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sometimes the hardest thing is finding out what you really want, so Im happy for you that you seem to have found your next step <3


Good luck with your studies and remember that going to study is not just about the qualification at the end its about the journey too - enjoy it


Good for you :D


It has been a pleasure knowing you for as long as we have and really seeing you grow into who you have become. You surely are an inspiration and advocating for other people with disabilities sounds absolutely perfect for you!


Congrats on making your decision to go to school. It is not an easy one to make :)


That's wonderful!


When I started college, I learned a lot about myself. It was the first time I was doing it for myself, not teachers, parents, etc., because I could leave at any time and chose not to. The people are MILES ahead of what you probably would have seen in high school in terms of being accepting and more respectful, even interested, in people's differences. At least in my experience.


I think its great you have a dream and a goal that you are passionate about. I'm going into junior year of college completely lost in terms of a major.


If you ever need any advice on getting homework done, staying organized or whatever, I'd be happy to try and help :) Best of luck!!


Congratulations! I'm going to university myself next year and I'm super excited to be finally doing what I'm passionate about. Making new friends is super difficult, but I'm sure you'll be wonderful <3

Good luck for your studies! And like everyone was saying, enjoy it!


Thanks, everyone :)


I want to get a lot of my dorm stuff from Victoria's Secret PINK. They have a lot of cute stuff.


The other day I was told that I need to work with kids because I'm good at it. All because you're good at something doesn't mean that you absolutely have to choose it as your career. It's not their life, it's my life. All of my life I've been a people pleaser. Now that I'm an adult, I can decide what I want to do and not let anyone decide for me.

Sorry for the rant.


You're absolutely right. Just because you're good at something, that in no way means that you have to do that.


All my life I was told that I should be a teacher, because I'm good with kids. However, I didn't let that push me into making any decisions. Like you said, it's your life and not theirs. Yo'u're going to be the one living the life and doing the job, not them.


Only go into the field if it's really what you want to do and like to do.


I am happy that you made the decision to work with disabled people. They need advocates, someone who will be able to fight for their rights when they can't or don't know how to. Hurrah for you!

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