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As you surely know, inquiring minds, a minimalistically concealed laboratory of arcane and steampunk aspect has been the focus of the world's attention since its discovery in arcane and steampunk Moltara.



As you rest from contemplating the cryptographic implications of its mystifying array of quite similar point-and-click puzzles (solutions here), we invite you to make lighter conversation over the rewards you have received, the structure and purpose of the machine, the unknown destination of the portal and identity of the Neopet who broadcasts his garbled messages from beyond it, and any other related banalities that catch your interest.


Enjoy your discussion!


So, I'm guessing that the circular orange glowy thing with a platform and railing leading up to it is the portal that will take us... to the lutari's ship?


As someone else pointed out, I think it's important to recognize that the random events can be spliced together into one coherent message:


Hi guys (my first post)! Does anyone notice that if we combine the text in all three random events we will get: "Can anyone down there hear me? I need supplies to fix the machine. My original workshop is located underground. You'll find what looks like a water tower in Magma City. You can use the portal there to teleport to my ship. I'll give you further instructions when you arrive. Hurry, would you?"


I really want to know why the petpet has a bowler hat.


I had never notice this before...


I really hope the portal opens to a new land. :D


I really want to know why the petpet has a bowler hat.

I don't know why, but I think it's awesome! I drew a portrait of this petpet and hope it gets into the Art Gallery soon! (I'll display it only if it gets into the art gallery, to protect against art theft.)


SO.... what happens now? I'm a little disappointed that completing the 5th level did lead to an option for portal activation. I'm not sure where to go from here. Anyone have thoughts? Or do we just wait for today's news and hope they mention something?


I should have kept going but after the second day with the portal I didn't do anything else with it. /: Already-eaten cakes and whatnot = no bueno.


I would love if this reopened up to luatari island and the possible release of the app(I highly doubt it though). Hope we find out soon :)

I also hope this event wont mess with the easter negg hunt, its one of my favorite events.


So is this a plot, or just a mini one? Right now, it's looking to be a mini. These puzzles remind me of the Halloween one. I can't wait until we can get past all of this stuff! Also, the coherent message is really cool, thanks for laying it out. =D I haven't done anything with my prizes yet, waiting to see if we have to do something with them. Although, I do doubt that. It's good they're helping us build a bond with JumpStart using this little plot. Really brings up my interest and mood!


The Filament Lamp's description says "Note: This lamp will only be good for this years Control Panel Puzzle which ends on March 24 at 23:59:59 NST." In other words, this implies that the puzzle will be an annual event of sorts.....


I'm guessing this might lead to Lutari Island.

Heavy storms and wind and rain such as Lutari Island is constantly experiencing results in static and technical difficulties, yes? And the pet in the image of the REs is a Lutari, too.

If you combine all three messages from the REs, you get this:


Can anyone down there hear me? I need supplies to fix the machine. My original workshop is located underground. You'll find what looks like a water tower in Moltara City. You can use the portal there to teleport to my ship. I'll give you further instructions when you arrive. Hurry, would you?

So, our mad scientist needs supplies, and would like us to get them for him. He'll give us details after we use the portal in his lab to teleport to his ship, which implies that we'll be able to get back the same way. The question arises, then--why hasn't the scientist used the portal to come down and get his stuff, or to communicate his needs directly, rather than relying on a distorted broadcast and the random meddling of strangers? Even if we assume he has no nefarious intent, I still have to wonder why he's stuck where he is.


The phrasing of the message--"anyone down there" and "my ship"--suggest that he's in either an airship or spaceship of some kind. To build recklessly on the Lutari Island speculation, perhaps his machine is a weather control device, and is connected with the perpetual storm shrouding the island? (Either by causing it, or by holding in check somehow.)


The message being distorted might indicate that he is having serious issues on his ship and cannot leave. I had hoped that the portal would open once we participated in all five days of the puzzle. Thoughts on the next step?


I'm glad to see that my post in the other thread gained positive feedbacks (the complete message). Anyway, I think that it will lead to "somewhere". A lot of us suspected that it is Lutari Island. However, the phrase "ship" is not connected to Lutari Island. I suspect that the portal leads to the white-green station that orbits Neopia. There, we will receive further instructions. But, the fact that the Neopet is a Lutari also opens another speculation. Overall, the story may be that the scientist may have lived in Lutari Island before, but when the island is beginning to get caught in a perpetual storm, he flew off with his station. Now, the station is malfunctioning and he needs supplies. This portal leads to that station, where there will be further instructions.


I initially thought that this would be a new world or new part of an exsisting world (and the full message makes me think space or up in the sky somewhere) but if the Festival of Neggs is the same length as previously, this plot only has a week or so to wrap up to aviod overlap. I hope they aren't trying to rush anything because of JumpStart.


Also, I was pretty pleased that the last prize was a stamp. The others ones were kinda lame.




Someone on the neoboards posted some links that are interesting:



" New in the NC mall?
There's also a /magma/portal link that leads to an error 404
Hmmm angel.gif"


So, It looks like the Professor's name is Dr Landelbrot's and the robot petpet is Scintilly.


From the source code:

This handy net is perfect for catching any rogue comets that are falling past. Note: This Astronet will only be good for this years Mission: Capture the Comet event which ends on March 31st at 23:59:59 NST.


I want to see what the NC prizes are for the astronets even though I probably won't buy any XD I managed to do all the panel puzzles on day of release even though I was on vacation out of country, so I'm pretty pleased at the moment lol. Ready for the next stage for the neopoint side of things :D


I may be overworked and running on 19 Achyfis, but I can still count! If you want the Random Events machine to work again, I still need:

Gelert in the Box
x3 toy_ruki_camomarionette.gif
Camouflage Ruki Marionette
x3 mar_splime_blue.gif

Back again? I'm still working with the materials you gave me. Don't worry, I was able to calculate how long it would take me to finish this part of the Random Events machine. Here is a handy timer you can watch while you wait.


Or you could go outside and play. You might need a spacesuit, though. It's cold out.

Interesting....so..your buying items in this one to complete experiments? Like in the dark/earth/snow faerie quests and so forth? hm

I'm waiting 10hr 20min ....

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