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This is my first post on the forums so apologies if it doesn't follow guidelines!


A couple times now my scarab has landed right on top of the neocash but it gives me the prize next to it?


It just got me thinking - has anyone actually won any neocash? Is the game rigged?


I don't know why you might not be winning it, but I have won NC in the past. I've seen times where it looks like it's landed on the NC one but it actually lands on the one next to it. Or, with the way Neopets has been lately, it might just be a glitch.


I won twice and was completely shocked both times. I'm pretty sure I'll never win again. Today I thought I won but once I took a closer look the scarab wasn't actually on the NC symbol, it was on the one next to it.


I have weirdly won a bunch of times. (I think 4 or 5?)

did you take a screenshot of it?

Maybe you can submit a ticket (I think you can't submit tickets right now but maybe in the future?)


i won twice , first time i was living in egypt which didnt support the NC mall so i got 5000NP instead .. second time i got 100NC


but it lands on the spot near the jackpot A LOT ~ so frustrating


This is my first post on the forums so apologies if it doesn't follow guidelines!


A couple times now my scarab has landed right on top of the neocash but it gives me the prize next to it?


It just got me thinking - has anyone actually won any neocash? Is the game rigged?


Taken from JellyNeo (italics by me):



The Neocash Icon

If you are lucky enough to get your scarab to land on the Neocash Icon (which is rare as there is only one of that type of space on the board) then you will get one of the following messages:

  • Wow, it got all the way to Kreludor! We're not sure how that's even possible, but that scarab is definitely never coming back. Thank you! You have been awarded 5,000 NP
  • Wow, it got all the way to Kreludor! We're not even sure how that's possible, but that scarab is definitely never coming back. Thank you! You have been awarded 150 NC! Spend it wisely at the NC Mall.

NOTE: If you live in a country where it is not possible to purchase Neocash, if you land on this icon the game will randomly select the space to either side of it and award you that prize instead."


I won once, a few months ago, soon after a created my current account. I didn't even know you could win NC from there, and one day while doing the dailies I hear a strange noise, I knew it was that daily, and I was thinking "I have never heard that sound before, what would I won I wonder... And when I look... Let's say It was shocking...


I've won the NC prize two times.


I usually win nothing. Or I win a "sand" food or 100 nps...mostly it's nothing


I didn't believe you could actually win NC off this daily, but I recently did, so yeah, it's possible, even if you never bought NC yourself ;)


I won once on my main account. It's really rare to get. I was really surprised that I won. I don't usually win anything unless you count getting an illness winning something. :rolleyes_anim: Oh well!


I just looked in my NC log, and I've won 12 times (assuming every "prize" of 150 NC) is an Expellibox win...). You can play Expellibox 3 times a day (I thought this was a glitch and submitted a ticket, and TNT confirmed that it's supposed to work this way, despite the "come back tomorrow" message), and I used to be able to squeeze in 3 plays most days -- and I've been playing 2-3 times a day with very few misses since it started (if I only had 30 seconds to do Neopets, I'd hit up Expellibox and my bank interest first).


I've had two wins since the transfer: October 2014 and February 2015.


I've often thought that I've won when I landed on the next one over (until I counted), but it does make a different sound, so I usually play with the sound on (low). If your country doesn't allow you to buy NC, then you unfortunately can't win any.


I won late last year. Combined with the lag gifts and the charity corner (I believe it was the charity corner, or some other NC prize during the beginning of this year or the end of last) I had quite a bit of NC tucked away which I never paid for, and which I subsequently blew trading a mystery capsule for an NC item I'd been after then spending the rest on a huge sale the NC Mall had at the time. It's the only time I've won NC, and I used to feel like you, believe me. I didn't know you could play three times a day actually because I always get the "WHAT ARE YOU DOING CLOGGING UP THE TUBES" message, so yeah, I'll probably try and play as much as I can.


I just looked in my NC log, and I've won 12 times (assuming every "prize" of 150 NC) is an Expellibox win...). You can play Expellibox 3 times a day (I thought this was a glitch and submitted a ticket, and TNT confirmed that it's supposed to work this way, despite the "come back tomorrow" message), and I used to be able to squeeze in 3 plays most days -- and I've been playing 2-3 times a day with very few misses since it started (if I only had 30 seconds to do Neopets, I'd hit up Expellibox and my bank interest first).


I've had two wins since the transfer: October 2014 and February 2015.


I've often thought that I've won when I landed on the next one over (until I counted), but it does make a different sound, so I usually play with the sound on (low). If your country doesn't allow you to buy NC, then you unfortunately can't win any.


I didn't know you can play 3 times either. How long do you have to wait until the next play?.


Oddly enough, it's every 7 hours instead of every 8 hours, but I'd always time it with the Wheel of Slime. That extra hour used to enable me to squeeze one try after work/grad school and then another before bed (now I get out of work too late, so I only get 2/day).


I won NC twice, last year. It's a funny sound, when you win, but I'll take hearing it anyday. It felt like I won the lottery the first time! I felt like you, that it was something that never or very, very rarely happened. I couldn't believe it, either, when I won the second time. Of course, it was several months apart. My belief is that if you (anyone) do (does) your (their) dailies often/faithful enough, that you will get/win something good. sure it may take a year or two, but I believe it will happen. I got a Pirate Draik egg from the "Forgotten Shore, won NC twice, and have have knocked down the coconut from "Coconut Shy" at least 5 times now. I'm not saying that you can NEVER miss doing your dailies, but missing a few days, I belive, you will still win some good stuff from all the different dailies. Sure, I haven't won $1M NP on "Test Your Strength", but I have hope that I will someday, as long as I do my dailies on a regular basis. The way I see it, the worst you could get by playing is nothing, but by not playing at all, you could miss the opportunity to win 150 NC.

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