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The Pets of the Darkness (neopets roleplay)

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After Dracona had bought everything and settled them in her room for Neera (she got Neera to be quiet with a plushie) she heard Pluto calling. "Yes Pluto? Sorry I had gone to the City to buy some foods" she showed the bag full of food, which she had bought some just to disguise.


"Oh, hey Dracona. There's a new recruit here today, a darigan kougra named Teygrum. She's your sister, right? She said she was. Anyway, I thought I would tell you that." Pluto turned away, then spun back around. "Oh, and about last night, why did you seem to be in such a rush?"


((I'll be back in about 10 or 15 minutes.))


"Yes she ismy sister" she said smiling but ehn her face changed. She tried to express tiredness (sp?) "I was very tired last night. And that midnight swim made me feel a bit dizzy" she said


"Oh, um, right. That can happen. So, what are we doing today?" Pluto noticed how Dracona's expression suddenly changed when he asked what happened last night. Something was up, and Pluto was determined to find out what it was. I'll have to let this slide for now, there's no time for this. Soon, though. Soon.


"Today we'll have a free day. For us to relax a bit. It will help us to concentrate into the preys."


((Oh guys really sad :crying: I need to go to sleep it is so late here bye :sad01_anim:))


((Goodnight Erika. :())


Pluto lightened up a little bit. "That's a good idea. I could use that today. I've been having strange dreams lately and I think this will relax me out. I'll be in my room concentrating on my screaming." Pluto went to his room. He had partially told the truth. He was also going to figure out why Dracona has been acting so strange lately. Maybe she's hiding something? Or she's been threatened? Who knows, but I need to practice screaming and scaring before someone finds out what I'm doing. Pluto went up to his mirror, but instead of seeing his reflection of a mutant, he saw a maraquan grundo looking back at him.


teygrum was walking past her sisters room "oh hey. mind if i come in?" she asked with a huge smile on her face. she was with her sister again.


"Sure you can, teygrum. But I still need to clean it." she knew she would have to show her room. She was very careful and, as her room had a top floor that gave way to the archives, she had put Neera inside saying "Be silent love, I feel we will have visits". And little Neera, who could speak a bit and understand, decided to sleep.


WHen ratiki finnally got back up, she found herself staring at a pair of humongous blue eyes... which she decided must be her yooyu. She went downstairs for some breakfast and heard dracona Telling everyone that they had the day off. exelent. "I'm gonna hop out and give this yoouyu a decent paintjob, Mmmk?" and left for the petpet puddle.


Pluto stepped back and rubbed his eyes, and the image was gone. My eyes must be playing tricks on me. He soon forgot about the ordeal and assumed a fearsome pose. Pluto growled a little, then the growl increased to a medium roar. After a few rounds of that, Pluto got a little bored and sat down on his bed. I need to find a hobby for when I'm not out at night. But what in the world could I do? He decided to think about that later and go pound on the punchbag downstairs.


Ratiki walked in with a mutant yooyu just in time to hear x complain about his perpetual sickness. "go lie down, itll do you some good."


Pluto stopped punching and looked over at X. "You're still sick? How does that keep happening to you?" He rolled his eyes. "I agree with Ratiki, go to sleep for a while and see how you feel afterwards. I'm going out for a while." And with that, Pluto went for a stroll.


Alright, let's make a recap. The strange dreams came first, and now my eyes are tricking me. Maybe I'm sick? Or...someone's trying to tell me something. Pluto suddenly stopped when he saw something hidden in the bushes. He slowly went through the bushes to find a little, lost puppyblew. "Oh, hey there. What are you doing over here? You should be at the petpet shop." The puppyblew ran farther into the bushes, scared of Pluto. Pluto followed the little petpet until it stopped. Behind the puppyblew was Meridell's earth faerie herself. "Illusen..." Pluto said softly.


"hey i dont mind a messy room" she said as she stepped into the room "so i wanted to talk to you about what you want me to do around this place." teygrum said. then she found a nice place to sit down.


"Well, you could just help out when we have a mission, couldn't you teygrum?" she said in a tough tone (sp) of voice. Shouldn't she know that? She dissmissed the kougra and got Neera. She had her black clothes on, and she fed the little peophin. She then went downstairs to wander a bit.


((I need to go to sleep maybe I'm not on tomorrow I need to study a ot for my exams bye :( ))


"yea i guess" teygrum said as the door closed on her. she decided to walk around the castle and came by plutos door "hey pluto you there? hello?" i guess not oh well i'll talk to him later she said to herself.


(geez exams already? how long is your shool?)


She walked through the castle looking to see if anything was all right. She wanted to go out to train Neera.


((*geez exams already? how long is your shool* I started at 31st and I have exams august and a bit of september it's like 2 a week))


Ratiki sighed and went up to bed early, stroking her yooyu's spines. "you know what? I havent given you a name yet... how about Auistif?" the yooyu burbled happily (sp?)"Auistif it is then..."


teygrum sat outside of the castle and decided to go for a walk. she went down to the snothie shop and got a nice smoothie. then went back to the castle emidetly(sp?) her eyes started to hurt and she didnt want anyone to see her.


Dracona went out of the castle with Neera. She went near the sea and took Neera for a swim. Neera enjoyed a lot, making tricks and lots of things. It was so fun! The sea was cool but sweet.


why is my sister acting so strange? she should know she can tell me anything teygrum thoguth to her self as she sat at the door of the castle. she liked being outside but the light hurt her eyes.


She swim so well thouhgt Dracona Even though she is so little. She sighed. Dracona took ages to be able to swim well. She had passed all her time trying to get light come to her body without suffering. "Here Neera take this ice-cream".


hmm... im bored teygrum thoughti wonder what i can do maybe i should practice my fighting with that thought she went down into the basement and practiced what she had learned a while back

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