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Unfairly Frozen! ALL of my accounts! D:


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My main account and side accounts have all been frozen for 'cheating'?
I've never done anything against the rules on any of them!

What do I do?
Am I allowed to create a new account so I can send in a ticket?

I've literally been crying all day.
I only just went out and bought $60 of NC cards yesterday and after only being able to use one on my side account I logged on to see I'd been frozen? D:

It isn't against the rules to use NC cards on side accounts is it? D:
That's the only thing I can see as being suspicious, But... I've checked everywhere and they say it's fine... q.q

Do I send a ticket in?
Will it do any good at all?


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You are allowed to redeem NC cards on any of your account (main or sides.)


Maybe your account was compromised in some ways... or you were really doing something else against the rules such as doing dailies or playing games on multiple accounts.


Read our articles:





Also, I'm very sorry it's happening to you. Been wrongly frozen in the past too. :( And I cried a lot.

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My main account and side accounts have all been frozen for 'cheating'?

I've never done anything against the rules on any of them!


What do I do?

Am I allowed to create a new account so I can send in a ticket?


I've literally been crying all day.

I only just went out and bought $60 of NC cards yesterday and after only being able to use one on my side account I logged on to see I'd been frozen? D:


It isn't against the rules to use NC cards on side accounts is it? D:

That's the only thing I can see as being suspicious, But... I've checked everywhere and they say it's fine... q.q


Do I send a ticket in?

Will it do any good at all?





That must be unfortunate. :(

Did you play games, do dailies, buy from shops, anything on your accounts?

Have you reported someone recently?

If not, maybe your account was compromised.


(Apparently, TNT is not very good at not freezing innocent people and also bad at freezing people who have suicide times for AC (Please don't ask))


You could send in a ticket and hope TNT is in a good mood they unfreeze your account.

Do you have screenshots?

Maybe no. of neggery points?

Or valuable items in your SDB?


Usually with NC they are faster. Also include your NC purchase (date/time of redemption, maybe what did you buy using that NC(if you bought already), amount of NC. Maybe they thought someone else put the NC because you never bought NC before.


I'm sorry this happened. :( I hope you get your account back!

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I know this doesn't do much for you, but I'm so sorry that happened to you and after you spent so much on NC!


The only thing I can think is maybe you bought something from a shell account? It seems like there's a lot of sketchy people around selling items they got because of cheating and TNT is freezing people participating in these transactions. Or maybe a bad pet trade, if the pet in question was illegit?


Hopefully, TNT works in your favour and you can get everything back.

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I've never traded pets before, and I haven't really bought anything expensive recently. I've been trying to get my Tuskaninny up to 300 HSD and was only 3hp away from it... I have been buying bulk codestone lots through the trading post... Maybe they weren't Legit?

I really can't see anything I've done wrong, If I have!
Never played games on my side account, or done dailies on them, etc.

I'm really broken up about this and I don't know what to do. Four years of playing and just "WHAM" frozen... :/
I'm actually considering leaving Neopets alltogether if I can't get my account back...

After spending hundreds of dollars on Neocash over the years, and hours and hours playing games to reach my goals...

I can't even.
My poor pets...
They were like my family...
And quite literally my only friends...
Even though they were just Pixels.
I knew they'd always be there when I came home from school :/

I'm so upset I just don't know what to do.

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I'm so sorry for you! This is terrible.

You can't really know if some accounts are shells or not can you? I mean... you just make a trade.

I really understand how you feel about your pets, even if its just online, you spent a lot of time (and even money!) on them. You care for them, feel responisble.


I really hope you get it back!

This wouldn't be fair if you didn't do anything against to rules to your knowledge.

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I've never traded pets before, and I haven't really bought anything expensive recently. I've been trying to get my Tuskaninny up to 300 HSD and was only 3hp away from it... I have been buying bulk codestone lots through the trading post... Maybe they weren't Legit?



I really can't see anything I've done wrong, If I have!

Never played games on my side account, or done dailies on them, etc.


I'm really broken up about this and I don't know what to do. Four years of playing and just "WHAM" frozen... :/

I'm actually considering leaving Neopets alltogether if I can't get my account back...


After spending hundreds of dollars on Neocash over the years, and hours and hours playing games to reach my goals...



I can't even.

My poor pets...

They were like my family...

And quite literally my only friends...

Even though they were just Pixels.

I knew they'd always be there when I came home from school :/



I'm so upset I just don't know what to do.


Oh Atta I am so sorry for you


reading what you said brought a lump to my throat, I can imagine how heartbroken you must feel just now, I only hope that TNT will help you to get your accounts back.


Its not at all silly to feel terrible about this, you have put such a lot into your pets that they are real to you now and you worked so hard to build your accounts to be just as you wanted them to be thats a huge loss


here have a virtual (((HUG))) <3


It scares me that this can happen with no chance to discuss it and no explanation

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Oh no! That's so terrible! *hugs* :crying_blow:

Unfortunately, TNT tends to freeze people unfairly a lot now, and often the accounts are not recovered. :( If you've bought a lot of NC, however, there's a slightly higher chance that you'll get your accounts back. Provide as much information as you can- like rockyroad said, provide screenshots, things you had in your inventory/SDB/closet, the birthday you set on your accounts...

It's very sad that TNT freezes accounts unfairly quite a bit nowadays, and I really hope you get your accounts back. :(

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