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Just a few minutes ago I got a neomail from TNT saying I had won a prize from the wishing well: 

Congratulations! Your wish has really come true! That donation of 25 NeoPoints you made to the Neopian Wishing Well was worth it, because you have been granted the following item : Sparkler Dress . It will be in your inventory when you go to Neopets next. Thanks a lot, and hope to see you soon! The Neopets Team

I went to my inventory and, lo and behold, there was no dress. I win things from the WW pretty often, and the prize is always in my inventory immediately. I didn't see any REs, so I don't think it could have been lost that way...

Has anyone else had this happen where a WW prize mysteriously disappears/never arrives at all? Is this worth sending a ticket over? Or should I just cut my losses since it was essentially free anyway?


I don't do the well often but I've never had this problem. It's worth around 300k, so you could try a ticket?


@jaydeed The irony is that usually I immediately sell my WW prizes for an easy profit, but this one I actually wanted to keep and use! I guess I will open a ticket, although I don't have much hope that it'll be answered... -pokes five-month-old ticket that's never been looked at-

@lojoco49 Thanks for the suggestion. I did already check my closet, shop, and SDB to be sure that I didn't put it anywhere without thinking. No luck /: 


My suggestion would be to neomail a few others who also won the Sparkler Dress to see if they received it or not. Maybe the item is too new and they forgot to add it to the distribution script. If others didn't get it too, that would be more of a confirm and to submit a ticket.

If that's not the case then the mystery continues... :bigeyed:


@hrtbrk Thanks for the suggestion, I'll try that. I think there were at least two others who also won the same item (according to the WW page). Maybe that will shed some light on the situation. 


One of the other winners neomailed me back and said that she didn't receive it either. Apparently she heard somewhere (boards, I'm assuming?) exactly what @hrtbrk said, that somehow the item is not fully activated and that even for players who bought the dress (RSed it or from the TP), it disappears from the closet and can't be worn. I submitted a ticket, so hopefully they'll fix this soon. 


Rico responded to my ticket with the following, which makes it sound like I won't be getting my dress:


Thanks for writing. I am sorry to hear that you have been having trouble with part of the Neopets website. 

We have read your ticket and have categorized it internally based on the specific issue that you reported. This means that we can always find your ticket (or others with the same issue) if we have more information to share. You don't need to submit a new ticket for this same issue. We can even reopen tickets that have been closed if we need to get a hold of you :)

Since your ticket has been all handy-dandy categorized we are able to distribute and prioritize the issue you have reported. Unfortunately we will not be able to give you an exact date of when this problem may be fixed (since any time frame is subject to change) but we are aware of it and appreciate your report!

Issues that impact the whole site will be fixed for everyone at the same time so you don't need to worry about being left out :)

Unfortunately if you lost Neopoints or Neopoint items as a result of this issue it is unlikely that we will be able to replace them :(

On 1/31/2018 at 2:33 PM, kayahtik said:

Rico responded to my ticket with the following, which makes it sound like I won't be getting my dress:

That reply you posted sounds more automatic ("categorized") than personal. Maybe Rico hasn't actually looked at it yet. If the team earlier sent you a mail telling you that you HAD won the dress, I'm guessing you have a better chance of getting it eventually than if a site wide problem occurred affecting all games for example. All they have to do is check their own messages. That seems a lot easier for them (and you) to prove.


@lakecat I agree that it sounds like a boilerplate response. But Rico marked my ticket as closed, so I don't expect them to do anything else. I reopened the ticket asking for clarification on that point, and mentioning the neomail from TNT saying that I would receive a prize, but my expectations are pretty low. 

As a side note, my ticket clearly indicates "Always Email Notifications about this Ticket," but I didn't receive any email when Rico replied. So I guess I need to manually check the ticket page every day while waiting for a response--doubly annoying because the page won't load when I'm on my laptop, so I can only check the status when I'm at my work computer on weekdays.

  • 2 weeks later...

If its closed they probably won't get back to it, as they get a lot of tickets. That stinks because you have proof that you won, I don't see why they wouldn't just give you it. Hopefully you win it again soon!

  • 1 month later...

I should probably give up at this point, but here's an update: 

I kept 'providing info' on my ticket every couple of weeks hoping that would bump it to the top of their queue, or at least signal that I wasn't just going to let it drop. Well, I checked it again today, and it's closed again, this time with no option for me to reopen it. No reply whatsoever aside from the original (completely unhelpful) one back in January. 

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