We shall see what happens here with this.  They should've made habitarium mobile. Everyone loved that.  

Also Jelly if you really really wanted to you could prolly figure out how to set up mobile apps on the computer. Theres programs for that.  Not really sure about details here. 

1 hour ago, Kute said:

Also Jelly if you really really wanted to you could prolly figure out how to set up mobile apps on the computer. Theres programs for that.  Not really sure about details here. 

Are there? I guess that's an advance, I suppose it's because Windows 10 uses apps too so it stands to reason.

I was more worried about more and more things becoming mobile only as time goes by, so people like me who access Neo from their computer would end up unable to play eventually. ?

1 hour ago, jellysundae said:

I was more worried about more and more things becoming mobile only as time goes by, so people like me who access Neo from their computer would end up unable to play eventually. ?

I'm not sure if a game like Neopets would translate well to mobile apps. Stand-alone games like Ghoul Catchers or this new one (would) work, I guess, since they can be compared to playing games on Neopets. But other, vital aspects, of Neopets, like quests, customisation, plots, etc. would probably not work quite as well on mobile, so the game would be completely different if they would ever try to make most of it mobile. They'd probably lose a lot of their current players (and aim for a new/different audience). I know I'd stop playing if they did that; there's only a handful of games I enjoy playing on my phone. But I doubt it'll come to that, so I wouldn't worry about it too much. :smile:


I don`t think Neopets would ever go completely mobile. I have heard that Key Quest will return as a mobile game, which I am very excited about!! I miss that game so much.
I got a smartphone about a year and a half ago, but I hardly ever go on Neo on my mobile, a large computer screen and a proper keyboard makes for a better and complete experience.


Maybe the thing with doing absolutely everything on your phone won't continue forever. Just like e-readers were a HUGE thing at first, but now sales of books are on the rise again... a new technology comes along and people focus on that because it's the cool thing to have, but after a while interest wanes as the shiny wears off and some find they preferred a previous format of something once they start getting annoyed with the limitations of the new tech.

I feel playing stuff on your phone is pretty similar in concept to having an e-reader? Those are so VERY handy, I mean an entire library on something the size of just one book, what's not to love? The huge convenience of them blanketed everything else at first, I think. But now people are realising that there's so much more to experience from reading than just looking at a book-sized screen, and that screen can't provide ANY of the rest of what an actual book gives people. ALL it is is super convenient, and that's not enough for a lot of people.

Playing games on a mobile device is surely pretty much the same? Always on hand, in your pocket or whatever whenever you need it, but absolutely not able to give you the same experience as you'd get from, as @aleu1986 says, a larger screen. Of course tablets are a good middle ground, but while they're big enough to make game play comfortably visible they're not as easily portable, not unless you have REALLY big pockets. ? 


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