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Fountain Faerie: Got a Buzz Dreamie? (and Aisha colour opinions)

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Hello there, my dear TDN community!


Thanks to the amazing daily faerie quest event, I was able to get one FFQ for an item that was relatively cheap. :D Imagine my utter delight when I got another FFQ today! So now I want to ask two questions:


First, do you have a Buzz dreamie? I want to use my first FFQ for the avatar and I would be more than happy to paint a Buzz for you. If no one on this forum has a Buzz dreamie, I will probably paint a new Buzz either of these colours: Eventide or Stealthy and perhaps put them up for adoption or put them in the pound for a lovely person to adopt.


EDIT: I have created a lovely Buzz and painted her Eventide, and I shall be looking for a good home for her soon (Fingers crossed!).










Second, I need some help deciding what Aisha colour I want. (Of course, I have another dreamie in the form of a Maraquan Shoyru, but I am so BIASED TOWARDS AISHAS that I want to use my FFQ on an Aisha.) Some of the colours I like (e.g. Eventide, Zombie, etc) have morphing potions that are pretty reasonable so I counted those out.


So I pared it down to three options: Wraith, Maraquan, or Grey. I think Wraith looks super cool (like, scary cool), Mara Aishas are cute, and Grey Aishas make me want to hug them.













Any help or thoughts about Buzz colours (what would be desirable to a user) or Aisha colours would be much appreciated! <3


I do have a Plushie Buzz called Skellk that I would like to have painted Stealth, but I do not know if it is allowed to transfer Skellk to you, you paint him Stealth and then transfer him back to me.

For the Aisha I'd go with Wraith or Maraquan. In terms of customisation, Wraith is probably easier to go with, although with Maraquan, if you have a good background for that, it can be perfect. It depens if you want a larger "cute" or a bigger "scare" factor I guess. Good luck :)


I do have a Plushie Buzz called Skellk that I would like to have painted Stealth, but I do not know if it is allowed to transfer Skellk to you, you paint him Stealth and then transfer him back to me.

For the Aisha I'd go with Wraith or Maraquan. In terms of customisation, Wraith is probably easier to go with, although with Maraquan, if you have a good background for that, it can be perfect. It depens if you want a larger "cute" or a bigger "scare" factor I guess. Good luck :)


If it's allowed, I would be perfectly happy to paint Skellk for you! Can anyone please weigh in on this and tell us if it's allowed or not?


Most of my pets fall under the "cute" category, I would say. I don't normally go for the "scary cool" pets, but the Wraith just looks so good! :D


Painting someone elses pet with your FFQ is against the rules. You can get a random pet to paint and then give it to them but specifically getting someone elses pet to paint is not allowed. :/


In fact, boards that had people trying to trade their FFQs were being removed last I saw. They were really cracking down.


Painting someone elses pet with your FFQ is against the rules. You can get a random pet to paint and then give it to them but specifically getting someone elses pet to paint is not allowed. :/


In fact, boards that had people trying to trade their FFQs were being removed last I saw. They were really cracking down.


Aw. :( Alright, I guess that's that then. Thank you for the info, hrtbrk! :)


Painting someone elses pet with your FFQ is against the rules. You can get a random pet to paint and then give it to them but specifically getting someone elses pet to paint is not allowed. :/


In fact, boards that had people trying to trade their FFQs were being removed last I saw. They were really cracking down.

But if I pound Skellk, she "finds" him in the pound, then paints him Stealth and "give" it to me as a gift, how would they know it's arranged? I wouldn't do anything to risk my account getting frozen, but still..


But if I pound Skellk, she "finds" him in the pound, then paints him Stealth and "give" it to me as a gift, how would they know it's arranged? I wouldn't do anything to risk my account getting frozen, but still..

That would be considered a pound transfer rather then just pounding a pet.


That would be considered a pound transfer rather then just pounding a pet.

But would that be a violation of the Neopets rules then? The lines are really thin between what's allowed and what is not, so I'm just asking.


Painting someone elses pet with your FFQ is against the rules. You can get a random pet to paint and then give it to them but specifically getting someone elses pet to paint is not allowed. :/


In fact, boards that had people trying to trade their FFQs were being removed last I saw. They were really cracking down.


Then how do they know when you're just painting your side account pet and sending them back to that account?


It would be pretty obvious to TNT what accounts are someone's side account and what accounts are another user's main account. I don't remember them ever having gone into details, but TNT has stated they can tell. I imagine IP addresses and general activity patterns factor in.


Besides, it really comes down to, it's against TNT's rules so it shouldn't be done, not "Can they tell/prove it or not."


With that in mind, let's get the discussion back on the topic of anyone having a buzz dreamie for Lia to create/adopt and paint for someone interested.


Lia if you paint an Aisha I'm partial to the Wraith color out of the three you showed. :)


I'm so in love with wraith pets that I have to say go for the wraith Aisha, but it depends on whether you'd like to make a custo or not. If that's the case, grey would probably be the better choice.


But dat wraith grin. <3


If you go with an Aisha, my vote is definitely either Grey (first choice, it's adorable) or Wraith. Maraquan pets are somewhat overrated... and this is coming from someone who has one. xD


my fave aisha colours are the chocolate! which bc of a ffq i got one finally instead of waiting forever through the lab ray! and i have an eventide one... id say because the colours you like you can obtain through paint brushes or morphers then try for a colour that you cant easily obtain!


Thanks for all your input, everyone!


Definitely leaning more towards the Wraith or Grey Aisha now. :)

If I had to pick one of those two, I'd go with Wraith. That grin really does it for me!

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