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Hi everyone,


I made it to the French caption contest this week. If you change your language to French after going to this page




You can vote for my caption every 4 hours :)




Par xepha:
Chomby: Promenons-nous dans les bois, pendant qu'Illusen n'y est pas!


(Translation: Chomby: Let's walk in the woods, while Illusen is not here!)


It's a play on a popular kid song that you might or might not know.


Thanks ^^!



"Merci d'avoir voté pour le Concours de Légendes!"


Congrats on being chosen! I love French, I've been studying it for years. Not fluent yet, tho. :P


ps: when you get chosen for the CC, does TNT send you a neomail to let you know?


No they don't let you know.


It's a french user I know on Neopets who sent me a Neomail saying congrats, you got in. :P


I entered a single caption, and it was chosen. I feel lucky.


Merci d'avoir voté pour le Concours de Légendes!


5 captions only :O


what song is that ?


Of course V! :O Good luck :)


Dat feeling when you see your caption is entered.


Voted! I'll try and remember to vote for you as often as I can. Good luck with your caption! :D


Merci d'avoir voté pour le Concours de Légendes!


5 captions only :O


what song is that ?


I think I know it, we have something similar in Portuguese. That would be "Let's walk in the woods while Mr. Wolf doesn't come!" It's a verse/song that the Three Little Pigs sing in their story. They're talking about the Big Bad Wolf.


Kids here sing it as well. Perhaps it's the same thing in Quebec! :)


ps: I've noticed that, in other languages, there seem to be less submissions. Pretty much in everything: poetry, CC etc. I even decided to try and send a caption in Portuguese now! :P


Yeah, that be the song.

It used to terrify me when I was a kid actually... I even remember having a nightmare about that song. (Let me say it did not end up well for me. The wolf caught me before I could reach the safety of a house. lol)



Thanks for the votes everyone. I've been receiving Neomails from the French community too. It's fun :D


I voted ^^ I'll try and remember to do it every four hours. Good luck Xepha!!

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