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Well.... I got very lucky. I only did it once and only because I was celebrating the sale of a pirate Draik egg that I had gotten on the Forgotten Shore. I thought, OK.... just once. So, I paid the price, spun the wheel..... and got the avatar on the first try, I decided to quit while I was ahead.


If you do decide to go for it, I wish you the kind of luck that I had.




I wish I had that luck, too! I didn't count how many tries it took me to get the avatar but it was definitely more than 1. I found that most of the time I lost NP on it, though, so I stopped spinning after I got the avatar.


I had a good feeling after reading these messages and went to spin, got a message that said sorry, an error has occurred...so I checked my pet, no changes. I checked my inventory...no prizes...but I checked my user lookup and found a new avatar! HUZZAH!


I had a good feeling after reading these messages and went to spin, got a message that said sorry, an error has occurred...so I checked my pet, no changes. I checked my inventory...no prizes...but I checked my user lookup and found a new avatar! HUZZAH!


LUCKY YOU!!! I got the same error message, but no avvie, no item, no pet changes, no nothing... :sad01_anim:


You might want to read the responses in this topic, where people discuss whether the wheel is profitable. I would only recommend making it a daily if you were spending less than 1% of your total NP on the wheel, because the results are so variable; I personally won't be testing it until it's less than 0.1% of my income (if my income ever gets that high...). If you were spinning daily and it started as 10% of your income, a 10-day string of bad luck would completely wipe you out.


I've spun that thing three times. The first two times I got NOTHING. The third time I got half my NP back. I haven't spun it in a while because of that, but I do still want to from time to time.


I spun A LOT before I got the avatar. Millions of nps (though, I did win some back with good spins).


I was luck to get the avatar before the great Nerkmid deflation so my total output was far less than many.


I say spin it IF you want the avatar...but be prepared to spin many times.


If you are not seeking the avatar, I am not convinced that it is a profitable venture (at least not reliably so)


Good luck!




Good luck! I am terrified to try it haha I am fairly unlucky when it comes to chance (I still haven't gotten the Wheel of Knowledge avatar....and once I even landed on it and then it glitched and I didn't get the avatar :( ). I am a avatar collector so I really want to try but I have a feeling I'll just be depressed by the results so I haven't gotten around to trying just yet haha.

If you do start trying, I really do wish you the best of luck and hope you get the avatar and some good items or whatever else you may desire! :)


I had a good feeling after reading these messages and went to spin, got a message that said sorry, an error has occurred...so I checked my pet, no changes. I checked my inventory...no prizes...but I checked my user lookup and found a new avatar! HUZZAH!


Oh wow, congratulations!! :D


Overall I don't think this wheel is profitable either, but it would be a fun (and expensive!) experiment to see how long it takes to get the avatar. I'm just not sure I'm willing to sacrifice half my savings just yet :P


I spun it for the avatar and got really lucky--I got the avatar on my third spin. I think the first spin I got my NP back, the second I got 25k or something... So I definitely lost NP, but the avatar was worth it for me.


Isn't it silly that I have the High Roller avie but not the one from the Wheel of Excitement? I've spun it sooooooooo many times.


I spin the wheel once a week if I have the NPs for it, and I think I've lost nearly a million on it. I've gotten some cool stuff, but alas, the avvie remains so elusive to me. I don't have good luck in general, so the only wheel avvie I have is the Mediocrity one. :thumbsdown: (It took me MONTHS to get the keno avvie and I had to spend an hour on the quick pick one to get a truly random set of numbers.)


I've spun it a few times, but I don't really remember what I got. I spun it yesterday on a whim and got 50K. I'm unsure if I wanna make it a daily...


Other than a couple random times, just for fun (where I got nothing), it took me 12 days in a row to get the avatar, which is when I stopped. Of the 1.2 million spent on that, I don't remember what I got with each spin, but I know I lost about 800-900k of that.


I've spun the wheel about 8 times. I was so close to getting the avatar yesterday but I landed on the 50k space. Best prize I got was a job coupon.

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