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Spending Christmas alone. ;c

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Ohai there. I don't know if anyone will actually see this topic, since it's the evening of December 24th, and you're all probably having a nice Christmas meal with your family and friends.


But I'm feeling very sad because I'm spending Christmas alone. In fact, I always did. My father was a monster and never allowed any of my family members or friends to come by. This year will will be the first Christmas without him breaking hell loose around the house since my Mom has finally divorced him, but we still didn't have anyone coming by.


I see all my friends on Facebook having a great time, but to me Christmas was always sad. I feel very depressed. Has anyone ever felt that way? Dunno, sometimes talk helps.


Aw, I'm sorry. :(

Do something special for yourself this Christmas--do something you enjoy. Take yourself to the movies, to dinner, whatever. Do something that makes you feel happy.


Put on some happy Christmas music and distract yourself by baking lots of yummy Christmas cookies. That's what I like to do.


And then as an added bonus, you can take the cookies to neighbors, friends, coworkers, nursing homes. Everyone is so happy about getting them, especially the people at nursing homes. Many of them feel pretty alone at Christmas too.


Put on some happy Christmas music and distract yourself by baking lots of yummy Christmas cookies. That's what I like to do.


And then as an added bonus, you can take the cookies to neighbors, friends, coworkers, nursing homes. Everyone is so happy about getting them, especially the people at nursing homes. Many of them feel pretty alone at Christmas too.


I should have thought of that before. There's a home for needy children just down the street. Every year I make donations but next year I could actually participate in the Christmas party and everything. That's be a good feeling indeed, helping others!


Unfortunately I wasn't able to leave home today (it's already 9:35pm here where I live) because the streets, malls, cinemas, everything is so packed-full of people and this time of year is also quite dangerous around here, lots of muggings and the like. Maybe next year I'll try and travel somewhere nicer.


*hugs and give cake*




The holiday season is not a happy jolly moment for everyone. For instance, my grandpa died on New Years 1994, so that's gonna make it 20 years next week. My mother is pretty depressed when she thinks about it, and it takes much effort for her to get in the holidays spirit.


But back to you, try to make plans for New Years at least. Just a little thing out of ordinary. And I hope next year is better for you. ^^


I'm sorry to hear about your family.


For me, I always spend Christmas alone, because my dad is overseas working and it's just me and my mom. I literally don't have any relatives living in the country I'm living in. My mom was never the type to celebrate Christmas (or any day for that matter). I learned how to live through it by playing games I guess. Internet is my best friend. Maybe play some RPG games out there, there's always people who game on those days because they feel the same way you do. That's what I did for my Christmas for years. There's a drama I really like right now so I think I'll live through another year with it :) I'm not depressed about celebrating Christmas anymore since it's been so many years I don't.


Not everyone is as happy as they seem, so don't be depressed about it. I have gone to movies with friends just because I felt obliged to. I felt like I totally wasted my time and money and felt depressed over that.


I hope you find something to do over the holidays! Merry Christmas~!


Thanks for all the support guys, you rock! Yeah, I'm trying to de-focus off the bad stuff (like my father, who is certainly gonna make me feel guilty for, well, everything gone wrong in his life, next time we talk). Tomorrow is going to be a pretty boring day to say the least, tho.


At least I'm spending New Year at my summer house (it's summer here right now) on the beach with lots of family members. We're gonna go to the beach wearing white and as soon as the clocks hit midnight we're gonna skip (jump? hop? never know) seven waves on the sea, as it's tradition around here. They say it brings good luck through all the new year to come, so who knows, maybe it works :)


Sounds like a pretty fun tradition. Just remember that even when it does feel lonely, atleast you still have your mum and other relatives to celebrate the holidays with. It's the season of giving and being thankful for what we have, so be thankful that you get to spend it with your family :) some people don't even have that much..


I can relate. My mom fell and broke her hip and shoulder just after Thanksgiving, and she has to have both of them replaced since they're not healing. Her shoulder surgery was today, and her hip surgery will be Friday. So she and my dad are celebrating Christmas in the hospital. On top of that, my dad's cousin's wife died on Saturday (they live about 15 minutes apart and are really close, so she was more like an aunt). So I couldn't go visit them, and my car's been acting up, so I can't visit any other family, either (I have none in town). But a friend invited me over tomorrow, so I won't spend Christmas completely alone. And my mom, dad, cousin, and his kids/grandkids/great-grandkids are all having a worse Christmas than I am, as are the many homeless, friendless, and truly alone, the other hospitalized, the imprisoned, the homebound, etc.


The first Christmas wasn't exactly a picnic, either, with Joseph and Mary traveling, giving birth in a strange land, having to stay in a barn... so I'm trying to focus on the real meaning of the season, and be thankful for all that I have. Because really, compared to most of the people in the world, I've been really blessed and fortunate.


I hope you can find some way to celebrate in a way that gives you joy and peace.


I'm sorry to hear that. Christmas has always been the time that my immediate family spent together. I'm glad that you're free of your father's influence. Perhaps Christmas will be a happy time in the future. My suggestion is to make some traditions that make Christmas special that's what my family has done. I think the cookies idea was great my family has always enjoyed making Christmas cookies. With that said I hope you have a merry Christmas in spite of everything.


I can relate. My mom fell and broke her hip and shoulder just after Thanksgiving, and she has to have both of them replaced since they're not healing. Her shoulder surgery was today, and her hip surgery will be Friday. So she and my dad are celebrating Christmas in the hospital. On top of that, my dad's cousin's wife died on Saturday (they live about 15 minutes apart and are really close, so she was more like an aunt). So I couldn't go visit them, and my car's been acting up, so I can't visit any other family, either (I have none in town). But a friend invited me over tomorrow, so I won't spend Christmas completely alone. And my mom, dad, cousin, and his kids/grandkids/great-grandkids are all having a worse Christmas than I am, as are the many homeless, friendless, and truly alone, the other hospitalized, the imprisoned, the homebound, etc.


The first Christmas wasn't exactly a picnic, either, with Joseph and Mary traveling, giving birth in a strange land, having to stay in a barn... so I'm trying to focus on the real meaning of the season, and be thankful for all that I have. Because really, compared to most of the people in the world, I've been really blessed and fortunate.


I hope you can find some way to celebrate in a way that gives you joy and peace.


That was absolutely beautiful and inspiring. Thank you very much for the support. All of you guys too!


And the beautiful thing about the internet is that everyone is living in different time zones. A lot of them do come online even if it's just a little while. I'm sure there are things to do that you like, but if there is a dull moment and you're lonely and sad, come on the internet, chat, play games, you'll see that there are surprisingly a lot of people to share the Holidays with. (Been there, done that and had a lot of fun too ;) )

Play board games or such with your mom, watch a nice movie together. Since it's summer for you: Darken your rooms, light some candles and make it cosy ;)

And for next years, if no one invites you, invite some friends/family yourself to do fun stuff. :laughingsmiley:


Guys, I just wanna thank you for all the support, both here and on Neopets. Many people came to talk to me thru neomail, and I even got great gifts. Thank you so very much for listening and caring! You made my Christmas much less lonely! Love you all <3

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