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Other ways to contact people besides using Neomail ?

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Hi :]

I'm not sure whether it is the right place to post, but I was chatting with my friend via Neomail, and I could not send my last one, because her inbox is full... I was wondering if you guys can give me some ideas of letting her know o-o

I don't want her to think that I'm ignoring her x)

Thank you !


Hmm... Probably the Neoboards would help. Maybe. Well, she should know that her messages are full. Send her something.


I don't see her active on neoboards at the moment o-o Humm You mean send her a gift or something ? x)


Oh haha thanks for the tip guys! I just sent her the Foal in box :3 And I also added a note on my look up in case she passes by :)


I wonder if she will get a message automatically telling her that her inbox is full too?


I have a question regarding this topic. It says that if you have more than 100 messages in your box you cannot receive anymore. However I have had many more than that. So my question is, is it 100 unread messages? I am not sure how it works so I just clean out my box every so often to avoid this. Also, apparently veteran players have an unspoken message that sending a friend a junk item, such as a rotten boot or sandal means their box isn't receiving messages. Just an FYI.

@ Duma, I love your "Location!!" Very cool.

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AJ11: I really don't know ;o

rntracy1: I have no idea o-o I think I also had more than a hundred messages at one point, so I'm not too sure how it works. Now I know about his sending gifts method :3


I think one of the perks for older accounts is more storage space before your inbox gets full. I don't know exactly how it works, though. I hope the "Foal-in-box" got the message across for you.

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