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Where have you been in the World?


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Hi guys :)


Just curious to see where you have travelled to in the World, or where you would love to go!


I'll start!


I've been in:






Belgium (Brussels)


USA (California)



I would like to go to:

Estonia (btw, if anyone knows anything about Tallinn, please say so, am going next year :) )



USA (again)



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I've been in:


Belgium (Brussels is a city!)

The Netherlands




Canada/Alberta and BC


That's about it... Haven't traveled much.


I would like to go in the future to:

Tanzania (Want to see real life wild Cheetah's!)


Sweden or Norway (I would love to see the aurora borealis once)


Countries with lots of wild birds

I'll probably go to different states in Canada too in the future.

Maybe Russia

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I've yet to have the chance to really travel.


I've been to 14 different states, I believe. Outside of the US, I've only been to Mexico and an island in the Bahamas.


I'd love to go really everywhere I can, but topping my list is Germany, Egypt, Ireland, Japan, Russia, China and Sweden. I also want to make it to every state, as part of my bucket list I guess.

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I've been to Quebec City, New York, L.A. (and a number of cities down the West Coast- did a road trip from Vancouver to L.A. :)), Edinburgh, London, Bath, Oxford, a couple of places in Mexico, and Cuba (oh, Varadero! <3). Not nearly enough travelling for me.


My girlfriend and I have been tossing around the idea of a big European trip next year, starting in Sarajevo for the WWI centennial conference, then driving up through Austria, Germany, and into Denmark to visit her family there. It would be so lovely, but I just don't know how we (mainly I!) would be able to get the time off work. *sigh*

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I'd love to travel the world, but I just haven't had the opportunity yet... I have been to a couple of places though; Scotland, Wales, Belgium, and France :)

I would love to visit China, Japan, USA, Italy and Mexico though :) Maybe one day...

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Only Europe really, I've been to Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Italy, Belgium, I come from Bulgaria and live in Wales, UK, don't know if that counts as a trip :D I would love to go to more places, namely Finland and Japan, Canada as well, however most travelling money nowadays is spent visiting family back in Bulgaria. I and my boyfriend often joke about how it would cost us the same to spend a week at the Riviera as it does to fly to and from Bulgaria. Airlines...

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Before this past summer, I'd only been to the states between Florida and New York, Alaska (I don't think I'll count airports along the way), and Vancouver, BC, CA. This past summer, my brother, father, and I drove from North Carolina to Washington state (taking the Northern route), so I went through quite a few states then. About a month later, I went to China ^^


I'd love to visit some European countries! And South American. And Australian. And African. And Central American. And Middle Eastern. And other Asian ones besides China. And I just want to travel xD

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I've mostly only been to various states in the US--mostly the midwest, the pacific northwest, and a little bit of the south on the Atlantic. I'm not counting places I've only been in airports to.


I have yet to travel outside of the US, but this summer I think I will be doing an internship somewhere in North Africa. I would love to travel to and stay in Saudi Arabia and Japan for a little while --I have many friends who are from these countries

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I've been to Quebec City, New York, L.A. (and a number of cities down the West Coast- did a road trip from Vancouver to L.A. :)), Edinburgh, London, Bath, Oxford, a couple of places in Mexico, and Cuba (oh, Varadero! <3). Not nearly enough travelling for me.


My girlfriend and I have been tossing around the idea of a big European trip next year, starting in Sarajevo for the WWI centennial conference, then driving up through Austria, Germany, and into Denmark to visit her family there. It would be so lovely, but I just don't know how we (mainly I!) would be able to get the time off work. *sigh*


Oh how nice, where does she have family in Denmark? If you like big cities, Copenhagen is amazing.

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I've been very fortunate to have a family who loves to travel :) My parents took us everywhere during Summer break. And I also had an aunt who would travel for work, so we always visited her when she moved to a different country.


Let's see...starting with Asia I haven't gotten around as much as I'd like but I've been to Singapore, Hong Kong, Taiwan, Indonesia, Malaysia, India, Israel, Japan, Russia and the UAE. I'd like to go see Thailand, Cambodia, and Turkey one of these days.


Europe is a very easy place to get around, we love to take trains and get lost :P Been to Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Switzerland, Spain, Portugal and England. We've been wanting to go to the Czech Republic but haven't managed to yet! I'd also like to visit Scandinavian countries, but can't convince my dad to brave the cold just yet.


Hm, also have been to Kenya and Morocco (my aunt was stationed there for a bit so we visited) and South Africa; New Zealand, Australia, of course, been to the US, Mexico and Canada. And Brazil, but didn't spend as much time as I would have liked - I really want to go back and see other South American countries.


I love history and art and food, so travelling is fascinating and very worthwhile for me. I do dislike beaches though!

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I (sadly) have not been out of the USA.

I have been to a few places in the USA.

New York (Love it there!!!)







Hoping to go to Hawaii next year (if I can save the money to go!)


I would love to travel to as many places as I can!!

I have seen so many beautiful pictures ot so many different places I would like to go.

One day ... One day .... **Day dreaming**

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I've been to a few places but nothing too exciting so far.

Places I've been:
Dominican Republic

Places I want to go are:
Finland (heard so many nice things about this country)

Actually...I would like to see most of Europe. Ahh maybe one day..

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Thanks to the hubby's old job as a long-haul trucker, I've been to the continental 48 states.

No, it's not nearly as exciting as it sounds. I'd say about 80% interstate driving, 10% waiting to get the trucked loaded or unloaded, 8% driving down side streets that were not built with vehicles that size in mind and 2% seeing anything remotely interesting.

Since my great-grandmother passed on, I've kinda wanted to visit the place she was born in England, but I can't figure out where it is or if the town even exists anymore.

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Oh how nice, where does she have family in Denmark? If you like big cities, Copenhagen is amazing.

I think they're pretty spread out over the country. I know that one of her uncles is from a small town on the border with Germany... when she gets up I'll have to ask her, haha. :D

Is it ever! I've seen some photos of Copenhagen, and it is just gorgeous! :D

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I think they're pretty spread out over the country. I know that one of her uncles is from a small town on the border with Germany... when she gets up I'll have to ask her, haha. :D

Is it ever! I've seen some photos of Copenhagen, and it is just gorgeous! :D

Haha, that's in Sønderjylland (southern Jutland). People there are a bit... Funny :D And different from Zealand, where Copenhagen is.


If you go there and have any questions feel free to PM me :)

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Haha, that's in Sønderjylland (southern Jutland). People there are a bit... Funny :D And different from Zealand, where Copenhagen is.


If you go there and have any questions feel free to PM me :)

Hahaha, that's what I've been told. XD He certainly is a funny duck, lol. Thanks! I will probably take you up on that if we do get this trip planned :D

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  • 3 months later...

I'm from Brazil, and I've been to:

USA (California and Florida)

I want to visit:

USA again (New York and other states) and most of Europe (especially France, England, Germany and Sweden). But if I got the chance to visit pretty much any other country in the world, I'd be very happy. I love to travel! :D

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I live in Virginia but I've been to Florida, Texas, California, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Maryland, and North and South Carolina. I also went to Canada once when I was too young to remember. I would love to visit my big sister in New York someday. I also want to go to Germany with my family because my dad used to live there and he misses it.

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I'm from England but I live in Scotland (everyone should go to Scotland) and my boyfriend lives in Wales, does that count?


I love travelling though, and in the previous few years I have been to:

France (Paris, and near Toulouse in the countryside, as well as an exchange to Chalons-En-Champagne where they make Champagne)

Germany (Berlin)


Amsterdam, Holland

Budapest, Hungary

Vienna, Austria

Prague, Czech Republic


Krakow, Poland

Barcelona, Spain

Reykjavic, Iceland

Chicago, IL

New York (City and State!)



I'd love to travel South-East Asia, South America, Canada, and this summer I'm hoping to go to Israel/Palestine to make a documentary!

Going to be exciting I can tell!

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