Angeló Posted October 13, 2017 Posted October 13, 2017 Hey fellow lovely TDNers this is a stretch , and is going to be boring .. but i need your votes for this round of the Caption Contest (CC) my lamest caption got in ... as usual .. haha .. the voting runs for 3 weeks and no one expects anyone to vote every 4 hours for that long .. i still want them to go back to the 1 week format (3 days entries , 3 days voting) ... but here we go .. any and every vote counts ... thanks a lot By darkobsession:Tiki Tack Man : Run for your life. Blumaroo : I just want directions to Techo Mountain... 2 votes so far! Just click the link below and the vote will register directly to me .. no need to go through all the captions to find me ...
Scoobert_Doo Posted October 14, 2017 Posted October 14, 2017 Umm...(This is awkward) are we allowed to advertise for CC votes, here, on TDN? I thought according this TDN topic, , and Neopian Times Editorial, Issue: 790, 21st day of Swimming, Y19, (ref: ), that we may not be allowed to? "CAPTION CONTEST ANNOUCEMENT: Alright guys, a lots going on here so here's the deal. The one was kinda thrown off since we published it later in the month and we still wanted everyone to vote. SO, Sunday will be last day for submissions! Cut off will be Noon PST. Then the voting will remain open for the rest of July and winners will be announced. Now, from now on that is not how things will be going. From August forward, we will release a new image on the 1st of every month. Submissions will be allowed the first week (7 days) in every month. Then the captions will be released and voting will be open for the last three weeks of each month! I know I know this is an avatar round but I'm also going to make an Avatar round every 10 contests so it will be about once a year! (Also I might add a special one in whenever I'm feeling generous) Also, so all of you Neopians can take a breather...I'm making August an Avatar round as well so those that felt cheated in this round have a fair chance of winning...don't waste it :) Also, Caption Contest will be monthly instead of weekly! Now, as for the rules - they are remaining the same as previous Caption Contest's, for the most part. This means the only advertising that will be allowed from this moment forward is through your Neoboard Signature. (Yes on any board, not just the charter board) However, NO BOARDS DEDICATED TO ADVERTISING YOUR CAPTION ARE ALLOWED. The monitors have been informed of this rule, so please keep the advertising strictly to your signature! Okay friends, I thinks that all I have on that. Love you all, remember to breath. All will be okay :)" Technically, Neopets Fan Sites are not listed. It seems to imply the rules are for Neoboards. However, "only advertising that will be allowed from this moment forward is through your Neoboard Signature" can be interpreted as no other sites, either. The TDN topic referenced mentioned that Scrappy "stopped by the Charter CC Chat and added some more info", but, personally, and in my opinion, and my opinion only, unless Scrappy posts an update to the Caption Contest rules in a Neopian Times Editorial, or TNT updates the Caption Contest rules on the Caption Contest page, or in the "Help", it isn't a fair way to update ALL Neopians. Many, like me, aren't "premium" players and don't have access to the Charter Neoboard(s). So, can any TDN Moderators provide any guidance? My apologies, @Angeló. As I said before, and I'll say it again, you are my TDN and Neopets hero, but I'd hate for anyone to get into trouble or an account frozen for breaking any rules. Angeló, jellysundae and midnight_spell360 2 1
hrtbrk Posted October 14, 2017 Posted October 14, 2017 Since this is a grey area and I do not want someone reporting you to get you removed or banned from the Caption Contest, I'm going to lock this just to be safe. If/when we get more clarification from TNT regarding the issue, we can come back to this :) I personally feel like users should be able to advertise here but if some stickler for the rules reports a user here and it results in a ban, that would beyond terrible. EDIT: I have got confirmation that these will no longer be allowed per Scrappy herself. We apologize but we do not want to see anyone get banned for this. jellysundae, Mouseykins, Angeló and 1 other 2 2
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