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Today's quest item was under 2,000 np, yay!


You have completed a quest for a Soup Faerie.

Oh, that looks perfect. I knew I could count on you to be a big help with my cooking.

Bisbee66's gained 2 strength points and 2 levels!

Everyone seems to be doing well so far today, here's hoping for no-one getting stiffed with speed increases today \o/


Earth Faerie Daisy Ring! I've been wanting that for a custom! So glad I didn't go out and buy one, even if its not the most expensive thing.


Really tired of these Light Faeries, come on Fountain Faerie I know you want to give me a quest!


Got myself a Water Faerie Quest normally and now with the fortune cookie I nabbed a Battle Faerie quest. :D


Hi all! Just asking for some advice. I've been given a quest by Queen Fyora and she's asking for an item that is worth approximately 20,000 NP the last time I checked. That is incredibly expensive for me seeing that my account is only 3 months old and that I'm not rolling with NP. Getting Queen Fyora's quest is one of the rarest without the Faerie Quest event, I hear. I've been deliberating on this for around 2 days now and am afraid that if I put this off any longer, I might miss a rare quest such as the FFQ, which I really, really want. Are the stat increases that she gives as the reward worth the 20,000 NP? Opinions please! Thank you!

I really think it's worth it, she gives you 2 levels, 5 hitpoints and 5 strenght! so If I were you, I'd do it :D anyway, good luck!



I've been on Neopets for over a decade, if you include my oldest account, which may have been recently purged. :shiftyeyes_anim: This was the first time I have ever received a FFQ. (By the way, my user look-up is currently blank when I view it?)
I've also never gotten a FFQ either and I've been on Neopets since the beginning on my original account which also probably got purged. This week was the first time I ever knocked a coconut off in Coconut Shy. I have hope for the Lever of Doom lol
You have completed a quest for the Battle Faerie.
This should help our cause. The war is not yet won, but the battle turns in our favour.


For your efforts, Alafair's defence, strength, and health have increased!

Today I got a Fyora Quest :) and for just a 200np object!!!


I have never recieved a FFQ in this account, just one time in a side...



Brilliant light blinds you. As it fades, a Light Faerie says, "Thank goodness you're here! Please find me Sir Cheekalot, kind Neopian."

1,700 NPs, for 2 levels, eh, not too bad. I remembered the SW trick and F5ed until I got a decent price. Just wish that I had known that that search would turn up so many different objects. :thumbsdown: I forgot to make sure it was set on *identical to my phrase*. <_< Oh well.




I have no magic of my own to reward you with, so I'm asking for help from another faerie.

Rainbow Fountain Faerie, come and bestow your blessing upon this Neopian! I cannot abide a debt that is not paid.

She will allow you to take a dip in the Rainbow Fountain!


Was so not expecting that.... woooooooot xD :dance:


The event is back and I missed the first week. My pets were in the Lodge, and I lost interest in checking the News every day. I felt "what's the point, nothing interesting is going on". This is what I get for not checking.

I'll do the rest of the quests for however long this runs. Funny, I was thinking about this event earlier......ugh why. No special prize for me. At least I still have fortune cookies I can use. I'll buy the wearable anyway....


Hope you guys remembered to change the language to Chinese to keep Delina away! When will TNT ever get rid of her? Don't they understand that NO ONE LIKES HER?


Now I wonder what faeries I may have missed since the event started Monday.....Probably just a bunch of dark faeries. They tend to favor me.


Got a Dark and Earth Faerie today. :( Ugh I'm really hoping y'all's luck rubs off on me with the FFQ.



Hope you guys remembered to change the language to Chinese to keep Delina away! When will TNT ever get rid of her? Don't they understand that NO ONE LIKES HER?


Actually, this year, they made Delina a daily, optional bonus quest. She won't interfere with quests anymore. ;) They did learn from their mistakes!


I think I missed March 7 because of the daylight savings time switch :c Today I got a Battle Faerie quest that cost 4k which was fine, though.


The SOUP and GREY faerie!? What the....????? Are they now part of the cookie mix, too?


Good gosh I regret not visiting Neopets for the updates. I haven't been playing, I've just been checking my pets into the Lodge when their stay ended for the month.


I missed almost the entire event. From now on, I'm not gonna miss a day of Neopets news.



Actually, this year, they made Delina a daily, optional bonus quest. She won't interfere with quests anymore. ;) They did learn from their mistakes!


HALLELUJAH! Take that, awful NC faerie! *pushes her off a cliff, but she hovers and glares at me* Oh, right. Wings. Forgot tha- *gets attacked by Delina* Okay! Okay!


I think I missed March 7 because of the daylight savings time switch :c Today I got a Battle Faerie quest that cost 4k which was fine, though.

You didn't if you were still on at 3am EST. You had to wait until 4am EST for the new day.


I really hope the Soup and Grey faeries stick around after the event is over. And become incorporated into the quests the cookies hand out. Because I missed the event this year. D: Good things happen while I leave. Of course the event starts just as soon as I become bored with the lack of interesting updates.


I'm unsure if the soup faerie will but it might be possible for the grey faerie to do so as a wild card type thing (since that is her role now).


Let's see what today brings me! Coltzan just bumped my pet up to 5 dubloon coin training level (thanks!...) so increases from the faeries will be more worth my while now, having said that...


Brilliant light blinds you. As it fades, a Light Faerie says, "Thank goodness you're here! Please find me M*ynci, kind Neopian."




This is just what I needed for my spell. May the light of faeries shine upon you.

For your efforts, Tatofase's level has increased!
Ok, that's cool :)

Can't participate in the rest of the event, anyway, because the page won't load. :( I guess I'll see em next year.


I wouldn't say that you won't be able to load it eventually. The site's been weird with loading some pages for a while now. You still have until the 12th.


Shane for Wax sent me the Corball needed to complete my Faerie Quest! :wub_anim: Thank you so much!


My Battledome stats went up, yay!!!




My Faerie Quest Cookie info:

You have completed a quest for an Air Faerie.

*squeal* It's perfect! I can't wait to try it in my spell!

For your efforts, Bisbee66's speed has increased!

Same old, same old, I always get the Dark Faeries. Since I missed the event, they're probably all I'm gonna get for the last few days. They're the best of the elementals however. So, I'll never get one of the new quests this year. Hope they either come back next year, or get incorporated permanently into the mix. I'll wait until that decision is made before I start opening any cookies.


Well, I got Air Faerie Eye Shadow today (another eye shadow that wasn't one of the ones I was hoping for, haha), and got an Earth Faerie. I wouldn't have bothered except that she asked for Lime Elixir, which I had three of in my SDB. For your efforts, knightofearth's speed has increased!



A bit useless, as I understand it, but the healing springs faerie gives those potions for free and I always did have a bit of a soft spot for Earth Faeries anyway ;|


I've gotten Earth, Light and now Dark Faerie Eye Shadows. :laughingsmiley:

I got an Earth Faerie Quest for a Magic Vial, which is mysteriously not restocking in Kauvara's Magic Shop. :thumbsdown: 1,599 NPs was the cheapest I could find. :hmmph:

Yippy...a speed increase. <_<

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