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New Site Themes And Avatars!


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Omg this is great news :D I think this will def encourage people to enter these contests, and play the Neopian lottery. I pretty much have no chance of getting any of them tho :(

Sorry if this is a dumb question: but if you've won any of these in the past will you automatically have the avatar, or will you have to win again?

I had no idea there was a lottery till now, I feel stupid! LOL




is my quick pick lotto page, more numbers to come on her sister's page Saurich but that will have to wait until after I get home from work


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The Grey theme is my new favourite :D The rest are a bit too bright for me


Ahah, the sweet smell of new avatars I'm never gonna get...

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I'm actually really impressed.

After they took away random contest, I was really worried they were taking away that side of neopets.

So the fact that they've added site spotlight & beauty contest to the avatar list kinda' shows that they're keeping it & want neopet to be more like that.

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I'm guessing they might have added these avatars to drum up more interest in the contests. I wonder if they've been suffering for entries and they want to increase their numbers.

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Are the site themes only to use for the week? Some people are saying they are perm, but my site theme counter hasn't changed, and the wording on the news feed makes it sound like we only get them for the week.

I think because of the way they were given they aren't going to be counted, it's almost like they're default theme. Everyone got them even if they didn't login.

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im using the kiko lake theme and i love it . all those little blue mushrooms :)


and finaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllllyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy i can start playing the lottery again :D


i have no chance in hell getting the other 2 avvies though

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the 4 basics (red, yellow, green, blue...where have we seen these colors? :P) we all had since starting a new account don't count


I asked the Editorial but my best assumption is they ARE default, so that's like 9 default non-countable ones plus all the others that would count (Purple, Constellations, CoM, TFR, etc.)


the Roo Island theme, I was using it for a bit but it's a bit too busy for my liking and the yellow font they use and the light background make it difficult for my blind eyes even with glasses


I'm really digging the Grey Day one, the light blue link colors are really nice :thumbsup:


of the 3 new avatars, I don't think even my pathetic art, and lack of wanting to spam/see spam would allow me to get the BC avatar but I definitely have a great chance at the Lotto (I have won over 30 times in the past, going through a dry spell now) and I like coding and doing petpages that I could have a pretty good chance at the Site Spotlight avatar too



it's live!

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