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Not sure part of this is strictly kosher but, it's done out of fear for my accounts...

I won a 30m stamp during CC. Since I can't sell it over TP, I have to put it up for auction. Except I'm completely freaking paranoid about auctions because I'm convinced hackers lurk there to see who has high value items. So I did this:

1. Sent the stamp to my side to auction it off (strictly speaking this probably isn't cool but, I'm not trying to make money for the account) - which has pin protection on everything

2. removed any high value items i had on any of my pets or in my sdb and sent them back to my main

3. removed my main from my friends

4. deleted all neomail that had my main sn on it

5. changed my main pin number, just in case

6. changed the email associated with my side acct and then added 2-step verification to te email acct, just in case


I feel like a crazy person. :arrowhead:


Unfortunately you are not supposed to be selling anything off your side accounts. Not in shops, trades or auctions. So while you might be "avoiding" hackers, you might be getting the wrong kind of attention from TNT ;)

I wouldn't worry too much about selling high value items on your main, as long as everything is pinned down, you have access to your email and you have the birthday login prompt, it will be increasingly difficult for "hackers" to target you.

1 hour ago, Rune Valentine said:

Unfortunately you are not supposed to be selling anything off your side accounts. Not in shops, trades or auctions. So while you might be "avoiding" hackers, you might be getting the wrong kind of attention from TNT ;)

I wouldn't worry too much about selling high value items on your main, as long as everything is pinned down, you have access to your email and you have the birthday login prompt, it will be increasingly difficult for "hackers" to target you.

Birthday login prompt? What is this sorcery?

Login Birthday Prompt 
Check this box if you want to be prompted for your birthday (in addition to your password) when your account is accessed from an unfamiliar location. This is an additional security feature and is highly recommended!

It's under your Preferences. Basically if your account is being accessed under a different IP address or computer, your account birthday needs to be input as well as your password before Neopets logs you in. It's another way to deter hackers if you don't share your birthday.


While it is good to be cautious, you shouldn't have a problem with auctions, especially if you have all security measures (pin, birthday prompt, change password often) set up. Also, regardless of whether you use auction on your main, I think it is not a good idea to set up one on your side. As mentioned, it is not actually allowed and even if you are thinking of it as if you had auctioned on your main, it's just going to look like you are making money on your side. Well, you actually should be okay because you changed the email, but I still don't recommend it.


When I sold something worth 20m the buyer told me to put it up at the TP, then put a junk item in the auction. They bid 20m on the junk then once I saw the bid which can't be cancelled, they bid 10 np on the real item on the TP and I sent it to them.

5 minutes ago, jaydeed said:

When I sold something worth 20m the buyer told me to put it up at the TP, then put a junk item in the auction. They bid 20m on the junk then once I saw the bid which can't be cancelled, they bid 10 np on the real item on the TP and I sent it to them.

oh! someone mentioned a junk trade to me but I didn't really get it. this makes sense. thanks.


It's a fast way to get the item (I guess if you needed it for Jhudora/Illusen?) Limit on TP is 2 M and if you auction the real item it's at least an hour's wait for the buyer. Plus, unless you're NF, someone else could bid on it and get it. No one would bid 20m on a Bitten Apple :-)


I am so confused and I really need help about being able to sell my Soup Faerie Doll close to the going rate of 7 million np. So, 1) we can't sell any item for over 2 million np on Trading Post (TP)?

2) How do I sell/auction the Soup Faerie Doll through Auctions?

3) Should I really consider 1 million less for this item or am I being "targeted" as only having a 3 year old account so they are totally betting I don't know my item's worth or too young to be patient to get the full amount?

You can message me to advise me. Thanks!!!


First, prices are all over the place after CC. People are looking for bargains and more of a rare item out there automatically lowers the price. If you want the NP fast, be prepared to sell for lower, if you're in no rush, hang on and wait for them to stabilize. Could be a few months or longer.

Auctioning is easy; click on it in your inventory and one option is 'auction'. You set a price and the amount the bids increase at and how long the auction lasts. So say you want 5 million, auction at say 4,999,000 with a 'step' of 1000 NP and a duration of an hour. So the first bid takes you to what you want and any bids after that, the price goes up 1000np a time. But you can have any increment and starting price you want (max of 50 million starting price though).


Thank you jaydeed for answering me quickly. This player nm me (I stated that ppl should do that so I could separate things out) and included "  I can add you and do NF auction. " Do I have to do something about my VIP friends that I listed in my Neomails ? I'm not trying to be greedy, it's just if I want to be able to borrow the BGC from tdnalp, you need 20 million and I feel like every million kind of counts towards that. 


you're not allowed to make any NP on your sides , so it's a wrong move .. and with an expensive item like that , you will get flagged by TNT

just use your main and don't worry ..

i had 3 of my accounts hacked into and all my UB gallery items stolen , but they were returned by TNT .. and still i'm not paranoid ... 

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