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There is a pound but they claim they don't support anyone putting neopets in the pound and saying we are bad owners if we do this. If you have such a problem with it, get rid of the pound (which you shouldn't do) or stop contradicting yourself.


If you're talking about the general Pound page talking about "cruel, irresponsible owners", I think they're just joking around. The creepiness of Dr. Death is played up quite a bit.

If you're talking about the disclaimer on the Abandon page, that's talking about real life pets. Those definitely aren't pets to throw away or leave for somebody else to deal with.


I agree with Wildbreeze and hrtbrk :) It's just a joke, they don't really mean it. I mean, they're fictional for crying out loud lol there's no harm in abandoning them


Well some people like me didn't understand it and take that seriously, not funny. -.- :sad01_anim:


I think in a way they are serious.


Keep in mind that there are alot of young kids playing Neopets and they don't want little kids to get in the habit of "pounding" pets, because that's really not okay in real life.


That being said, they should and do have the option there as a last resort, but Neopets definitely doesn't support the idea of pounding pets just because they think it might form habits in kids that could continue through their lives.



I also agree that some of the wording may lead people to believe they are either a) super duper serious or b) completely messing around.


I think it's somewhere in between but that's just my take on it.







Very good point you bring up though.


I think TNT understands that sometimes we make Neopets when they're newly released, or the LE's that are released on a certain day. Then maybe some time goes by and we see that it's costing a lot of NP to keep them fed, or to paint them the color we want, and we're regretting filling that slot on our account.


It's the people who make random pets for avatars, then dispose of them that probably provoked that phrase. This is also only my take on it but that's really what I think.


There are so many pets with "bad names" that just get thrown in there. It's overcrowded for sure, so I could understand if it wasn't a joke, but TNT also has an odd sense of humor at times.


THE POINT OF THIS RAMBLING: Don't take it to heart, but think before you create/pound a pet. :3


I put a pet in the pound today, but he is limited edition, well named, and painted and he has an owner now. I wouldn't become a frequent visitor to the pound though.


I'm a terrible person, because I pound pets just for avatars. Even more cruel that I actually use them as lab rat for the lab ray (including their petpets), and then I sometimes abandon them! Plus, my permanent pet is also a lab rat (currently a gelert, who apparently, really doesn't like the lab ray). And I also pick up petpets from the pound that I just sell for NPs (before anyone asks, it's allowed).


Womp womp!

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