nightfall8705 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Okay, so I know there are a LOT of people who play Neopets. Whatever their age or reason, there is something for everybody there. I don't think there's anything wrong with having a Neo account, whether you are 13 or 65+, but a lot of us tend to hide the fact we have Neo accounts because people around us think it's "dumb, childish, or stupid" to play. I've had my account for a few years, and I'll be pushing 30 in a couple of years. I have NeoFriends older than me, for goodness' sake! As long as you are having fun, who cares, right? So I say, if you have a Neo account and are proud of it, no matter what your age, don't be afraid to post here saying so! :laughingsmiley: Also, my little brother is 10 years younger than me, and was one of the people who told me he thought Neopets was stupid. WELL. I was looking for a pair of socks in his sock drawer in his room, and what did I find? A hidden blue MEERCA happy meal toy. LOL! :woot: Yeah, he doesn't like Neo so much that he has a Meerca toy. I find that really funny. What about you all? Do you know someone who secretly likes Neopets, even though they say otherwise? Hee hee! :dance: Quote
Spritzie Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm very open about the fact that I play Neopets. (I'm in the few years from 30 range myself) My husband knows I play (and has played too). My parents know and my mom and I still have regular discussions about it. (I totally save my favorite customizations onto my phone and show them to my parents when visiting) Not only do my friends and family know I play, but all of my co-workers know, as well as my managers. We have a lot of down time at work, so as long as it's not illegal or inappropriate, we're allowed to do whatever we want. I spend my down time playing Neopets and over the years, all of my co-workers have seen me play and asked me about it. My manager even had a daughter that played, so he knew about it previously. My co-workers are split between roughly my age, and mid-40s. I've never once been teased about it. It's surprising to discover who played it themselves at some point, or who had kids/friends that played. leverhelven and nightfall8705 2 Quote
Saxen Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm open about it as well. I used to play with one of my old boyfriends and I speak to whoever I'm dating at the time about it. I also talk to my dad and he helps me with ideas for building my characters :P If somebody looks down on someone else because of a game that they play they seriously need to re-evalute xP everybody has different things that they're into, and personally Neopets has been a fantastic creative outlet for me so I'm really proud that I play :) nightfall8705 1 Quote
chelperk Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm kind of a hermit because I'm a stay at home mom, but people know I play. I shared a Facebook status saying "playing Neopets" and a few people liked it. :laughingsmiley: nightfall8705, Xepha and Nubisbully 3 Quote
agrinwithoutacat Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 My boyfriend's pretty much the only person who knows I still play. I'm pretty sure I remember him calling me a dork when he found out, but in a playful sort of way, haha. He made an account and played for a few days before deciding it wasn't his thing. Other than him, my friends don't know I play. It's just never come up. nightfall8705 1 Quote
nightfall8705 Posted April 9, 2014 Author Posted April 9, 2014 @ Spritzle - That's amazing that you can play wherever you are and not be teased. I'm glad that so many people you work and interact with are so supportive of Neopets. @ Saxen - I was heavily teased for my Neo account. That main person is no longer in my life... the other person kind of just let it go. Everybody else has grudgingly become supportive. Neo has increased my writing mojo. I used to write a lot and then I had writer's block for years. Now, I would say I've written at least 50 Neo stories over the years. I've also learned a bit of real world knowledge, like how the real stock markets work, and how the economy influences inflation/deflation, and how to manage a business (even if it is fictional) among many other things. :) @ kodylaurentia - Your friend has great taste if she likes Draiks. I'm more of an Aisha/Ixi person myself. I especially love Faerie Ixis, as well as the water and pastel paint brushes. It's good you have buddies that like Neo. @ chelperk - I wonder how many would like my status if I wrote that I played Neo. I bet I have a couple who would like it, lol. :) @ agrinwithoutacat - A couple of my exes teased me, but I never let it get to me. Some of my friends know I play. It's a means of escapism to them, I guess, but they are very supportive. I am proud of my my pets though, and proud of some of the things I accomplish on my account. Whether it's saving a ton of NP, or writing a new story, or whatnot, whenever I reach a goal, it makes me happy, so I am proud I play too. :) Quote
Saxen Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm sorry you were teased :( I have no time for people like that. I completely agree that Neo can teach you things you can use in every day life! Especially when it comes to writing ^^ 50 neo stories it a lot :O well done!! Quote
chelperk Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm sure you'd get at least a few likes. It's nostalgia for lots of people. I also peeked over at the Neopets page on FB and found that a couple of my friends liked their page too. Quote
nightfall8705 Posted April 9, 2014 Author Posted April 9, 2014 @ Saxen - Thanks. Everyone is supportive now, that's what counts. And thanks, 50 stories is a lot, but I am extremely critical of my work. I hope to eventually submit one to the Times. I read it every Friday! :) Do you write stories? Most of mine are about Sandrea. @ chelperk - Maybe I would get a few likes. I have friends my age into Anime and such. Surely they played Neo back in the day. :D This post has been edited by a member of staff (N. Prime) because of a violation of the forum rules. Please don't double post. If there's something you want to add to your existing post, use the edit button. Please check your user inbox to see if you have been contacted regarding this incident, then review our rules. Quote
Duskitty Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I keep Neopets a secret from most people. My boyfriend plays, so I don't have to worry about teasing from him :P I'm close to the age group the site is aimed at (14 years old) but still considered "too old" to be playing it by most of my friends, so I try to keep it hidden. My parents know I play, and I once tried to describe what I do on staff here to my mom. I don't think I explained it properly and am pretty sure she thinks I make weapons. Quote
gamer_mommaof3 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm 30 yrs. old and I still love playing Neopets. I don't care what anyone thinks about it. It's something that I enjoy :) Quote
Master of Puppets Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I am one of those who keeps Neopets secret, although my brother knows and tells me it's a waste of time and does not see it the sense, I really like and that's what matters, my mother also knows, though already about 3 years ago, as I was on hiatus, year and a half I do not think she know I'm back again. same way as all, always will exist people who criticize what you like, as I also like anime and manga, many of my friends tell me it's a waste of time when I also like. The important thing is that you like what you are doing, and I will continue long enough in neo. Shad :D leverhelven 1 Quote
juststoppingby Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I also keep Neopets a secret. Mostly because I don't know when my next hiatus will be! When my friends ask me what I've been up to for the past 2 months, I tell them video games and work. Then they probe about the video games and I sheepishly tell them Neopets. Thankfully, they never heard of it and I explain it's to keep my 9 year old account alive. They don't know I'm trying to achieve childhood dreams here. Quote
eliang100 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm in college right now and a decent amount of my friends have played it before! I haven't really been able to find anyone who is as invested as I have been recently D: On the occasions I do mention it around new people they've been pretty understanding/at the very least not teased me haha. My mom always gives me a hard time about "childish" stuff like basically any sort of video game or animated show. Quote
Nubisbully Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm kind of a hermit because I'm a stay at home mom, but people know I play. I shared a Facebook status saying "playing Neopets" and a few people liked it. :laughingsmiley: I'm in the same boat. My so knows all too well that I play and plays a little bit to humor me. I started playing over a decade ago in high school and had a few friends that played as well. One of them continued into college then stopped, whereas I had my account hacked, stopped then picked back up when I found out I was pregnant as something to have fun with and to help de-stress. I don't have much time anymore as my little boy is a handful but when he's nursing or sleeping on my lap... chelperk 1 Quote
Hert123 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I keep Neopets a secret. I showed my bf a few games from Neopets, but I don't think he realised what it was. I don't even know if he knows about Neopets. I started playing when I was.. about 9, almost 10 I guess? Still managing my first account! When I started playing, my sister started too, but she never really got into it like me. Then as parental control my mom made an account too and she played Ice Cream Machine all the time! About the time I got to go to high school I quit but logged in every now and then. Recently I started playing again! I told my mom about it and my sister knows about it as well. And last week I told my best friend and she has played Neopets too so she knows about it. I mostly keep it a secret because the people in my school will probably just tease me about it even more and say its childish ect. Quote
Ashbash Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I wouldn't say I ever purposefully hide it from people but it doesn't always come up. If someone mentioned neopets I would definitely start talking about how much I love it. I'd say most of my friends know just from being around me a lot and seeing me on the site. My family definitely knows as most of them used to play and are the one's who got me interested. My aunts were playing when I was a kid and told me and all my cousins about it. We still talk about it sometimes at family gatherings. Quote
chelperk Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm in the same boat. My so knows all too well that I play and plays a little bit to humor me. I started playing over a decade ago in high school and had a few friends that played as well. One of them continued into college then stopped, whereas I had my account hacked, stopped then picked back up when I found out I was pregnant as something to have fun with and to help de-stress. I don't have much time anymore as my little boy is a handful but when he's nursing or sleeping on my lap... I play from my iPhone when my son naps [or is trying to]. TDN dailies come in very handy for this, because it's very limited as to what can be done from a mobile device. I like to visit the Igloo Garage Sale and attempt to restock. And yes, it's an EXCELLENT pregnant activity. It's what I've been doing for the past 15 weeks [and more]! :rambo: Nubisbully 1 Quote
blueberrykiwi141 Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I am right there with you Biedazzle. It just does not come up. My family knows I play and never really say anything about it. I leave it open all of the time on my home computer, so I get more gems from my Habi. I think if it came up I would definitely talk about and not hide it. I am not ashamed, I love Neopets!! Quote
muertadivina Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 Just like Biedazzle and blueberrykiwi141, no one seems to ever mention anything about my neopetting around. Well, at least not to my face. haha :laughingsmiley: Fortunately, I too have never felt the need to hide my love for neopets. Quote
Spyke Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm 21 and in grad school. I actually had taken a several year hiatus (aside from the Advent Calendar, which I've never missed), but then a bunch of my friends and I went on for the flash games instead of studying for finals one semester. Most of them had accounts that were older and didn't have to make new ones. I'd say I have maybe 14 real life friends who play, though none of them are as committed and involved as I am. I normally just facebook message them to remind them of events/seasonal stuff and they'll get on for those things.My mom bought me a neocash card for Christmas and one for Valentine's Day. Two or three of my friends bought me neocash cards for my birthday too. Everyone messages me if they see plushies at a yard sale or thrift store and will buy them for me if I don't have them already. And we've played Puzzle Adventure together on the PC. So I'd say everyone currently in my life is pretty supportive.I got teased in middle school for playing neopets, and have been teased by significant others too. But, then again, they aren't part of my life anymore and neopets is soooo... Quote
asterisk_trine Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm 20 and I have a few friends a got into Neo. I was a little unsure about it at first, because I know some people think it's childish. But fortunately, They are a LOT like me. so they tend to enjoy the same things I do. They're probably not as open about it, but I think everybody who knows me knows about me Neopets. I wear my Team button around Altador Cup season XD I have no Neo shame. But it's also good to separate it from real life. Don't let it rule you. Its still just a game :3 Quote
CrazyBiscuit Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm nearly thirty too, and I've been playing since I was in high school. There were a few years that I didn't play, and some days I don't play much, but in many ways I probably enjoy it more now than I used to. I think there was a time I might have been a bit embarrassed but by my mid-twenties I ended up realizing that it really doesn't matter what anyone thinks about my likes or dislikes and it's more childish for them to judge me for not sharing an interest with them. A few of my friends used to play, but they all stopped years ago. My mum never played, but I talk to her about it sometimes (my mum is cool). It's not a secret, but it doesn't tend to come up in conversation and if it did I wouldn't hide it. Quote
tk421beth Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm 45 and have been playing Neopets for 8 years. A friend recommended it, and I loved Neopets ever since! My 12 year old son makes fun of me a LOT in regards to Neopets, so I make fun of him playing Minecraft! I have been off-line here and there, for 6 mos or so, but in the last 2 years I have been active, except when on vacation. I love playing!!! asterisk_trine and Novelista 2 Quote
WhiteWolf Posted April 9, 2014 Posted April 9, 2014 I'm 47, and I've been on Neopets for 12 1/2 years according the badge on my main account. I don't hide my Neopets usage. Last summer, I showed it to my niece and sister. My niece might get her own account when she's a little older. :) I do the whole shop and gallery thing. I'm saving up for a particular Hidden Tower item. Wish me luck with that! :) Quote
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