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Celebratory "I Achieved My Avatar Goal!" Post :D


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"You are now eligible to use 'Wishing Well' as an avatar on the NeoBoards!"


and with that event, I have now reached my goal of 250 avatars! :D Next goal: 275


I achieved 4 avatars in total today. One of which was a surprise. I was not expecting to get the Edna-Cackle Avatar on my second time ever completing one of her quests!


It feels like yesterday I had just received my 225th avatar thinking it would be impossible to reach 250, so I'm happy to have that accomplished


I think I may even start trying for the lever of doom o.o


so what avatars are all of you working toward right now? what are your goals? :)



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Yayy, congrats on achieving those avatars, and reaching 250! :D You were super lucky with the Edna avatar. Good luck with the lever of doom! I'd love to get that one as well. A couple of people who got it, told me to take out 100k when pulling the lever. There is a theory that it releases the avatar when the lever accumulates 100k.


My next avatar goal is 250! I'd like all of the flash game avatars lol, but I'm working toward snow rollers right now.

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Today I got the Pack Rat avatar (hooray!) and am working on the Hungry Skeith game avatar. Never got above 928 points. Ugh.

Despite being on Neo for so long, I only have 126 avvies :mellow: Suppose it's because I joined at around 8/9 but still.

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Congratulations!!! One more milestone to your Neo-journey!! :)


My goal is 300 avvies, and I'm at 299 right now! Soooo anxious!!!


299?? oh mann! That's soo close it would drive me crazy!! haha any one in particular that you're really working on? :p


Yayy, congrats on achieving those avatars, and reaching 250! :D You were super lucky with the Edna avatar. Good luck with the lever of doom! I'd love to get that one as well. A couple of people who got it, told me to take out 100k when pulling the lever. There is a theory that it releases the avatar when the lever accumulates 100k.


My next avatar goal is 250! I'd like all of the flash game avatars lol, but I'm working toward snow rollers right now.


yeah I was going to take out 50k and hope for the best lol...I also saw that theory that it awards once it reaches 100k! I'm scared, I've puled it a few times and every time that hands gabs my money it makes me anxious haha XD the snow roller one looks hard :X I tried, but that game and I don't get along haha. and you know I'm still working toward that faerie bubbles!! grr...I think my high score is around 1750...I always fail on the last level, but some day it shall be mine ;)

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299?? oh mann! That's soo close it would drive me crazy!! haha any one in particular that you're really working on? :P



Yes, I'm saving for that most expensive Grimoire (10million neopoints, gaaaah! D: ) while also trying my luck with the Turmaculus... We'll see what happens first :P

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Congratulations, Shelley! :) May you have more awesome luck with avatar hunting.


The avatars I'm working on are the Neopian Times ones. The 650th issue is coming out next week and I'm hoping that one of my submissions makes it. If not, then I still have a ways to go before I get the one that requires 10 submissions.

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leverhelven, oh my gosh! so much money :O hahah I wish I was brave enough to spend that much, although I do think it will be totally worth it when you get it ;) I would just use that avatar all the time and show it off to everyone XD


auntziggy, good luck on your pack rat! :) it does take a while to get all the items, I think I made a goal of getting 100 different items a day, and you should be there in no time :) I'm working on the rubbish avie so I know how it feels haha..so far to go D:


Today I got the Pack Rat avatar (hooray!) and am working on the Hungry Skeith game avatar. Never got above 928 points. Ugh.

Despite being on Neo for so long, I only have 126 avvies :mellow: Suppose it's because I joined at around 8/9 but still.


I haven't gone near many of the game avatars, better score than I could get probably! haha I think the only game avatars I have are gadgadgame, advert attack, sutek's tomb, and kass basher..I fail at flash games lol


Congratulations, Shelley! :) May you have more awesome luck with avatar hunting.


The avatars I'm working on are the Neopian Times ones. The 650th issue is coming out next week and I'm hoping that one of my submissions makes it. If not, then I still have a ways to go before I get the one that requires 10 submissions.


Thanks so much!! I submitted a few things to issue 650...rejections all around haha..oh well! I'm half way to the NT star avie so that's just as good to me :) although I hate to miss the 650th opportunity..such a long time until the 700th lol

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Huzzah! *many hugs for Shels and everyone who has achieved their avvie goals recently*



Let me see...I think I need to update my avvie lists...*done*


  • I have 236
  • The wishing well is one of them
  • Looks like I gave up on Edna (no surprise...maybe I should start again after I recoup my AC memorabilia spending)
  • I have all the flash avvies
  • I gave up a long time ago on the LoD (someone report in if you get it?)
  • I can't even get past 100 items for the packrat before I get tired of doing it
  • I have no idea what to pursue next. (I have slorg on my Neopian profile, but I'd like to start writing for the NT, too.)
  • My last was the other day, when I got the stock market avvie

Aaand one more *hug* for Shels. :D

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Thanks so much!! I submitted a few things to issue 650...rejections all around haha..oh well! I'm half way to the NT star avie so that's just as good to me :) although I hate to miss the 650th opportunity..such a long time until the 700th lol


Halfway to it too! :) I'm really hoping we both get in the 650th issue. I just want to churn out the last few submissions and be done with the Neopian Times! :P

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First off, I have just reached 150 not too long ago!! MY goal is to get this windyharris.gif and this mootix.gif. I also want this one, chokato.gif but the collateral is 3Million...


Want some items? Send me a neomail or a message and I can set up some trades :)

I'm currently aiming to achieve packrat avatar. still need a lot though

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Sorry, Em...I unliked that because the collateral on the chokato was nothing worth liking. O.o


I was trying to think of how I did that. Seems like I got an angel lender.


In fact, I'm pretty sure I had an angel lender, because two or three people saw my trade lot to give it back and they asked for it. :P



I love the ALP here, though. Except every time I sign up for a pet chain, I end up deciding there's something more important in my personal swaps and I "ring" Brit to cancel. >.<

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Soooo lucky to get the Edna avie after 2 quests. I've completed maybe 15 and it's only paid off once. My avie hunting has come to a halt for now due to the AC games keeping me pretty busy but I've recently reached 250 too! :D My next big goal will be toward buying that 9 mil NP book from the HT (10% off coupon, yay!)

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My current goal is Nimmos Pond. I'm not very familiar with the game, but my high score is less than 1500 short of what I need, so I know that if I'm patient and practice, I'll be able to get it. That's more certainty than I have about most of the game avatars I need (what sadist set Goparokko's avatar score at 8500?). I'm hoping to reach 300 avatars by the end of summer.

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I'm at 276 currently, but I would love to hit 300 and my ultimate goal is to be ~315. In order to do that I need a lot of Flash game avatars though - once the AC ends I think that will be my new focus.

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thanks everyone!! :D I'm reading your avatar goals thinking "wow yeah, I could never reach the nimmos pond score or buy the expensive grimoire" haha..I bet you'll be so relieved to have those avatars! I wish you the best of luck in the weeks/months to come in achieving your goals :)


Huzzah! *many hugs for Shels and everyone who has achieved their avvie goals recently*



Let me see...I think I need to update my avvie lists...*done*


  • I have 236
  • The wishing well is one of them
  • Looks like I gave up on Edna (no surprise...maybe I should start again after I recoup my AC memorabilia spending)
  • I have all the flash avvies
  • I gave up a long time ago on the LoD (someone report in if you get it?)
  • I can't even get past 100 items for the packrat before I get tired of doing it
  • I have no idea what to pursue next. (I have slorg on my Neopian profile, but I'd like to start writing for the NT, too.)
  • My last was the other day, when I got the stock market avvie

Aaand one more *hug* for Shels. :D

thanks you!! ^^ haha I can't believe you hav almost all the flash avies! I have to step up my game (no pun intended ;) ) I'm going to start reading more guides and thankfully TDN seems to have really great ones, so I'll do some studying lol. You should write for the NT! I enjoy it, although 4/5 entries I have in were cartoons lol. oh! and good luck getting meowy. I was all set up to get a lend with a zapped pet then all of a sudden the person before me stole it!! :( I guess I'll be saving up instead haha


I'm at 276 currently, but I would love to hit 300 and my ultimate goal is to be ~315. In order to do that I need a lot of Flash game avatars though - once the AC ends I think that will be my new focus.


276 oh my goodness! that's amazing!! good luck on your game avatars! :D I bet working on those flash games will be a nice change to playing the same AC games every day haha

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Congrats to everyone acquiring new avies!


I'm with you, lovedwallflower....I am at the point where what I need are most Game avies.


I TOTALLY stink at ALL games. /grin


C'est la vie!


I wish everyone continued good luck in their avatar goals!



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Yeah, at this point the Snowy Valley stamp avatar might be more reasonable to hope for than the games ones lol :p

Side note, has anyone here actually tried (and succeeded?) for a stamp avatar? The more I look at that Candychan the more I want to think it's possible!

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