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Have you ever taken really long breaks from Neopets? Whether by choice or because life kept you busy? Well, I know that feeling all that too well. Whenever I return to Neopets after a long break, I get a lot of surprises. The usual thing is the addition of new content and site layout changes, etc.


Please bear with me as I sound like a clueless user and say what the biggest surprises were for me after returning to Neopets, and I'd like to know if there are any other returners out there. :)


  • Fairyland is not up on the clouds anymore?!

My reaction to this was literally half-shouting "WHAAAAAAT?!" while seated in front of my laptop. I have to catch up on a Fairyland plot, I suppose.

  • Huge price changes in items

I remember when the Ptolymelon was pretty much junk if it weren't edible. It was something you could get from the Lost Desert Fruit Machine and I'd never seen it cost more than say 50 NP. I was looking for one for the Coincidence thing and was floored when I saw that the prices on the Wiz went well over 10k! What?! Now I wish I hadn't sold all my little Ptolymelons for cheap!


The same goes for my Leaf Shield. I know I got it for cheap a long time ago, and didn't expect its price to jump up!

  • Bottled Faeries are fading?

Is this because of the plot that brought Fairyland down to the ground? Oh nooo, I have a whole bunch of these bottled faeries in my SDB!

  • Crazy large increases in stock value

I'm not complaining. ;)


So, now I turn the question over to you: Have you ever taken a really long break from Neopets? What were your biggest surprises when you came back?


• Faerieland is not up in the clouds anymore because of the plot The Faeries' Ruin.


• Ptolymelons and other junk items (I'm looking at you Twirly Plant, Yellow Growth, Semolina, Seti Fruit, Stagnant Puddle of Water, and Gelert in the Box) have been ridiculously inflated because of the Coincidence quests. There's a cancel button now, but in the weeks that there wasn't, it was chaos. The items I named above (save for Ptolymelons, Semolina, and Yellow Growth I think) inflated to, what, upwards of 100k? Resellers trying to take advantage of this by snapping up as many cheap items as they could and charging exorbitant prices, hundreds of users all trying to find an item that was once junk, items inflating by the thousands within the hour, items becoming unbuyable within a few hours of being added to the item quest pool, unreleased (and retired) avatars being given out, NC items being asked for by accident... it was just.. eek.


• The old bottled faeries have been replaced by new ones - the Weak Bottled Light Faerie (which was upwards of 70k on release), Weak Bottled Earth Faerie, Weak Bottled Dark Faerie, Weak Bottled Fire Faerie, Weak Bottled Air Faerie, Weak Bottled Water Faerie, and Unidentifiable Weak Bottled Faerie (grants a blessing from a random type of faerie).


Anyways, once I came back from Neopets after a few months when I was young and got a Techo Transmogrification Potion, which I immediately put in my shop underpriced and bought a Starry PB. Not a good decision, 11 year old me. |D


My biggest surprise would probably be when I came back from about a year hiatus right at the end of the Faeries' Ruin plot, which I would have loved to participate in and really adore the site theme associated with the plot, and I kick myself every time.


I came back like a week ago and I found out I had made 500k from stocks I bought about 5 years ago. Back then I didn't even know how the stock market worked haha.


Exactly! I have stocks from years ago that I bought without even really understanding them. Now I just buy and buy stocks and wait around for the next time I take a super long break from Neopets.


• Faerieland is not up in the clouds anymore because of the plot The Faeries' Ruin.


• Ptolymelons and other junk items (I'm looking at you Twirly Plant, Yellow Growth, Semolina, Seti Fruit, Stagnant Puddle of Water, and Gelert in the Box) have been ridiculously inflated because of the Coincidence quests. There's a cancel button now, but in the weeks that there wasn't, it was chaos. The items I named above (save for Ptolymelons, Semolina, and Yellow Growth I think) inflated to, what, upwards of 100k? Resellers trying to take advantage of this by snapping up as many cheap items as they could and charging exorbitant prices, hundreds of users all trying to find an item that was once junk, items inflating by the thousands within the hour, items becoming unbuyable within a few hours of being added to the item quest pool, unreleased (and retired) avatars being given out, NC items being asked for by accident... it was just.. eek.


• The old bottled faeries have been replaced by new ones - the Weak Bottled Light Faerie (which was upwards of 70k on release), Weak Bottled Earth Faerie, Weak Bottled Dark Faerie, Weak Bottled Fire Faerie, Weak Bottled Air Faerie, Weak Bottled Water Faerie, and Unidentifiable Weak Bottled Faerie (grants a blessing from a random type of faerie).


Anyways, once I came back from Neopets after a few months when I was young and got a Techo Transmogrification Potion, which I immediately put in my shop underpriced and bought a Starry PB. Not a good decision, 11 year old me. |D


My biggest surprise would probably be when I came back from about a year hiatus right at the end of the Faeries' Ruin plot, which I would have loved to participate in and really adore the site theme associated with the plot, and I kick myself every time.


Oh, wow! Thanks, Kitta! All this information is super helpful and great. :D


It seems that our younger selves don't always make the best decisions in terms of NP-making, hahaha!


Oh nooo, the site themes from plots! How could I forget that I missed all that too?! Here's hoping a plot comes around that we can participate in, and get a really nice site theme, eh? :)


I took a Hiatus from 2006 to 2008 and came back to find out that Neopets can wear clothes !!!!


Shocker !!!


I took a hiatus and came back when the pets had been converted. Like a dummy I converted all of mine not fully realizing what I was doing :* big regret!


Finding out I had an aged Harris attached to one of my pets. I don't even remember having that Harris. Missed out on a lot of the plots in the past four years too so the Map of Neopia has changed drastically for me. Logging into my account for the first time in years and finding a LOT of burgers in my inventory for some reason. I figured out eventually that I was using them to feed Kadoaties.


A lot of changes but not enough to keep me completely disoriented, at least.


I took a Hiatus from 2006 to 2008 and came back to find out that Neopets can wear clothes !!!!


Shocker !!!

Same here, although I don't remember the exact time I took off and came back. I guess I must have come back around the time I made my current account, which was 6 1/2 years ago according to my user lookup, so around 2008 as well. Biiig surprise, haha. Also it was confusing to me that not all clothes were wearable. Why make wearables if you still have clothes that do nothing but sit in your shop or inventory?


I also missed a variety of plots over the years, which kind of annoys me because I like participating in those things. It also sucks when you take a break, come back, and realize they're halfway through the Daily Dare or something like that. Noooo now I can't get anything cool for completing the whole thing!



I came back like a week ago and I found out I had made 500k from stocks I bought about 5 years ago. Back then I didn't even know how the stock market worked haha.

Same! I had moved and taken a break for 2 years but when I came back I had 500k in LUPE stocks


For me it was how simple the stock market and food club actually are. When I was just starting out I would always see guides and people posting how much money they had been making off them and I just couldn't understand how they (the games) worked back then.


Another thing would be the lack of (thankfully) shop scams. Years and years ago the toy sail boat scam (something to do with the Faerie Tower/Hidden Cave? can't really remember) was really popular, and I can remember falling for it. People would advertise for it in their shops and on the trading post so often, it spread really fast and made them all seem believable. After that became popular, people would keep coming up with altered versions of it, and it took a few for me to realize (hey, I was around 12 at the time and didn't know any better lol) they were scams.

Guest Sabs

After I came back from a hiatus, I was really surprised that neopets could wear clothes. While playing, I would have never thought Draiks and Krawks would deflate the way they did! :O Anything is possible on Neopets.


This isn't so much being gone as just an annoyance...being frozen and losing plot/event trophies from two or three years.



But I know what you mean about coming back just after a plot finishes...I think my last big hiatus took place during FR. :P


A couple of times, plots have come up and I've mistaken them for something else entirely (like some activity TDN was doing or something...not sure), so by the time I get into them, they're partway through and I've missed whatever Special Rewards you got for completing the tasks on the first day they were released.


I think the biggest hiatus I ever took moved us from the yellow sidebar to whatever came next. (I don't remember if we went straight to pulldowns or what.) But that was a long time ago!


What surprised me when I came back from multiple breaks spanning from a month to a year from 2005 to 2013 were the Krawk Island revamp and the Roo Island revamp as well I miss Krawk Island and also the introduction of dubloons surprised me and they seemed complicated at first but now they are quite easy to use and also some are way cheaper than the codestones.


Definitely I was most surprised by the new appearances - and the deflation of Krawks and Draiks. Plus the new colours - those are always great to find after a break


When I came back from my last break..I remember getting a pair of those "vampire wax lips" thinking what the heck is this and why does it say "wearable?" I was so confused by the customization aspect, as before I left the only way to customize was through painting. Also all the new ways of making money :p


Whoa, I didn't expect quite a few replies to this thread. A lot of us were very surprised by the clothes aspect, weren't we? I was such a giddy young girl about them WEARING CLOTHES OMG that I converted them too. I so regret it now! Now my Lutari (on a side account) doesn't have that really cool pose anymore .-_-


The stocks seem to really work well for everyone else, which is great! :) Probably one of the few times that leaving on a long break has actually helped my account. :P


To all those who missed a great plot, let's all hope for an even more fun one soon!


After I came back from a hiatus, I was really surprised that neopets could wear clothes. While playing, I would have never thought Draiks and Krawks would deflate the way they did! :O Anything is possible on Neopets.


Oh wow, did Draik Eggs and Krawk petpets deflate by a lot? I'm more inclined to go get one now! :O


Finding out I had an aged Harris attached to one of my pets. I don't even remember having that Harris. Missed out on a lot of the plots in the past four years too so the Map of Neopia has changed drastically for me. Logging into my account for the first time in years and finding a LOT of burgers in my inventory for some reason. I figured out eventually that I was using them to feed Kadoaties.


A lot of changes but not enough to keep me completely disoriented, at least.


You just figured that younger you was a real fan of burgers. :P



Exactly! I have stocks from years ago that I bought without even really understanding them. Now I just buy and buy stocks and wait around for the next time I take a super long break from Neopets.



Oh, wow! Thanks, Kitta! All this information is super helpful and great. :D


It seems that our younger selves don't always make the best decisions in terms of NP-making, hahaha!


Oh nooo, the site themes from plots! How could I forget that I missed all that too?! Here's hoping a plot comes around that we can participate in, and get a really nice site theme, eh? :)

We've not had an actual plot for some time. I think the most recent one was the Faerie's Ruin. (The Spooky Food Eating Contest, although it gave out an avatar and site theme, didn't count for a plot because it's apparently going to be an annual event. The Obelisk War doesn't count either because it was a war and there were no actual plot-y things.)


I'm eager for an actual plot, because this time I'll be really prepared :D


Same! I had moved and taken a break for 2 years but when I came back I had 500k in LUPE stocks

Same thing...except I had a bit over a million NP! That definitely convinced me to stick around for a while!


Biggest shock was converted pets (during a previous hiatus). I was never even given the choice of keeping or changing, mine were all converted :(


Me too! I'm preparing for a war as well :)


I feel like it's been a while since the last actual war. Well, there's the Obelisk War going on right now but I probably wouldn't count it as a war. The only ones I really remember are the Meridell and Maraqua wars. :P


I came back after a 8-9 year break, and I was surprised that all the immersive advertising (I remembered there used to be a McDonald's shop?) had gone. That was a change for the better!


That and the clothes, but everyone's already said that :)


Whoa, 8-9 year break! That's longer than I've ever lasted. :O Yes, I remember the McDonald's shop, and the 7-11 daily thing! Although now they have banner ads (boo!), which I block anyway with Adblock. :P

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