Popular Post lizzyjane101 Posted September 2, 2014 Popular Post Posted September 2, 2014 It was so subtle, he might not even have noticed :P I was just like 'heyy, so I'm not a socially inept monkey. You know that girl from the year below? Well I asked her out.' And then we talked about social awkwardness and I think he thought that he was already supposed to know, but just didn't pay attention when I told him or smt. I'm usually more eloquent than that, but I'm very excited. So suave. ~Ğǿǿmy~, nightfall8705, Ali Cat and 14 others 17 Quote
panamanumber1 Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 Congratulations! That must have been very difficult for you! I know it was for me! Hopefully he got the hint! :D Quote
Navy Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 Congrats! It's often hard to come out to your parents, it was difficult to me even though I knew they we're all for gay rights. nightfall8705 and Lady Lyuba 2 Quote
lizzyjane101 Posted September 2, 2014 Author Posted September 2, 2014 Congratulations! That must have been very difficult for you! I know it was for me! Hopefully he got the hint! :D Thankyou <3 I feel so relieved! Congrats! It's often hard to come out to your parents, it was difficult to me even though I knew they we're all for gay rights. Yeah, I knew my parents would be supportive. In fact, the only thing that made it hard was that it's so normal in our house, I didn't want to make a big deal out of it. Originally I was just going to turn up one day and say 'hey parental units, this is my girlfriend.' Unfortunately that plan backfired due to a lack of an actual girlfriend, but heigh ho. Quote
dayday0819 Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 Yay, I'm so happy for you! It's great that you live in such an accepting and supportive house. neopets98 1 Quote
missuninvited Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 Congratulations, and I'm glad it was taken so well!My plan was totally just to show up with a girlfriend too, but then a few summers ago I had this whole big drama with the girl I had liked for YEARSS being awful and mean and making my life kind of miserable and I broke down crying at the kitchen table one day and that's the story of how I came out to my mom :P I haven't told my dad, but if he (and especially my stepmom) don't already know then I will be very, very surprised. Congrats again!! xxxxxxx Quote
filoctetes Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 Congratulations! I am so happy for your brave decision and that it was taken so well, that tells me that you have an awesome dad :) Quote
nightfall8705 Posted September 2, 2014 Posted September 2, 2014 Wow, congrats on coming out! Your dad is awesome to be so supportive and understanding. Reminds me of when I revealed myself to my mom (rest her soul) when I was 16. I remember we were sitting in a doctor's office, and somehow we just got to talking about a bunch of intimate stuff; you know, how we felt about things, just getting stuff off of our chest. She talked and I listened, then I talked and she listened, and then then all of a sudden, I guess I got caught up in the moment and I blurted it out. "Mama, I'm bisexual. I've dated boys before. I've dated girls before. Never at the same time, but yeah. I go both ways." She laughed at me and said "tell me something I don't know!" Then I said "I've been an active Wiccan for the last 3 years (I started when I was 13)." She said, "So? Wait, what's a Wiccan?" So I laughed and said, "I'm a Witch, mom." Then she paused and said again, "SO?" She then said she was glad I told her. Said she trusted me, and my decisions. Said that if I were to get into "relations" to come to her first so she could provide the "safety" like wtf Mom, I can buy my own, haha. Then she said she loved me no matter what - and then bought me this sweeeeeeeet box of Wiccan books and supplies for Christmas. I've retired from being Witchy woman after being that way over half my life now. I still do blessings on houses for people, and nowadays, I'm a bit turned off of relationships (but I notice that I am more comfortable around men) but it was really great how she was so understanding and loving regardless. I think a true parent should love their kids and support them unconditionally. I wouldn't say I was lucky, but I was blessed with a truly great mom. I lost her 9 years ago when I was 18, and I miss her every day. She really was something, and it meant a lot that I could tell her anything without judgment. Lady Lyuba and Brit 2 Quote
Brit Posted September 3, 2014 Posted September 3, 2014 Congrats! I'm really happy things worked out well, and wtg for being so out and open with your Dad, brave girl. I know I had the hardest time coming out to my mom. My mom knows I'm bisexual, and know's I have had a girlfriend or 2 before, but I think she thinks it's a phase, even though I came out to her when I was 15... It's been over 5 years, and yet this "phase" continues. I guess it's a similar situation to Wonderlandwanderer, my mom has no problem with gays-- in fact has quite a few gay friends herself but when I came out she "didn't wanna talk about it." and "It was only a phase I'd get over." I never got to come out to my dad before he passed away, but I choose to believe there's life after death and I think he knows now, and personally I don't think he minds. At least your Dad seems supportive, and wtg for not only being brave enough to finally come out of the closet, but to be brave enough to accept yourself, cus there are quite a few people in the LGBTQ community who refuse to accept themselves. I think this thread is just awesome, and put a big smile on my face. -hugs- nightfall8705 1 Quote
lizzyjane101 Posted September 3, 2014 Author Posted September 3, 2014 Wow! Thanks everyone. You guys are all so supportive and nice :') It's considered totally acceptable in my household, so I was just raised with no concept of homophobia until my later teenage years and the internet. I know I'm very lucky and I hope that my boring old story is the one that becomes more common in place of all the horrors. Kids will be like 'I'm not straight/ cis' and parents will be like 'k.' I have a dream and this is it. (Also, for the full effect, read that sentence in a jersey accent. I think. I don't know much about American accents. The ditzy one. Sorry if I just offended anyone.) Congratulations, and I'm glad it was taken so well!My plan was totally just to show up with a girlfriend too, but then a few summers ago I had this whole big drama with the girl I had liked for YEARSS being awful and mean and making my life kind of miserable and I broke down crying at the kitchen table one day and that's the story of how I came out to my mom :P I haven't told my dad, but if he (and especially my stepmom) don't already know then I will be very, very surprised. Congrats again!! xxxxxxx Oh you poor thing. That must have been so terrible. Liking someone relies on a certain amount of trust. You thought she was great and she was awful. What a let down :( /pat I've been really lucky that all the girls in my life have been super wonderful. One of them I even ended up really good friends with even though I apparently treated her really horribly during the time I liked her. I don't remember anything of that year other than spending a lot of time staring at her butt. :P But I'm lucky we managed to heal our relationship, although she's not 100% she anymore and goes by Spence. Se la vi :D EDIT: Just noticed you have synaesthesia! Me too! I'm always interested about the specifics, because it seems to manifest differently in people. Would you mind if I sent you a message or smt? It's okay if you're uncomfortable :) Wow, congrats on coming out! Your dad is awesome to be so supportive and understanding. Reminds me of when I revealed myself to my mom (rest her soul) when I was 16. I remember we were sitting in a doctor's office, and somehow we just got to talking about a bunch of intimate stuff; you know, how we felt about things, just getting stuff off of our chest. She talked and I listened, then I talked and she listened, and then then all of a sudden, I guess I got caught up in the moment and I blurted it out. "Mama, I'm bisexual. I've dated boys before. I've dated girls before. Never at the same time, but yeah. I go both ways." She laughed at me and said "tell me something I don't know!" Then I said "I've been an active Wiccan for the last 3 years (I started when I was 13)." She said, "So? Wait, what's a Wiccan?" So I laughed and said, "I'm a Witch, mom." Then she paused and said again, "SO?" She then said she was glad I told her. Said she trusted me, and my decisions. Said that if I were to get into "relations" to come to her first so she could provide the "safety" like wtf Mom, I can buy my own, haha. Then she said she loved me no matter what - and then bought me this sweeeeeeeet box of Wiccan books and supplies for Christmas. I've retired from being Witchy woman after being that way over half my life now. I still do blessings on houses for people, and nowadays, I'm a bit turned off of relationships (but I notice that I am more comfortable around men) but it was really great how she was so understanding and loving regardless. I think a true parent should love their kids and support them unconditionally. I wouldn't say I was lucky, but I was blessed with a truly great mom. I lost her 9 years ago when I was 18, and I miss her every day. She really was something, and it meant a lot that I could tell her anything without judgment. Haha. I spent most of my teenage life waiting for 'the talk' and when it came, it was basically just 'You get to have way more fun than I did at your age. Better contraception. I had so many abortions. Oh, and don't waste your university sleeping with older guys and not having a proper social life.' So yeah. I feel totally prepared for adulthood... It's nice to have such open-minded parents though. My mum used to works in an AIDS clinic helping people through their last few months. And she was an actress, so plenty of exposure to the gay. Wiccan? That's so cool! Just casually doing blessings as one does. I have a friend who loves researching about that stuff. She's not Wiccan herself, but she's fascinated by it. It's really something to be able to have that relationship with family. The first person I ever came out to apart from my three best friends was my grandma. She referred to Spence (back when she went by a different name) as my 'special friend'. Such a cutie patootie. Congrats! I'm really happy things worked out well, and wtg for being so out and open with your Dad, brave girl. I know I had the hardest time coming out to my mom. My mom knows I'm bisexual, and know's I have had a girlfriend or 2 before, but I think she thinks it's a phase, even though I came out to her when I was 15... It's been over 5 years, and yet this "phase" continues. I guess it's a similar situation to Wonderlandwanderer, my mom has no problem with gays-- in fact has quite a few gay friends herself but when I came out she "didn't wanna talk about it." and "It was only a phase I'd get over." I never got to come out to my dad before he passed away, but I choose to believe there's life after death and I think he knows now, and personally I don't think he minds. At least your Dad seems supportive, and wtg for not only being brave enough to finally come out of the closet, but to be brave enough to accept yourself, cus there are quite a few people in the LGBTQ community who refuse to accept themselves. I think this thread is just awesome, and put a big smile on my face. -hugs- Eee you put a big smile on MY face <3 It would be nice if I could claim some kind of inner strength, but really I was just raised to believe that these things aren't really a big deal. I know Australia is much more chilled than America, but also my parents specifically are just really open about this stuff. We do get some homophobia, but it's nowhere near as bad as a lot of other countries. Yeah, a phase. You know, I've had instances where someone's said, "You just haven't met the right..." And then I say, "STOP." And then leave. Some people are just so annoying. But I am one of the lucky ones. Brit 1 Quote
Avia loves Chias Posted September 3, 2014 Posted September 3, 2014 you're very lucky to have such a supportive family. it's so hard to see people struggle to come out in a day and age that's supposed to be more open and liberated and yet tragic stories are so common. i hope your vision of a positive experience becoming the norm becomes reality sometime in the near future. and UGH. i hate it when people say it's a phase. it feels like that's slanted more towards women too. i'm definitely not saying that it's more acceptable for men to be gay, because that's obviously not true either. but female homosexuality (and bisexuality in general) tends to be written off as youthful experimentation or something less legitimate than its male counterpart. there's nothing wrong with experimenting, but it's also unfair for people to relegate someone's entire lifestyle to the realm of fleeting fad or adolescent confusion. Quote
nightfall8705 Posted September 3, 2014 Posted September 3, 2014 Thanks. It's very cool, but it's also very, very serious, and is something you really have to do your homework with and learn what you're doing ahead of time. It's not just a hobby like everyone thinks, and it's not like Charmed like everyone thinks. It's a complicated and would-be dangerous legitimate religion that I was devoted to, but over the last few years, I've dialed it down because I felt like organized religion wasn't right for me (Wicca is an officially recognized religion in the USA by the way!). Anyway, I taught myself, and was in it for a long, long time. You learn a lot and you get fascinated by a lot of different elements in it, and it can be a enlightened religion for a person; but I just decided that Spirituality was better suited for me as I got older. It really was great that my Mom supported me, even though she was Christian. She really was a great woman. :) Quote
lizzyjane101 Posted September 3, 2014 Author Posted September 3, 2014 Thanks. It's very cool, but it's also very, very serious, and is something you really have to do your homework with and learn what you're doing ahead of time. It's not just a hobby like everyone thinks, and it's not like Charmed like everyone thinks. It's a complicated and would-be dangerous legitimate religion that I was devoted to, but over the last few years, I've dialed it down because I felt like organized religion wasn't right for me (Wicca is an officially recognized religion in the USA by the way!). Anyway, I taught myself, and was in it for a long, long time. You learn a lot and you get fascinated by a lot of different elements in it, and it can be a enlightened religion for a person; but I just decided that Spirituality was better suited for me as I got older. It really was great that my Mom supported me, even though she was Christian. She really was a great woman. :) Yes. Or Buffy the Vampire Slayer. I'm not sure about our arrangement in Australia, but I have a feeling it's recognised as a religion here too, just like Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism, etc. I don't really care what religion people follow as long as they're not using it to hurt people (it's so embarrassing being a Christian sometimes). They are interesting though. They all have their own texts and teachings and whatnot. Wicca is no different. What an awesome mum <3 Quote
nightfall8705 Posted September 4, 2014 Posted September 4, 2014 Actually, the number 1 rule of Wicca is "An it harm none, do what ye will." And it literally means none. Not people. Not the earth. Not plants. Not animals. It really narrows it down. There's actually well over 100 rules for Wicca, but the main ones are the golden rule followed by 2. Anything you do, good or bad, comes back to you threefold. The law of Karma applies. 3. Don't use the Craft for ill will or personal gain, and don't interfere with free will. 4. Never perform a spell or ritual on someone without their permission, and never, ever charge for your services, and 5. We have nothing to do with the Devil. Hollywood Wicca and real Wicca are two completely different things. Use your knowledge in perfect love and perfect trust to educate another and encourage acceptance and understanding, but respectfully and peacefully accept the other person's perceptions and opinions. (Okay, so that last one was mine...) I read in a magazine when I was a teen, they had this "love spell" and encouraged girls to try on their crushes. It angered me. That's really irresponsible and breaks all of the rules. Putting a love spell on somebody is interfering with their free will. If your friend asks you to do a love spell for them, then fine. You can do a spell to invite more love into that person's life, but if said friend says "put a spell on so-and-so so that they'll fall in love with me or ask me out" ... that is a direct violation. If less people dabbled and educated themselves, us Wiccans would be very much less annoyed. Nevertheless, people fear and hate something they don't understand. I think all religions are like that, so I just decided to go with any ideals that resonate with me, and what beliefs stir in my heart that I believe as truth. Gosh, I miss my mom. She only gave me the "I'm worried you'll go to Hell/don't hate God or truly turn your back on Jesus" speech once, but that was only because I refused to watch the Passion of the Christ. (Nothing against Jesus, I mean, he seems like a great guy who got fudged over in the end, but the main reason I refused the movie is because I canNOT stand Mel Gibson!) My mom was otherwise very supportive of both the religion thing, and also me being bisexual. She acted like it didn't bother her at all. In fact she was happy for me. We both seem to have great parents. :) neopets98 1 Quote
neopets98 Posted September 5, 2014 Posted September 5, 2014 Congratulations! Glad that you have a supportive family :) Know that you'll always have many of us at TDN behind you no matter what Quote
lizzyjane101 Posted September 6, 2014 Author Posted September 6, 2014 Actually, the number 1 rule of Wicca is "An it harm none, do what ye will." And it literally means none. Not people. Not the earth. Not plants. Not animals. It really narrows it down. There's actually well over 100 rules for Wicca, but the main ones are the golden rule followed by 2. Anything you do, good or bad, comes back to you threefold. The law of Karma applies. 3. Don't use the Craft for ill will or personal gain, and don't interfere with free will. 4. Never perform a spell or ritual on someone without their permission, and never, ever charge for your services, and 5. We have nothing to do with the Devil. Hollywood Wicca and real Wicca are two completely different things. Use your knowledge in perfect love and perfect trust to educate another and encourage acceptance and understanding, but respectfully and peacefully accept the other person's perceptions and opinions. (Okay, so that last one was mine...) I read in a magazine when I was a teen, they had this "love spell" and encouraged girls to try on their crushes. It angered me. That's really irresponsible and breaks all of the rules. Putting a love spell on somebody is interfering with their free will. If your friend asks you to do a love spell for them, then fine. You can do a spell to invite more love into that person's life, but if said friend says "put a spell on so-and-so so that they'll fall in love with me or ask me out" ... that is a direct violation. If less people dabbled and educated themselves, us Wiccans would be very much less annoyed. Nevertheless, people fear and hate something they don't understand. I think all religions are like that, so I just decided to go with any ideals that resonate with me, and what beliefs stir in my heart that I believe as truth. Gosh, I miss my mom. She only gave me the "I'm worried you'll go to Hell/don't hate God or truly turn your back on Jesus" speech once, but that was only because I refused to watch the Passion of the Christ. (Nothing against Jesus, I mean, he seems like a great guy who got fudged over in the end, but the main reason I refused the movie is because I canNOT stand Mel Gibson!) My mom was otherwise very supportive of both the religion thing, and also me being bisexual. She acted like it didn't bother her at all. In fact she was happy for me. We both seem to have great parents. :) Any religion that has that rule about not hurting people is a-okay in my book. It's a shame so many Christians nowadays tend to forget that. It makes me so sad to see people claiming to follow the same Jesus as me, but it really doesn't show in their actions. He really was an okay dude. Yeah, that definitely sounds like a misuse of power. That's why the imperius curse is unforgivable. Harry Potter if fictional, but the rule still applies. If you have the power to make people do whatever you want, DON'T. That is so wrong. Although, if it was in a magazine, it was probably just something the editors thought up with no thought of actual legit spell casting. Unless it was a wiccan magazine, in which case that would make sense. Your mum sounds wonderful. And Mel Gibson does seem a little dodgy. And yes, we do. Also, update everyone! The girl I asked out all those months ago is now our new Student Rep captain! The new leadership team got announced yesterday and I'm so happy that she got it! Voted for her, of course. nightfall8705 1 Quote
nightfall8705 Posted September 6, 2014 Posted September 6, 2014 Jesus actually is a pretty good guy. I have to agree with that. :) I'd be alright with him returning to pimp-slap some sense into some of his "followers" though. *sigh* It wasn't a Wiccan magazine, it was a teenybopper magazine back in the day. It told the girls how to do the spell, what candles to use, what to chant. Very, very irresponsible in my book. Never read that magazine again, even to this day. And Mel Gibson.. don't get me started. If my own personal hell was to punch Mel Gibson in the face repeatedly for eternity, no matter how fudged my hand gets or how broken my arm gets from all the hits, I would actually welcome that. I looooathe that guy, ugh.There's something off about him that I can't figure out that really rubs me the wrong way. :/ Glad your girl made captain! That must really be exciting! :D Quote
lizzyjane101 Posted September 21, 2014 Author Posted September 21, 2014 Jesus actually is a pretty good guy. I have to agree with that. :) I'd be alright with him returning to pimp-slap some sense into some of his "followers" though. *sigh* It wasn't a Wiccan magazine, it was a teenybopper magazine back in the day. It told the girls how to do the spell, what candles to use, what to chant. Very, very irresponsible in my book. Never read that magazine again, even to this day. And Mel Gibson.. don't get me started. If my own personal hell was to punch Mel Gibson in the face repeatedly for eternity, no matter how fudged my hand gets or how broken my arm gets from all the hits, I would actually welcome that. I looooathe that guy, ugh.There's something off about him that I can't figure out that really rubs me the wrong way. :/ Glad your girl made captain! That must really be exciting! :D Hehe, sorry for leaving it so long. My notifications got clogged up. I just wanted to say that this all made me so happy. She's not my girl, but thanks, it is rather exciting. Next year's students will be in good hands :3 Ugh, don't even get me started. Sometimes I just imagine God sitting up there thinking 'what on Earth is going on?' Some people just... what even. And I finally decided what to tell strangers. I've got a sort of complicated label that took me ages to form and sounds super pretentious, so I feel uncomfortable telling random people what I am. I decided on 'mostly gay', so guys will hopefully stop hitting on me. Quote
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