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So I was just on the NC mall and saw that they were selling a special Key Quest theme. I thought Key Quest was basically dead. So out of sheer curiosity I went back to it. The tutorial is back up, everything loads except that when I click play, I just get a blue screen with the white circle and nothing else. Does this mean they're working on it? Or perhaps, maybe it's actually working by my browser is having issues loading it?


Unfortunately it's always been like that since it was taken down with the transition to Jumpstart. They always have those Key Quest items for sale in the NC Mall. :(


Same here! I miss my little blue Bruce token and the fun of playing with other people. And the NP and prizes. I'd just gotten good at the games too...


I miss it in some respects, but all the people reporting people for stupidity, that I don't miss.  Key quest had so many issues with it, it would freeze up constantly then people would get all peeved and/or report people.  I never had anyone report me, but I had plenty of people get mad because my computer froze up.  Too many issues with it.  I can imagine, with all of the issues with the site, how many issues there would be with key quest. :confused:


I miss Key Quest too! Wish they really would bring it back. Without all the bugs lol. I used to get the freezes and crashes too but I figured my Internet connection wasn't fast enough. Now that I have a faster connection, maybe I'd have less problems. But I hear what @mtracy1 is saying about the brats that reported you for no reason or getting super annoyed if you suddenly got sucked out of the game...and that was annoying. I had people inbox me to yell... and so for a while I wondered if I was the only one that freezing or sudden game termination used to happen to. .....


I hope they eventually bring KeyQuest back! I actually bought a lot of plushies on ebay and amazon just so I could get the tokens, lol. KeyQuest was such a fun way to get prizes, even if it froze more than the Snowager. :P


Oh darn, I guess it was my browser that allowed me to even see the loading circle.
I can't be the only one who thinks it's both unfair and kinda greedy of them to be selling key quest items still. I mean, at least bring them back if/when the game comes back. Otherwise people are paying real money for not even virtual fun, but absolutely nothing.
I wish they'd take the area of Key Quest down completely so that new commers don't get fooled, or old players with new browsers, LOL.


To be fair, I do have faith in JS and the remaining members of TNT. I know they'll fix it soon. We have to keep hoping and praying that they'll bring it back (as begging them and asking to help them will result in a "no" and possibly a very angry employee, because I'm sure they hate being bothered about KQ being down).

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