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This is why I love KQ !!!!! of course , most times I get junk ...... but when this happens ... WORTH IT !!


I also got a secret lab map piece and a treasure map piece from other keys on the same day ...






Oi! Who are you playing with eh? *huffs*


I've gotten so many paintbrushes and neggs from KQ! Love it.

Mine has been so laggy lately though, so it's hard to win gold keys :(


Oi! Who are you playing with eh? *huffs*


you lol ........ its always been you sugar ;) this is from the other night


OH WOW congratulations to those winning fab paintbrushes :)


I havent played KQ for a while and now I remember how fun it was when you went to redeem your key wondering what you might win was just so exciting!!!


I overdid KQ which is why I stopped but now I think I should return



you lol ........ its always been you sugar ;) this is from the other night


Okay good :3 I was about to throw myself on the nearest bed and sob hysterically


cartoon_dreamer, it's not a NC game. I like it, because you earn NP + items. Most of the time the items are junk but often you get a codestone, negg, piece of map etc. And today I played 5-6 games and got some codestones, a red codestone (yay!), some neggs and a Ghost Paint Brush too :) Not all from the same game, of course. :)


You have to play 5-key games to be rewarded with items, I think.


My computer has recently been too laggy to play well and I don't want to possibly cause problems for the other players. I've found that I get better prizes from silver keys. I was unsure if they are random or if in general gold is supposed to be better. Would make sense but I've only gotten one good group from gold and several nerkmids and paintbrushes from silver. Hmm..

You have to play 5-key games to be rewarded with items, I think.



no .. you get items from all keys .. but gold keys give out 4 prizes .. while others give out less (silver = 3 , bronze = 2 .... i think there is also a lead key?? etc) ...



I've found that I get better prizes from silver keys.



Sometimes that happens , yes .. but I think it's random ... and some items can only be awarded from gold keys like map pieces .. but they're much rarer ...


I was about to throw myself on the nearest bed and sob hysterically



Hahahaha ... please don't !! :D and seriously sometimes I don't know when you're joking and when you're serious hehehe



no .. you get items from all keys .. but gold keys give out 4 prizes .. while others give out less (silver = 3 , bronze = 2 .... i think there is also a lead key?? etc) ...



Sometimes that happens , yes .. but I think it's random ... and some items can only be awarded from gold keys like map pieces .. but they're much rarer ...



Hahahaha ... please don't !! :D and seriously sometimes I don't know when you're joking and when you're serious hehehe


I know I'm special like that :3 By the way I'm silenced for the next couple of days so if you wanna play contact me on here - also, wanna play if you're on? :P


i NM'ed you when I got home at noon (told you i'm having half a day off work lol) ... too bad you're silenced :(


it's 1 AM now :( gotta sleep .. but tomorrow is Saturday and I have Sunday off so we can play for 2 days straight !!


i NM'ed you when I got home at noon (told you i'm having half a day off work lol) ... too bad you're silenced :(


it's 1 AM now :( gotta sleep .. but tomorrow is Saturday and I have Sunday off so we can play for 2 days straight !!


I was silenced at like 9am. For some reason I didn't think to mail you on here and say something until now *facepalm*. Yeah it sucks - need to be more careful talking about other sites! D:


Aw okay sweets. That sounds good to me! I'm gonna be collecting as many keys as I can in the next couple of weeks so I'm going to be playing practically non-stop starting tomorra, so I'll be available all the times :D



no .. you get items from all keys .. but gold keys give out 4 prizes .. while others give out less (silver = 3 , bronze = 2 .... i think there is also a lead key?? etc) ...


Oh, I see :) I always play 5-key games so I didn't notice that :)


cartoon_dreamer, it's not a NC game. I like it, because you earn NP + items. Most of the time the items are junk but often you get a codestone, negg, piece of map etc. And today I played 5-6 games and got some codestones, a red codestone (yay!), some neggs and a Ghost Paint Brush too :) Not all from the same game, of course. :)


You have to play 5-key games to be rewarded with items, I think.

Oh!!! Sorry, I thought that the keys were NC items, and you won things that would need to be unlocked with the keys. I hate Habitarium, so I'll have to look into Key Quest!


I thought that too for a long while. It's because the different tokens you can play as, are NC. I dislike my token but the cheapest NC one is 350NC I think, and I don't really like any of the items they give you. Also, some of them move oddly on the screen which causes me to have head issues, so I try to not play with players using those.


Posts like these keep me interested in KQ. I'm just so awful at the minigames that I've yet to do better than bronze, haha.

You should start playing 2 player games - then you're guaranteed at least silver :P I agree though, after a string of lousy prizes it's nice to win (or see someone else win) some good prizes!


Oh wow congrats I never played KQ I might have to give it a try now. Congrats again

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