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Possibly Fake Items? O__o


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Soooo ever since TNT made the transfer over with Jumpstart and has had all kinds of little setbacks here and there with fixing the site, it's been.. well... weird. That's normal, I guess, with coding and stuff. But, I've noticed more and more lots at the Trading Post that plead TNT to delete the (uber expensive) super rare items they have up because it seems they acquired them for cheap at the TP or at the Auction House. Items such as a Super Attack Pea for only 600k (crazy). Everyone is bugging out about their uncertainty with the authenticity of their items, me included.

I had a Faerie Paint Brush up for trade, and some seemingly giving soul offered me a Stealth Paint Brush (saaaayyyy whaaaat), sounds awesome I thought, and I wondered how much I could profit with it. I look it up at the Trading Post for other prices to reference, and most of the lots I saw had Wishlists all addressing TNT to delete their "fake" paintbrushes because they're not sure they are "legit". Is this possible? O__o I always thought hacking Neopets was darn near impossible, but maybe there were weak points while they had the site down? What going ooooooooon ('A')

Man, I'd really hate to have my paint brush deleted or have TNT reprimand me for having a fake item somehow.. I am so confused x__x

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There's currently a huge glitch where high-end items are being duplicated (like SuAPs and MSPPs). It's probably best to not do any trading of expensive items until the duplicates are taken out of the market since you do not want one of those items on your account.

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TNT stated (in a response to a ticket) that you should just discard the item.


Please DON'T accept any trades or items that are too good to be true. They are likely duplicated items and may cause more problems for you later on.

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TNT stated (in a response to a ticket) that you should just discard the item.


Please DON'T accept any trades or items that are too good to be true. They are likely duplicated items and may cause more problems for you later on.

Rats. That's disappointing. But is there any compensation in order for these items? I mean, I had to do a lot of fair trading and hard work to get that Faerie Paint Brush (a real one) and now that I traded it off for the Stealth Paint Brush, I'm back to square one? If I request some kind of a compensation, would they consider it?

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I wonder if all those people holding items on the Trading Post saying "Please delete it TNT, I got it from the auctions" or whatever are really that innocent? I mean, it's too easy now to buy, say, a MSPP TCG, get the avvie and then put it in the TP like this. I wonder how TNT will handle it.

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"Oh, I totally didn't mean to buy that SuAP in a shop that stocked 100 of them for 99k, sorry about that!"


*shakes head*


It actually seems like TNT is removing these items or freezing people over it. At this point, I've just avoided any and all transactions unless from people I actually know.

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I've seen some people who buy them and then discard them to get them out.

I don't know if that's a good thing or a bad thing.

It's getting rid of the items, but it's also putting Neopoints into the economy that shouldn't have been there.


Personally, I think Neo should have taken the website down when they first heard about it. Then they could start working on it.

I'm sure they still have staff members who were there when the first duping happened, so why can't see what worked there (minus the freezing) and apply it to this situation?

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Just an FYI, this happened in 2004. It was called "Dupe Day" and even people who received items and said "TNT please discard" were thanked and then promptly iced.


DO NOT under any circumstances, accept anything that seems too good to be true. Ignorance has NEVER been an acceptable excuse to TNT. They freeze without remorse. The people who started this chaos know this. In fact several innocent people were gifted duplicated items and accepted without thinking and then there were people who had one dubloon coins and other non multi-billion NP items in the auctions when this first happened and are now freaking out because they have billions of fraudlent NP they can't return or do anything about. Literally accounts were just bidding millions or NP on every item that came through. At least through the TP you can reject it.


I do not believe that TNT can go through and freeze EVERYONE involved because it's too massive and because there are in fact some innocent people in this but unfortunately it isn't my call, it is theirs. Hope for the best and good luck!



P.S: This may or may not help, but check the account and see if it looks likely that it could have an expensive item. Typically a 3 day old account isn't going to come by a SuAP, MSP, Meowclops, ect easily and especially not 20+ of them.

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It's also worth mentioning to not accept a lend of avatar items now. No one is sure if TNT will freeze those who accepted lends or not, better be safe than sorry. It's so tempting I know.

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I don't think there is going to be any freezing of the average user. The people who duped hundreds of items will be frozen, but the people who bought a few items or didn't know won't be frozen.


Plus, the response to duped items is apparently to buy the items and discard them.

If TNT freezes the people who are doing that, they are going to be a lot of angry little chipmunks.


But really.

Instead of saying 'please discard them' the users should have just discarded them themselves.

TNT doesn't know if they really bought them to be discarded, or if they were the ones to dupe the items.

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But really.

Instead of saying 'please discard them' the users should have just discarded them themselves.

TNT doesn't know if they really bought them to be discarded, or if they were the ones to dupe the items.

Yeah, I really don't understand the reasoning behind the whole "Please discard this item for me that I decided to put up for trade instead of deleting it myself." If their goal is to bring TNT's attention to it, then they should submit a ticket (even though TNT is undoubtedly drowning in tickets right now) or report whoever they got the item from.


As far as buying items to discard them goes, I would say that probably doesn't really help very much. That shop that had 800+ SuAPs was almost definitely owned by one of the users creating duped items, so buying from them at all was only funding a cheater's account (there are no buyable* SuAPs now, so hopefully that's one problem gone). It's best to just report suspicious TP lots so that you don't waste your NP (I mean "you" in the general sense here, I know brynchilla said that this is something she's observed and isn't sure if it's wise).


*for those who aren't familiar with the term, a buyable refers to an item being able to bought from user shops (99K and under) instead of from auctions or the trade post.

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I got sent am mspp,I thought it was nice of someone to gift it to me. :/

Discard it immediately. Whoever sent it is only trying to get you frozen.


Guys, please remember that no one is just going to send you an absurdly expensive item out of nowhere. If anyone does, they are trying to get you frozen. Don't accept the items. Just report them and keep an eye out for offers that require you to do nothing.

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Why would it get you frozen and why would someone try to get you frozen anyways? :L

Because it is against the rules to take advantage of a glitch. Most honest Neopians will know that already and will abide by the rules, however some people are out to ruin your day - so be careful out there :)

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